Results for Cloud Hosting

Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting

July 14, 2018
The world of the IoT is not as easy as we thought. Let’s take a look at our article to learn more about it and how it influences the cloud hosting.

Do you know about the IoT (Internet of Things)? How many percents can you estimate its effect on your enterprise? This technology has burst onto the scene recently and a large number of companies are about to catch onto this trend. The list of companies involved includes not only small and medium-size but also Global 2000 ones. You may be curious that why they turn by turn bring the IoT to cloud hosting. The answer is that they might not be aware of how much it can harm their system.

What is it taking place?

Perhaps everyone all wants to know more about how it is going and why it is relatively risky to the cloud hosting as well as IT. Let me make it clear by giving an example. In case the HVAC system (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) of one building has some problems with physical devices or actuators and this stuff stops working. The most common way to address this issue is that they usually replace by using other smart devices.

Which consequences does it lead to?

However, the most crucial point is that when they use these new devices they were unaware of the risk of the IoT. Due to the fact that these IoT devices have their own operating system and even maintain its own database. Sadly, individuals who take responsibility for this action do not know about this existence and keeping replacing their company’s network. Somehow the company’s cloud hosting is damaged because of that.

The fact is that hacking the IoT devices are not challenging and the system can be attacked a mile a minute. Hence, all of the information including data and password will be taken away to serve many bad purposes. When we cannot ensure the security for our company, the trust from not only clients but also employees is far away.

Furthermore, all of the worst things are still spread once company using the IoT devices. The danger and risk might go up to a new level as when we upgrade to many other devices such as printers, copiers, etc. they are likely to turn against your system. Of course, we cannot turn a blind eye to the potential of the cloud system is also attacked. We all know that once the cloud is assaulted, the consequence is relatively terrible.

Bear in mind that you should throw away the thought of money can exchange anything. As the matter of the fact, not all expensive devices can make sure your cloud hosting system to be safe. Hordes of enterprises fail into the trap of splurging on the costly item but the firewall was still broken.

What should we do?

Unfortunately, in the next few years, the IoT will be used widely, hence it becomes an extremely big issue when the cloud hosting is laxer than any before. This problem is likely to occur at any enterprise. Perhaps, the business’s owners will devote a large amount of not only money but also time to fix the mistakes and the consequences led from this technology.

However, we are only disenchanted after making huge mistakes and suffering by losing money from an unsuccessful business deal. Hopefully, companies are able to learn from those mistakes to give more corrective decisions as well as actions.

I will let you know how corrective an action is. One tip from experienced individuals is that if the IoT providers cannot give their customers the same level of security as the public cloud suppliers can, reject it without hesitation. Even they have such appealing advertisement with a lot of attractive discount programs, you still should not use it. The security should be always put in the top priority, once the information is leaked, you and your company will lose the competitive edge on the market. Of course, it has a far-reaching influence on the revenue. In fact, many IoT enterprise is trying to enhance the security, though the secure IoT devices are too slow. That’s why some people criticize that those efforts are worthless.

All in all, Steve Jobs once said “Stay Hurry. Stay Foolish”, we cannot be mature if our life runs smoothly without any trouble. Even we know that the IoT can bring disadvantages for company’s security though why don’t we dare to try it and the lessons we learn from that is well worth it. However, from my own perspective, I do not encourage companies, my clients as well, to do that but if they have their own plan to develop and expand their business, why I have to prevent them from doing it.
Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting?

July 13, 2018
Don’t let your start-up fall behind the game. 10 reasons below will help you understand why you should adopt cloud hosting.

Nearly 2 decades after its first premiere, cloud hosting has shaped the way individuals and organizations storing and handling information and applications. In the age of cloud hosting, information, applications, software, data can be stored in a big amount and shared within connectors with security. Cloud computing allows users to access their files and data via a cloud-hosted server, which means you no longer need to keep everything on your physical computer system.

To keep your business alive in this fast-paced world, it is essential to keep up and adopt cloud hosting to manage and store your vital information. Below are 10 reasons why you should adopt cloud hosting as soon as possible.


Is it safe to use cloud computing service? The answer is yes. The server-host is paid to watch the system closely, alert and prevent any security problems. Compared to a myriad of IT problems in a physical computer system, security threats included, cloud platform is generally safer.

Security threats are what concerns most of the cloud users.
A survey form RapidScale claims that over 90% of businesses witnessed the security improvement after installing cloud computing. The secret lies behind the adoption of encryption in encoding data. Encryption makes sure data is less accessible from hackers and unauthorized individuals.


The cloud server offers a highly flexible option for businesses. First, you don’t have to pay too much attention to computers, storing issues, IT problems, and infrastructure for databases. If you need extra space for new-coming data, the cloud can upgrade to a bigger platform. If you need extra bandwidth, it can also provide you instantly. No need to worry about the complex infrastructure you need to upgrade using the local server. Using cloud computing gives you more choices and flexibility to focus on the business targets.


Cloud computing allows you to access your data, files, and applications anywhere via smart phones or mobile devices. Anyone from busy manager to outsourcing staffs who are unable to come to the office can get their hands in the files.


In the digital age, data can be converted into money. Analyzed data gives businesses insights of which direction to go and how to launch their next projects. Many cloud services offer cloud analytics in which users can carry out tracking mechanisms and draw up reports and analyze data. This will help increase efficiency and broaden future insights of the business.


Cloud system eliminates inconsistency and human error in data by allowing many authorized individuals to access and cross-check the information. The stored information in the cloud-based system stays in the same place and in the same format will help businesses avoid confusion and dilute data.


If you worry about money, you are not alone as 20% of organizations are worried about the initial cost to launch cloud computing. There are free-cloud options with less secure for things that are not necessarily important. And pay-as-you-go options for essential information. Using cloud service helps you save time and money for start-up projects. Clouds often feature many useful tools to manage and process information. Since you pay for the suitable storage package, you don’t have to worry whether if these features are not necessary.

IT managers can save money and resources for cloud adoption.

Disaster recovery

Using local server from computers to store data increase your risk of lost data, and in some worst cases, unable-to-recover data. The cloud-based system provides solutions to any scenarios from natural disasters such as earthquakes or downtime such as power outages. Your data can be retrieved as quickly as possible leaving no damages, though the retrieving period depends on how severe the situation is.

Loss prevention

If you use the local server on your computer to store data, you likely to experience local hardware problems. The problems can be so severe, you end up losing your information and data permanently. Computer malfunctions are so common and unavoidable. The solution to this is using cloud computing. First, you can always recover your lost data on cloud servers. Second, your data is generally safe from any hardware malfunctions that cause permanent data loss. Your data is protected and accessible from any mobile or immobile devices via the internet.


In this digital age, the winner is the one who constantly aware of what is happening around. Your business, especially when it is new, need to step up the game before your rivals. The cloud-based system increases your competitive advantage. A study from Verizon shows that over 70% of businesses believe the cloud gives them chances to go ahead of the game while 16% believe the competitive sense of adopting cloud computing is critical.


The cloud system is virtual and environmental-friendly.
Since you don’t need a large number of computers to store information, you have made a big choice to switch into a sustainable path not only for your business but also for the planet. The cloud is definitely more environmental-friendly since its infrastructures are mainly virtual services, not physical hardware. The cloud helps your business cut down on paper waste, and increase energy efficiency.
Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 13, 2018 Rating: 5

Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting?

July 07, 2018
Description: Don’t let your start-up fall behind the game. 10 reasons below will help you understand why you should adopt cloud hosting.

Nearly 2 decades after its first premiere, cloud hosting has shaped the way individuals and organizations storing and handling information and applications. In the age of cloud hosting, information, applications, software, data can be stored in a big amount and shared within connectors with security. Cloud computing allows users to access their files and data via a cloud-hosted server, which means you no longer need to keep everything on your physical computer system.

To keep your business alive in this fast-paced world, it is essential to keep up and adopt cloud hosting to manage and store your vital information. Below are 10 reasons why you should adopt cloud hosting as soon as possible.


Is it safe to use cloud computing service? The answer is yes. The server-host is paid to watch the system closely, alert and prevent any security problems. Compared to a myriad of IT problems in a physical computer system, security threats included, cloud platform is generally safer.

A survey form RapidScale claims that over 90% of businesses witnessed the security improvement after installing cloud computing. The secret lies behind the adoption of encryption in encoding data. Encryption makes sure data is less accessible from hackers and unauthorized individuals.


The cloud server offers a highly flexible option for businesses. First, you don’t have to pay too much attention to computers, storing issues, IT problems, and infrastructure for databases. If you need extra space for new-coming data, the cloud can upgrade to a bigger platform. If you need extra bandwidth, it can also provide you instantly. No need to worry about the complex infrastructure you need to upgrade using the local server. Using cloud computing gives you more choices and flexibility to focus on the business targets.


Cloud computing allows you to access your data, files, and applications anywhere via smart phones or mobile devices. Anyone from busy manager to outsourcing staffs who are unable to come to the office can get their hands in the files.


In the digital age, data can be converted into money. Analyzed data gives businesses insights of which direction to go and how to launch their next projects. Many cloud services offer cloud analytics in which users can carry out tracking mechanisms and draw up reports and analyze data. This will help increase efficiency and broaden future insights of the business.


Cloud system eliminates inconsistency and human error in data by allowing many authorized individuals to access and cross-check the information. The stored information in the cloud-based system stays in the same place and in the same format will help businesses avoid confusion and dilute data.


If you worry about money, you are not alone as 20% of organizations are worried about the initial cost to launch cloud computing. There are free-cloud options with less secure for things that are not necessarily important. And pay-as-you-go options for essential information. Using cloud service helps you save time and money for start-up projects. Clouds often feature many useful tools to manage and process information. Since you pay for the suitable storage package, you don’t have to worry whether if these features are not necessary.

Disaster recovery 

Using local server from computers to store data increase your risk of lost data, and in some worst cases, unable-to-recover data. The cloud-based system provides solutions to any scenarios from natural disasters such as earthquakes or downtime such as power outages. Your data can be retrieved as quickly as possible leaving no damages, though the retrieving period depends on how severe the situation is.

Loss prevention

If you use the local server on your computer to store data, you likely to experience local hardware problems. The problems can be so severe, you end up losing your information and data permanently. Computer malfunctions are so common and unavoidable. The solution to this is using cloud computing. First, you can always recover your lost data on cloud servers. Second, your data is generally safe from any hardware malfunctions that cause permanent data loss. Your data is protected and accessible from any mobile or immobile devices via the internet.


In this digital age, the winner is the one who constantly aware of what is happening around. Your business, especially when it is new, need to step up the game before your rivals. The cloud-based system increases your competitive advantage. A study from Verizon shows that over 70% of businesses believe the cloud gives them chances to go ahead of the game while 16% believe the competitive sense of adopting cloud computing is critical.


Since you don’t need a large number of computers to store information, you have made a big choice to switch into a sustainable path not only for your business but also for the planet. The cloud is definitely more environmental-friendly since its infrastructures are mainly virtual services, not physical hardware. The cloud helps your business cut down on paper waste, and increase energy efficiency.
Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Top security threats of cloud hosting for 2018

July 04, 2018
Description: The trend of using cloud hosting has created many security threats for users and organizations. Let’s look at the top potential security threats for 2018

With the advent of cloud hosting, organizations and users have witnessed an enormous change in the way information, and applications are used, stored and shared. Besides wonderful advantages of cloud hosting services, the cloud has also posed several security risks and challenges that require attention from both users and service providers. How can we protect our private data in public cloud services without knowing what challenges to face?

Cloud security concerns need to be addressed to make sufficient decisions.
Being constantly aware of cloud security concerns helps cloud users make sufficient and instant decisions to protect their data and mindmap a strategy to adopt cloud hosting service. The top security threats below will help cloud users address their problems and develop ways to avoid them. 

Data disclosure 

Unintentional information or data spill refers to the unintentional or intentional leak of private information. A data spill can result from human or application error, hijacking, or poor security alert. The private information can be any kind of information, such as personal financial information, health data or intellectual property. As for an organization in possession of cloud-based data, the risk of data spill, though not alarming, is still constantly considered a potential concern for cloud users.

Inadequate identity and key management

Inadequate identity and access management can pose a potential threat for organizations and end users. How so? Individuals or organizations disguising as operators, developers or users can gain access to the information and data. Without sufficient identity and access management, those bad factors can read, change, or even delete data, take control of management functions, and release harmful software which can ultimately cause severe destruction to cloud hosting users.

Unprotected application programming interfaces (APIs)

Cloud users often use interfaces (UIs) or application programming interfaces (APIs) to communicate with service providers and manage their cloud hosting account. All the process of management and monitoring are carried out by these interfaces. Therefore the availability and security of cloud services greatly depend on the safety of APIs. Insecure APIs can lead to serious threats to the accessibility of users to their own cloud account. Therefore, APIs needs to be taken care of to work against accidental and intentional attempts to break policy

System vulnerabilities

Attackers and bad factors can exploit system vulnerabilities by using malfunction bugs in programs to steal system data, gain control of the system or interfere with the service operations. System vulnerabilities are extremely dangerous when they occur within what consisting the operating system. This poses a high potential risk of all services and data. The recent scandal from Intel’s security vulnerability that allowed one cloud user to gain access from others’ is an example of how multi-tenancy in the cloud system can do more harms than good.

Meltdown and Spectre, two system vulnerabilities, were found early this year in January. These two vulnerabilities allow harmful Javascript code to read content and encrypted data from memory. Meltdown and Spectre permit attackers to perform side-channel attacks and use unprivileged log-in to gain access to information from the kernel.

So far, there are still no serious exploits from Meltdown or Spectre, but there are chances that they will happen soon. The best method to protect cloud services is to ensure all the patches are in order. Cloud users should be aware of the threat and demand for higher assurance from the cloud providers.

Account hijacking

Account hijacking is no longer a surprise story with computer users, but with the advent of cloud hosting services, another threat of account hijacking is added into the list. Once hijackers gain access to a user’s account, they can easily grab information on activities and transactions, control data, release falsified information, and direct users to other sites. Stolen credentials from account and service instances allow attackers to access important areas of the cloud services, thus manipulating the availability, confidentiality of the cloud services.

Information loss

Account hijacking is not the only reason to blame if stored data in the cloud system is missing. Any carelessness from the cloud service provider or natural catastrophes such as earthquakes can lead to a serious and indefinite loss of data. Unlike cloud users who have plans to backup their data, using practices in disaster recovery and business permanence, the safety of their information is continuously at risk.

Inadequate examination  

Adopting cloud hosting service requires a close monitor from executives, organizations, and end users. The lack of due diligence of cloud service providers can lead to numerous threats to private and critical data. Therefore a checklist for evaluating the services and providers is required for the success and safety of users and organizations.

Denial-of-service attack

In computing, denial-of-service attack, often known as DoS attack, is made to prevent the accessibility of intended users to their own information or resource. It is often in form of temporarily disrupting the access of services to its host via the Internet. Attackers can create a myriad of finite system resources such as network bandwidth, processor power or disk space and force the services to consume them all. Since there is not enough space to process inordinate resources, the system will eventually slow down and prevent service users from accessing the services.
Top security threats of cloud hosting for 2018 Top security threats of cloud hosting for 2018 Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 04, 2018 Rating: 5

What to consider when building a cloud hosting?

June 27, 2018
Description: Building up a cloud hosting can be a tricky question. Here are some tips for you to determine which cloud service is suitable for your business.  

Cloud computing services are no longer just an option for businesses. They actually play a vital part in the process of storing and circulating information within an organization. For those who just catch up with this technology, it could be a challenge to establish a right strategy for using the cloud system for your start-up. Below are a few tips which help you to establish your criteria and pave your way to this platform.

Consider your needs 

You should never jump into the field without prior evaluating your needs for cloud service. There are two types of cloud services: public and private clouds. And your task is to decide which cloud should suit your needs. Whether it is public, private or both of them at the same time, it is essential to list down questions and concerns that help build a map to the core problems.

Considering your needs to determine which types of clouds is best for your business.
The first three things you should put into consideration when it comes to public or private clouds are the type of stored data, types of software and the number of people using the cloud. The information you want to store in your cloud will help you determine which cloud suits you better. If there are personal, sensitive information, you’d better go for the private cloud. If not, the public cloud is enough. The same with the type of software and the number of involved people. The more people get access to the cloud, the less secure it becomes.

Last but not least, how much are you willing to pay for the cloud service. There are free public cloud services, but the risk of security vulnerabilities is too high to pay. Private cloud, of course, requires an amount of money, but it will worth the money if your data is safe.

Evaluate the available options.

The next step is to take a closer look at the available cloud options.
Public clouds: There are two types of public clouds: free clouds and pay-per-use clouds. Public clouds allow many users to connect with the server by adopting a distributed infrastructure. They offer storage of computer resources, and non-sensitive data, such as email, and applications. SaaS (software as a service), IaaS (infrastructure as a service), andPaaS (platform as a service) are several examples of public clouds.

Public clouds prove to be flexible and efficient. You can store a large degree of data and resources with public clouds with an affordable price, meaning you gain more benefit from using public cloud. However, the threat of security vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks are two top concerns of public cloud users. Because many clients can use a public cloud, the cloud’s security is constantly at risk of hijacking. Reliability of public clouds is also questionable.

Private clouds: Private clouds also offer a platform to store data, applications, and resources for users. The only difference is they use a different architecture to establish their serve. In this way, private clouds are able to distribute their services to a customer or a company alone. The private cloud industry has seen an unprecedented growth in 2017. This growth positively confirms that private clouds are ideal for unpredictable needs from businesses, especially those which demand a better security alert, a storage for sensitive data and myriads of workloads.

Private clouds have the same advantages as public clouds. They are flexible and scalable. They offer a platform for a big amount of data. One more plus, they are more secure than public clouds since their services are protected behind a firewall and only allows a limited access of users.

To adopt a cloud that is more secure and able to handle high levels of data, it means that you have to pay a higher fee. Unlike public clouds, users have to manage their private clouds. Beside regular fee for the cloud provider, you have to pay for staffing, maintenance, and capital as well, not to mention cloud software and management tools to handle the cloud.

Hybrid clouds: Just as the name suggests, Hybrid clouds are combinations between private clouds and public clouds. They offer the most flexible platform where businesses can change their workloads according to their demands. For example, a business can both use an on-premises private cloud for their important data while using a public one for less important information.

Since Hybrid clouds are a crossbreed between public and private clouds, they bear the positive qualities of their parents. Hybrid clouds are highly effective, flexible and scalable. They allow users to switch back and forth between private and public serves, making sure their data is stored in the right place. That also explains the optimistic expectation for this young industry to reach $91.74 billion by 2021. The fact is, the detrimental side of hybrid clouds are not yet found, so there isn’t much to say about it.
What to consider when building a cloud hosting? What to consider when building a cloud hosting?  Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5

Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting

June 15, 2018
Description: If multi-tenancy is not multi-user or multi-enterprise as people used to believe, then how to define and gain benefits from using multi-tenancy in the cloud? Read on to find the answer cloud hosting adoption has become a trend in the IT world. A report by IDC reveals$17 billion out of $359 billion in this field could be spent for cloud hosting in 2019. More than half of participants in Baseline’s survey admit their use of public clouds.

Among many issues of adopting cloud hosting, how different workloads are implemented and contributed to different types of clouds raises concerns among IT managers, organizations, and end users. There are two types of cloud hosting, based on the features of workloads: public clouds and private clouds. Small-to-medium organizations or start-ups tend to use public clouds for most of the workloads. Large businesses, on the other hand, swing between the two clouds. The key is to maintain a balance of distributing workloads between public clouds and private clouds.

Besides the choice between public and private clouds, it is essential to pay attention to the architecture of the cloud, in this case, multi-tenancy. Understanding multi-tenancy and its very concepts is a vitally important step for cloud users to expand their cloud utilization.

What is Multi-tenancy

The virtual environment that a tenant requires often includes as many layers of enterprise architecture as possible. Thus, tenants are multi-users. Both departmental application to process sensitive data in private clouds and international application to work with product catalogs on public clouds have the same tenancy features and requirements, regardless of their different architecture.

Multi-tenancy is the key common attribute of both public and private clouds, and it applies to all three layers of a cloud: There are 3 layers of a cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Multi-tenancy is applied in both public and privates clouds in all three layers above. It allows tenants to access and run the server instance, thus reducing the expenditure of the service users.
Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server – Which one is Your Choice?
Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage
Top 9 Best Cloud Hosting Services in the World
When it comes to layers of a cloud. IaaS layer is often mentioned. As in both public and private clouds, it is known to encompass more than just tactical characteristics and carry out the implementation of IT-as-a-Service (ITaas). An Iaas also includes service-level-agreements (SLAs), which enhance the accountability. It strengthens security alert by using identity management. Last but not least, it features many wonderful key properties such as fault tolerance, disaster recovery and so on.

Multi-tenancy in clouds, if staying only in Iaas layer, isn’t worth to pursue further. It has to encompass PassS layer (application servers or JVM), Saas layer or even application layer where the database, workflow, and user interface are stored. Depending on the degree of multi-tenancy offered, customers or service users can enjoy the whole spectrum of services in a cloud.

Multi-tenancy and its degrees

At the highest level of multi-tenancy, it allows the sharing of the database as well as supports the transition of workflow, user interface, and business logic. The exact degree of multi-tenancy is hard to tell since it solely depends on the degree of sharing SaaS layer or the core application among tenants.

In the lowest level, multi-tenancy only includes the IaaS and PaaS layers and distributes SaaS layers to each tenant. A higher degree of multi-tenancy groups tenants that distribute database schemas and other applications. The middle degree allows each group of customers to own a customized database schema and the application.

Which multi-tenancy degree is suitable for you?

Choose multi-tenancy isn’t an easy quest since the features of the workload need to be determined, including the utilitarian of the workload against security, volatility, etc. The application of multi-tenancy is somewhat useful for the distribution of the same schema and features within shared services team. They also feature similar security process including encryption and authorization, which explains why public clouds are more attractive to easy-to-process workloads such as email, expense reporting, use training and functional testing. Users need to decide which degree of multi-tenancy they want and from which choose appropriate cloud providers.
However, as for the workloads designed for private and community, it is the service users’ job to form a multi-tenant architecture. The job is also to evaluate different cloud service providers and establish their own IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS layers.

In other words, multi-tenancy is a crucial part of cloud hosting. While most of it still applies the concepts of mainframe computing, multi-tenancy makes an encouraging move, trying to enlarge these concepts to assist as many intra- and inter-tenants as possible. The attempt to upgrade cloud hosting service by using multi-tenancy is quite revolutionary and complex to a certain extent.
Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 15, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server – Which one is Your Choice?

June 13, 2018

Meta: Should you use Cloud hosting or Dedicated Server? It is a little hard to determine which one, but you will select your option from our post.


Many people have no idea about choosing Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server. In other words, they still find out good points to be suited, and this becomes a hot topic in the IT world. Do not worry about that because you are not the only one to take into account. This is the time to identify each and determine for the upcoming time!

What are the differences between VPS Servers, Hosting Server, and Cloud Hosting?

There are 4 different types of Web Hosting including hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server (Server) and Cloud Hosting. The common points are that they act as a data storage center for your website; they differ only in storage capacity, control capacity, technical expertise, machine speed, ownership, and assurance.

Shared Hosting (Hosting)

In Shared Hosting (it is also known as hosting), your website is hosted on a server along with many other websites which can range from several hundred to several thousand websites. Typically, these websites share resources from servers like RAM and CPU.

At low cost, most of these websites run standard software that is built into the server. Hosting is popular not only because it is low cost but also because it does not require too much technical expertise.

The downside of Shared Hosting is that you do not have deep access to the system, limited when your website has high traffic, and your website performance can be affected by other websites on the same server.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting

A Virtual Server VPS is split from one server. Each server comes with a VPS server, but you are sharing the server with several other users, and this is a small ratio.

Each user has deep access to his or her VPS space and ensures a better hosting environment than hosting. Website owners need better security and speed control, but they do not want to invest in a server that might consider VPS forms.

Although the speed of processing better than hosting, VPS is still limited in this section.
If you choose the VPS service package that does not meet the requirements and your website performance, then it can still be affected by other websites on the same server. However, the level of influence is not much.

Dedicated Server (Server)

A Dedicated Server gives you complete control over the server you host. You are exclusive and can be rented to other users. Your website is the only site on the server if you want to.The only downside of this server is the price.

In general, servers are usually very expensive and are only recommended for use when you need maximum control and high-performance requirements. Also, you must ensure that you have certain knowledge to control the performance of the server.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting offers you an unlimited ability to handle large traffic. How does it work?If a group of servers (called clouds) works together, it can manage a group of websites. This allows multiple servers to connect to control traffic from any particular website within the managed website group.
Many Cloud Hosting packages are tuned to limit deep access to your system such as changing system settings and adding some software support.However, the cost is quite high.

Every server on the cloud-based system provides remote access service. With Linux, you can go to the server by root while you can Remote Desktop into the server and configure the server according to your needs when using Windows.

Furthermore, Cloud Server offers you a user-friendly Web 2.0-based management interface with full browser features such as reboot, power off, resource management, server reset, and other advanced features with just a few clicks.

Cloud Computing also uses Cisco's advanced security appliances and firewall systems that control incoming and outgoing traffic to separate the cloud system from the outside environment completely. Your databases and your servers are completely safe.

The registration and initialization Server completely automatically support you save their time. Just register the service and declare the server configuration information you need.  You can use the server in less than 10 minutes from the registration service.

Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server – which one is your option?

To determine the best option, you should consider the benefits of using these servers first and check your requirements later.

Price tag

For Dedicated Server, you will pay between $100 and $1000 depending on your packages. Sometimes, you can choose the first cost is lower (under $100), but these arrangements are not useful.

You pay only for the amount of storage and using time if you consider Cloud Hosting. Also, there is not an extra fee as your payment is the whole package.


In fact, Dedicated Server is faster than Cloud Hosting, but you sometimes can get stuff with some harsh situations like computer slowing, unwanted files or programs. In other words, you should upgrade, maintain, and manage the server on a regular basis.

Additionally, hiring a physical server located at a fixed location like Dedicated Server, you have to face some potential risks such as natural disasters, storms, floods, fire, etc.Before starting Dedicated Servers, be sure that your computers have been upgraded and you probably buy new servers as well.
Cloud Server, on the one hand, has a self-monitoring mechanism for servers in "Cloud" and users will enjoy the benefits of automatic switching between servers when one of the virtualization management modules have problems and cannot connect.


When using Cloud Hosting, your databases are stored and retrieved at the same time from many machines on the cloud feature. Do not worry about the server crashing because your websites or web applications are still secure.

Dedicated Server, on the other hand, you cannot get a smooth backup, and your websites go down in the case of a server incident. Also, please carry in mind that your websites could not recover until the server is repaired and run again.


Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server have its benefits and some drawbacks. Nonetheless, you still enable to select the right option when you ensure your needs, wants, and budget as well.
Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server – Which one is Your Choice? Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Server – Which one is Your Choice? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 13, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage

June 12, 2018
Whether you understand thoroughly about the concept of Cloud Hosting? Let’s check it in this article.

Cloud hosting is a fairly new term, so what is Cloud Hosting? What are the benefits of cloud hosting? In fact, Cloud Hosting works just like most other types of web hosting as we know, but the difference is that it runs on cloud servers so it's called Cloud Hosting.

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud Hosting is a new term for cloud-based Hosting services.
Physically, Cloud Hosting works similarly to the current types of Web Hosting.  Cloud Hosting also uses the same managed control panel Hosting as DirectAdmin, as well as configuring and setting up features such as Web Hosting. However, there is one difference between Cloud Hosting and Web Hosting is that Cloud Hosting runs on Cloud Servers (Cloud Server / Cloud VPS).
Cloud Hosting works based on the cloud computing technology, using the best server platform of the major servers in the world such as Cisc. In addition to Cloud Storage, the principle of distributed storage, it operates on the CloudLinux operating system. Moreover, it utilizes the load balancing technology among servers to provide access speed. Its speed is also faster than other types of Web Hosting. The data security is made sure to be higher as well as the minimal ability to Downtime for the Website.

Cloud Hosting operates based on the most advanced technology in the world today, allowing unlimited number of Servers to use a Website or a Website System. Cloud Hosting has a significant advantage over today's traditional hosting solutions such as the use of resources and the security of a cloud-hosted website. In fact, it is  always guaranteed on multiple servers instead of just one.The cloud computing technology also eliminates any physical limitations for the development and makes the data storage solution extremely flexible. The stability of the system Cloud Hosting compared to traditional hosting up to 300%.

Benefits from Cloud Hosting service

The users can benefit so much from Cloud Hosting service
The Cloud Hosting service allows even very small sites, without being famous, to benefit from the latest technology at a reasonable price. Cloud hosting works based on the most advanced technology in the world today that allows unlimited number of servers for a website or a website system. Cloud hosting allows for very high expansion, allowing users to use the resources and security of a cloud-hosted website secured by multiple servers. Cloud computing technology also removes any physical limitations for development and makes storage solutions extremely flexible.

Features of Cloud Hosting:

  • You can choose Windows or Linux operating system
  •  Server availability of SLA is made sure for 99.99%
  •  Narrow or shrink resources when requested
  •  100 Mbps Internet connection
  •  Services include firewall, monitoring, and operating system patches
  •  Data is back up and server can be restored
  •  Technical support 24/7

Advantages of Cloud Hosting:

Cloud Hosting offer customers a lot of advantages
- Rapid expansion: Cloud Hosting allows you to add resources as quickly as you need them and drop them when you do not need them. Users only pay for what they actually use, but always get the resources when they need it.

- Reliability: Cloud Hosting does not depend on any single hardware, so any faulty hardware will not affect the availability of cloud hosting, up to 99.99% uptime.

- Full management: Cloud Hosting will include patches and operating system monitors, as well as security firewalls, back-up data from the high-tech cloud computing infrastructure.

- Windows or Linux platforms: Cloud Hosting supports both Windows and Linux operating systems. So, users who develop on Microsoft SQL or mysql, IIS or apache, PHP or ASP.NET are all compatible.

Some disadvantages

The cloud hosting model still has some disadvantages:

- Privacy: Are users’ credentials and data stored in cloud computing private? Are they used for other purposes that the owner does not know? These questions may be answered properly after you use the service for a long time.

- Availability: Cloud services can be "suspended" unexpectedly, and objective risks such as lost internet connection, etc., may affect if you are not using the services. Data access in a certain amount of time affects work.

- Data loss: when using cloud hosting technology, we rely entirely on the provider, if for some reason the provider stops working or no longer provides the service, the user must copy Saving data from the cloud to a personal computer. This is very time-consuming, and there may be cases where data loss can not be reversed.

- Ownership: When the user no longer uses the cloud provider's services, does the data replication take place conveniently, and whether the vendor cancels all customer data?

- Security Issues: The storage of cloud data is on security enhancements, but it also causes hackers to steal the data.

Some prestigious Cloud Hosting providers (2017) 


InMotionHosting is very proud to be ranked in the top 1 for cloud hosting service. It provides you with the RAM of up to 8GB and the SSD of no charge. Also, the free control panel are recognized with SSL criteria, and the elective root access helps you manage the servers well.


When you need to upgrade and adapt the VPS solutions, HostGator is a great idea. With the huge capability, it can store all your data up to 80% compared to other services. Especially, HostGator offers customers the website builder with thousands of templates. Well, they cost you nothing!


The dominant feature of this cloud hosting provider is the good security for site backup and sitelock. Moreover, it offers you various choices of CPU cores and memory capability which are up to 8GB.

I hope you understand those basic things about Cloud Hosting. Have a nice day!
Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5

Top 9 Best Cloud Hosting Services in the World

June 03, 2018
Avoid an attractive trap with a cloud hosting service provider when you do not do your homework – find out the real side of the scene!


When you need to control something bigger like your client’s databases, then you should prefer using the cloud computing. Cloud hosting is a new type of hosting way for handling wider website or projects.

There are many options for bloggers, developers, and website creators to choose from a quality service provider about offering web-hosting services like the shared web hosting.

In fact, the simple way to begin with the cloud-based platform is using the shared web hosting. The key point here is you need to find a reputable provider to help you start the journey.

This is the reason why we are here to support your list out top 9 best cloud hosting services in the world.

Top 9 best cloud hosting services on the market: 

#1 –Amazon Web Services 

Amazon Web Service is currently the most powerful IaaS cloud service provider, but now they are competing with the two major technology companies are Microsoft and Google.

This company is a set of service that provides programmers with access to Amazon's ready-to-use computing infrastructure. Amazon's robust, built-in PCs are now available to allow anyone with access to the Internet.

Also, Amazon offers a number of Web services, but this series focuses only on basic building blocks, which meet some of the core requirements of most systems such as storing, calculating, transmitting messages and data sets.

You can build complex and multifaceted applications using the layered functions with reliable, efficient, integrated merge services provided by Amazon.

Web services exist within the cloud outside of your environment and are potentially very high performance. You pay only based on what you use without having to pay the initial costs and capital.

You do not need to spend money for maintenance because the hardware is maintained and served by Amazon.

#2 –Microsoft Azure

In this industry, Microsoft Azure is a serious competitor to AWS. With the strengths of analytics, personal archiving and especially disaster recovery such as data recovery, bug fixes to applications with their extended service packs.

Microsoft Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy, and manage applications across the Microsoft Data Center global network.

Microsoft Azure is well-suited to be available and has a balanced load design and is capable of self-healing when the hardware fails.

You can use any language, tool or platform to build applications. And you can integrate your public cloud applications with the built-in IT environment.

#3 –Google Drive

Google's hosting service provides storage space on the cloud platform. For example, with the free up to 15GB, it allows users to store many types of data such as text, video, audio, PDF and on the "cloud" platform.

Google Drive with advanced Google Docs and Google+ support makes it easy for users to access and edit documents anywhere or share files with friends.

With Google Drive, you can access your documents anywhere and any iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone, laptop or desktop.

#4 –HostGator

HostGator is also one of the top 10 best cloud hosting service companies, it is providing hosting for over 1,800,000 domains, and about 200 employees work. This number has made a lot of people believe, and there are quite a lot of companies and bloggers are a reseller for HostGator and also use their services.

However, the $3.96 package is limited when you can only host a single domain, if you want unlimited, you have to pack another package for $7.95.

#5 –Inmotion

Inmotion hosting offers a variety of hosting services, affordable hosting packages for individuals, VPSs, servers and hosting packages for businesses.

Even the cheapest package of Inmotion hosting ($3 per month) is also provided with utilities such as Backup, Website builder, spam protection, etc.

This service provider is rated by CNET as the top three in the industry and considered the official CNET service.

Reasonable price, fast server speed, stable hosting, good customer service, Inmotion is one of the few companies with Max Speed Zones service that allows your website can load faster. In addition, Inmotion is also a reputable and quality VPS provider.

#6 – Bluehost

When it comes to naming well-served reputation, Bluehost Cloud Hosting is one of the most popular web-hosting service providers.

This service vendor has become the biggest brand name in the WordPress hosting as a popular hosting service provider. It offers service more than 2 million websites from countries to the world.

With several features in each plan, this provider is available for both starters and experienced users.
Bluehost is a worthy investment at the reasonable price point, to begin with, a host and infrastructure at once. Your websites can meet all standards of many searching websites like Google.

#7 –Dreamhost

DreamHost is also one of the reputable and quality host providers. The number of bloggers and webmasters using DreamHost is quite high. However, compared with BlueHost, the price of DreamHost is a bit pricey.

The great thing about theDreamhostis it has a great reward policy, you cannot spend money hosting if you introduce the Dreamhost to your friends or other new users.

#8 –Vultr

Vultr is a cloud computing provider which gives the high-performance SSD cloud servers around the world.

They always improve their services to make a reputable company for all developers and webmasters. Thanks to a high-quality platform, they enable to create the most reputable service for all clients.
Today, Vultr has more than 15 datacenters from countries to the world, including some cities in the US, Singapore, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Paris, Frankfurt, and Sydney. They specialize in fast cloud infrastructure with Intel-based machines as well.

#9 –Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a cloud hosting enterprise based in the US which designed the cloud-based platform for all developers. The company was found in New York in 2011 with many talented engineers.
Digital Ocean has more than 500,000 developers around the globe these days. They are one of the best cloud hosting providers in the industry without getting any troubles like hacking issues or co-operations reported.


Security problems are not a difficult point for every business with the cloud computing. However, this factor will ensure at the highest level when you find out the best cloud hosting services providers.
You know, like any service, there are several vendors around the world can promote this industry with attractive advertising information. You will get a trap if you do not discover high-quality companies in the today’s digital world.
Top 9 Best Cloud Hosting Services in the World Top 9 Best Cloud Hosting Services in the World Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 03, 2018 Rating: 5

What should we prepare for AI in the machine learning era?

May 08, 2018
What do you know about Artificial Intelligence? How to prepare for this significant change in machine learning? Keep reading this article.


AI has been a familiar technical term in our modern lives in recent years. There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is applied in various different fields and will play an indispensable role in the near future.

Admittedly, how Artificial Intelligence will be used effectively and exclusively in business appears to be a burning question to many people. Regardless of what the answer is, I am sure that Artificial Intelligence sooner or later will replace a large number of workers as well as staffs in companies. Therefore, it is high time for us to prepare for this significant change in the modern machine learning.

These 5 following guidelines are pivotal for your Artificial Intelligence strategy. Remember to use it properly in a specific situation.

1. Education

It is obvious that there are lots of people working in distinct fields in your organization with a different level of knowledge such as IT, mathematics, or management skills. However, sometimes not all that they learned is the most effective and best way to deal with the problem. In some cases, their solutions may be suitable for one time but do not work in another time.

Nevertheless, there are some fundamental things that will not change in the near future even when Artificial Intelligence has become more and more prevalent in machine learning field:

The first aspect is clustering. It is the way different components are grouped together in a unity.
Secondly, you need to insight into classification. This element is very important because it focuses on choosing positive things and regard negative ones.

Thirdly, prediction on a line also is very essential. You will have the ability to anticipate the variation or tendency of a specific value if you are able to create the appropriate line graph.

Another thing you need to know is a prediction of the change. In reality, this is not an easy task. To do this successfully, you have to accumulate many documents and find similarity and differences between them. After that, it is necessary for you to draw your own conclusion and prediction.

Apparently, if you apply this method in such a suitable way, I am sure that you can avoid mistake or risk and forecast about certain changes in the near future. Generally, prediction of on a line is a very helpful tool during the time you run a business.
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Besides, sorting is also really essential in running your business. Undoubtedly, you will have many choices and decisions to make when you start to do something. Thus, this skill will help you choose necessary and unnecessary things at one time. It means you do not waste time on focusing too much on only one issue.

Last but not least, you also should take care of pattern recognition. In fact, many people usually look down this point. However, it is important when you want to decide what kind of shape is appropriate for the value. So, do not forget to learn about pattern recognition.

In a company, different people take their own responsibilities for specific areas. Developers mainly concentrate on doing technical and mathematics works. Meanwhile, executives and analysts are responsible for predicting the variance and making a suitable decision. Therefore, you need to find feasible ways to cooperate different people in a strong group to deal with all problems.

2. Componentization

At present, there are numerous tools beside componentization to help us save and remember our data. They are regarded as “notebooks”. These types are attiring more and more scientists and their collaborators. Of course, this way brings many benefits.

Nevertheless, this field also has its own problem. When you implement componentization, it will lead to bad practices. In this case, the algorithm you use can be similar to others. Thus, you need to choose a suitable one.

3. Systemization

When running a business, you will encounter some problems related to creating an organization and how to control it. In this situation, you need to apply systemization skills to ensure everything will be done smoothly and exactly.

Obviously, if you take advantage of this skill successfully, you do not need to waste time and money for thinking about its organization anymore.

4. AI/ UI componentization

It is undeniable that there are many different groups in your company. Therefore, it is necessary for you to use a computer which has Artificial Intelligence abilities. This will certainly enhance the effectiveness of production.

5. Instrumentation

The last tip in my today article is preparing a good instrument and tool to save your data. Make sure that it has a large storage to save any document. I am sure that a good storage channel will bring more opportunities for you in the near future.


By and large, Artificial Intelligence has become more and more popular in modern machine learning. You need to prepare some necessary things for this change in the near future. If you implement these 5 above guidelines, you will certainly take advantage of Artificial Intelligence. Remember to use each method properly.
What should we prepare for AI in the machine learning era? What should we prepare for AI in the machine learning era? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on May 08, 2018 Rating: 5

The best concern for your cloud computing strategy

May 08, 2018
For your business, are you using the cloud aggressively or passively? What is the best concern for your cloud computing strategy? Find out more in this post.


Some companies and government agencies are actively making use of the cloud, while others are still passive for some reasons.

The problem raised here is the top concern for a cloud computing strategy. Whether you are applying the right “cloud spirit animal” for your business or not? Check our post to have a close look at this issue.

What is cloud computing?

First, let’s define the cloud computing. The cloud here means a network of servers which are super-powerful computers. Anything referring to “cloud-based” or “in the cloud” means it primarily lives online.

Accordingly, cloud computing will give users access to data wherever they have an internet connection. It creates a virtual, flexible and global way for businesses to access their data in any place, any time.  This is exactly the great benefits that cloud computing provides.

Setting up the issue

Despite above benefits of cloud computing for business, the ways leading to using it are not all the same.

While many companies continuously and aggressively use cloud computing in doing their business, others still hesitate or are trying just to save about 30% in ops costs.

When it comes to how you’re using cloud computing in the business, consider the level of your using cloud computing or so-called “cloud spirit animal”.

Analyzing and determining 

Are you a lion that is strongly working to increase the market share of your business? Are you a zebra hoping that a lion won’t catch you? Or are you a groundhog that likes living in a den without many momentous changes?

Cloud lions invest in cloud computing to disrupt their market and aggressively compete to gain the lasting market share. They are always ready for the competition.

Cloud zebras are just seeking ways to save a few ops bucks. They are acting just to be safe and to maintain the status quo or so-called state of affairs.

Cloud groundhogs have no intention of spending money on the cloud. They just try to avoid the hype surrounding cloud computing, so they won't be asked about it anymore.

So, what situations may happen?

Cloud lions will be able to use their speed to market and their agility for fail fast strategy, then figure out new innovations in their marketplace for major ROI (Return On Investment), such as the customer experience automation, the customer journey map or predictive analytics to have the inside track, and thus may eat cloud zebras.

Cloud zebras may not use the cloud beyond some ops dollars, and in most cases, many of them can't manage to get away from the lions even if they continue to delay when they are on the verge of ruin.
Of course, the cloud groundhogs won’t see any value; in fact, they may reduce their value or miss out on tremendous opportunities when ignoring the cloud.

In a word, whether you are using cloud computing isn’t the best concern for your strategy, but how you are applying cloud computing in the business.  Consider the above analysis to determine what your current cloud spirit animal is.

Using but not trusting blindly

Cloud computing may play an important role in the success of modern business enterprises. But that success is achieved only by accepting a little bit of risk, for instance, the cloud computing puts your data in the hands of a third party.

In case you are ready to become cloud lions, your using cloud computing, of course, requires a certain amount of trust for the situation mentioned earlier.


Anyway, this doesn't mean you should give that trust blindly. You had better trust but verify without taking a leap in the dark.

Cloud providers understand the importance of the customer trust and do everything they can to assure that trust, such as continuously improve the cybersecurity and data protection initiatives.

However, you shouldn't become complacent about the data security or even the security provided by the well-known third-party cloud providers. You should actively question, test and retest, and probe the system's security level.


After all, you may find out the best concern for your cloud computing strategy. That is how you are using cloud computing for your business. Hopefully, this post may help you consider the current situation and insightfully take a big step to gain the targets in your business.
The best concern for your cloud computing strategy The best concern for your cloud computing strategy Reviewed by thanhcongabc on May 08, 2018 Rating: 5

Top 5 Best Free Cloud Hosting Service Providers 2018

January 10, 2018

Are you looking for the best free cloud hosting services providers? So, this is the time to continue to read my/our post right now.


The cost of building and maintaining a fast-growing website can be a headache for business owners, especially small businesses or new businesses. Therefore, companies always try to minimize other costs including hosting. In this article, I/We will introduce the best free web hosting providers to help businesses easily and quickly save.
Top 5 best free cloud hosting services in 2018

#1 - 000webhost

000webhost is the bestfree webhosting serviceprovider on the market today with 14 million users. 000webhost has provided free ad-free hosting since 2007.

Therefore, they have a lot of experience in this service array. You do not have to worry about the website disappearing overnight. Rich hosting packages will be a great help for small and medium enterprises.

Besides unlimited free hosting packages and 5 email accounts, 000webhost also offers SEO analysis tools, traffic statistics website, and guides to help you promote your marketing strategies.
With a new VPS infrastructure, 000webhost recently became the first and only unit providing free hosting services with SSL certificates to ensure the safety of your database.

Some basic information:
  • Storage: 1.5GB
  • Domain Name: Unlimited, Free Subdomain
  • Ecommerce Features: Not available, but will update soon in the future
  • Bandwidth: 100GB
  • Email: 5 accounts
  • Web Design or Web Build: Hundreds of templates and many useful applications.
000webhost offers several high end hosting packages at very cheap rates for $3.50 per month only.

#2 - x10Hosting

This is one of the oldest andbestfreewebhosting service providers in the world. Launched in 2004, x10Hosting offers stable, high-performance features and services for $ 0.99 on the latest versions of PHP, MySQL, and cPanel.

Some basic information:
  • Storage: Unlimited
  • Domain names: 2 add-on domains, 1 parked domain, and 2 subdomains
  • E-commerce Features: Just one click set up for e-commerce platforms like Magento
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Email: 3 free accounts
  • Web Design or Web Build: With over 150 templates and other applications available through the cPanel installation

#3 - AwardSpace

A pioneer in the free web hosting industry with over 10 years of experience, has owned a huge customer base.

With high-speed factor and supporting system, the parameters for free packages are limited. However, this is a good choice for personal blogs with 5GB of bandwidth each month.

Some basic information:
  • Storage: 1GB
  • Domain: 1 domain and 3 subdomains
  • Ecommerce Features: None
  • Bandwidth: 5GB
  • Email: 1 account
  • Web Design or Web Build: they do not require, but they have Joomla and WordPress platforms

#4 – ByetHost

If anyone has learned about hosting, then you have heard of ByetHost. Since the bad scandal of the affair allowed for registration Reseller Hosting free, causing people to rage registration and spread the shared host view, ByetHost reputation has fallen dramatically.

At present, everything has been modified to compete with other vendors. Absolutely, Byethost is still one of the best free cloud hosting services providers. With intuitive and easy to use management interface, Byethost is the right choice for novices to all websites and blogs as well.

Some basic information:
  • Storage: 1,000 MB of storage
  • Domain names: 5 addon domains, 5 subdomains, 5 parked domains and 5 MySQL databases
  • E-commerce Features: None
  • Bandwidth: 50GB
  • Email: Unlimited
  • Supports FTP protocol
  • Web Design or Web Build: None

#5 - Freehostia

If you are looking to build a personal website/blog with moderate storage and 250 to 300 visitors a day, FreeHostia's free WordPress Hosting (Chocolate) package is a great choice.

With only 250MB of bandwidth and 6GB of bandwidth per month and no cPanelX support, FreeHostia's free hosting has very good quality and fast response rates for users around the world.

With the Vietnamese support interface, registration is fast and simple, hosting is activated right away, automatically installing some popular scripts on the host, including WordPress, as well as rarely downtime.

Some basic information:
  • Storage: 0.25GB
  • Domain: 5 domains, 15 subdomains
  • Bandwidth: 6GB / month
  • POP3 / IMAP Email: 3 accounts
  • Ecommerce Features: None

Benefits and drawbacks of using thefree cloud hosting service provider


  • Free of charge package or limited fees
  • Ease of install and use
  • Ease of payment method (Visa or Master and Paypal are not required).


  • The speed is slow and unstable.
  • Resources are poor. 
  • Security factor is poor.
  • Databases can be lost.
  • You can lock up if you overhang.
  • Advertising may appear.

Should you choose free cloud hosting services?

Free hosting will often be used by newcomers who do not have much experience or have no budget for renting a private host.

Because free hosting should be free, there are many limitations. Most of them do not support adding separate domains. The resources and the speed are slow and the security is extremely poor.

Many vendors make you have to place ads on the website, configure the software outdated, most likely to encounter errors when installing WordPress, etc.

So, when you start a website, I/We suggest you choose the Shared Hosting Service.

In general, people will not be called shared hosting but just short of a host. For operating systems, you choose Linux hosting or WordPress hosting if used for WordPress.

Some popular questions you need to ask and find out the real answer behind by yourself

  • What is the warranty period? Just less than 99.9% you have the right type right
  • Where do you want the server to be located?
  • Do the customer support policies in a service provider give? Do they have live chat system or email or phone only?
  • Your financial ability as well as your payment plan? For example, if you want to apply for a 2-year plan, do you prefer to pay full or one-off payments? Also, pay attention to finances when you renew the next time. I/We see many of you stop hosting because the cost of extension is too high.
  • Consider contract terms as well as renewal procedures? Remember, the price of hosting for the first time will be discounted from the provider. The renewal fee will be higher than the price you purchased for the first time.
  • Do you consider scalability or bandwidth? For example, you start with the Shared hosting plan, and then plan to expand the bandwidth and host capacity.
  • Check the hosting provider is original or just the re-seller service agent?
  • Are security measures and data backup protocols good or not?
  • How long has hosting provider been involved in hosting business? In general, most of the best hosting providers now have a high reputation and have been involved in hosting for a long time.
  • When you want to cancel your contract, what does the provider require from you?
  • Do you have a free trial version? Normally, any vendor will offer a trial package of at least 30 days.
  • How long does the refund policy during the trial period? Most of the trials are not 100% free, but you will have to pay a fee. You will also receive a refund if you feel dissatisfied with the service.
  • Is hosting installation difficult or easy for you to use?
  • Where is the vendor support center located? Is it close to where you live?
  • What is the policy of the provider if you need to change your hosting configuration? For example, would you like to upgrade the Shared hosting package to Dedicated or VPS possible?
  • If anything happens to your website, is the warranty policy satisfactory? Can your database be fully recovered?
  • Are there any complaints or comments from customers to this hosting service before?
  • What are the privacy policy and privacy of the user's database?

There are several free cloud hosting service providers for you to choose from. However, if you are serious about creating a website, you should register for a paid hosting service like A2Hosting or HawkHost.

With paid hosting services, you will have a high-performance server that will ensure your website runs smoothly when traffic is high. In addition, you will receive support whenever you have problems with hosting.
Top 5 Best Free Cloud Hosting Service Providers 2018 Top 5 Best Free Cloud Hosting Service Providers 2018 Reviewed by thanhcongabc on January 10, 2018 Rating: 5

VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting – What Should You Select?

January 06, 2018

Should you select Cloud Hosting or VPS Hosting? Check some major points about these before determining.


VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting are one of the most popular web-hosting services on the latest market, but considering which one is a great question to rise. Should I choose VPS Hosting or Cloud Hosting? These have good points and some weak factors, so you should have a clear comparison of your mind before. Here are a few points that you may come across.

Operating environment

Regarding the operating environment, VPS Hosting is not different from Cloud Hosting. Customers will receive VPS and set up their functions as needed. Similarly, Cloud Hosting is a dedicated virtual server that is created at the customer's discretion.

The biggest difference between two servers lies in the scalability and cloud computing platform. The first thing is that a cloud server can be considered a VPS, but it is not the other ways.


When setting up VPS, a Dedicated Hosting (for example, a server with 64GB of RAM along with many other resources) is split into several parts.

All of these server parts will be virtualized deeper. Each part of the server can function as a dedicated server. This is also why they are called VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server), next to VPS.

Nonetheless, with Cloud Hosting, customers will rent part of the network made up of many connected devices.

The advantage here is that users can always increase their resources as desired and that process can be completed with just a few clicks.

Available feature

In the VPS Hosting, the failure of a component or device can result in this server are not being accessible until the repair process is completed.

However, for the Cloud Hosting, whenever a device fails the system will automatically select an alternative device. As a result, customers can minimize the impact from being unreachable to the server.

Payment methods

Depending on the virtualization method used, a VPS server can only let you use a single operating system.

For the cloud server, you have the freedom to use whatever operating system you want. At the same time, you can also set up or replace your server with any operating system that allows.

On the Cloud Hosting, everything was going very fast. Each server is always ready to serve tenants in seconds. However, in a VPS server, it will take a long time to virtualize a dedicated server and deliver server parts to the client.

For this reason, the Cloud Server uses resources optimally. Anyone can earn a bonus on the system as soon as the payment transaction is completed.

In the VPS server, you cannot be sure when the server rents are sold out. VPS systems cannot utilize resources as much as possible. For example, if you have only one customer on the parent server, it's a waste.

Resources allocation

In the Cloud Hosting environment, a client is completely separate from all other clients. Customers will be transferred totally the resources specified in the contract. Also, the database of each server is fully separate. That being said, the Cloud Hosting will be secured more secure than VPS.

For VPS Hosting, each client will receive a virtual environment with the memory allocated and with a certain amount of bandwidth.

However, the CPU and memory of the parent server will be divided evenly among different VPS classes. For example, if a VPS service pack has a 1GHz CPU and 512MB of RAM which means that both the RAM and the CPU can be split into different parts.


Most VPSs are hosted on a single server. When a client wants to upgrade a VPS, if the server still has resources, users do not get any issue. Nonetheless, if the server is running out of resources, the updated process of the VPS1 will be delayed.

As for cloud VPS, resources are very large and always ready to upgrade VPS, the distribution is also very fast.

Active time

VPS Hosting will run your virtual server on a Shared Hosting. If the host needs servicing, there is a hard drive failure, or simply a reboot; then your virtual server will be dead.

Cloud Hosting will run your virtual server on multiple hosting servers. If the host needs servicing, there is a hard drive failure, or simply a reboot. Then, your virtual host will be redirected to a host that provides you with zero downtime and space.

A short comparison table between VPS and Cloud Hosting 

VPS will be a more economical option than Private Cloud Hosting. However, you will encounter more limits. Along with that is the risk associated with information security when the VPS is much less secure.

Public Cloud Hosting packages have a distinct advantage when compared to VPS, and this is why they are nowadays extremely popular. With the Cloud Hosting, you will have cheaper and more secure environments as well as the freedom to extend resources.


I/We have already helped you by listing out the differences between VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting. Hope that you enable to have a solid understanding of these web-hosting services and begin with your service right away. Do not wait for a certain time to start because your website ought to be down and decrease at any time.
VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting – What Should You Select? VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting – What Should You Select? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on January 06, 2018 Rating: 5

Why Should You Use Bluehost Cloud Hosting in This Season?

January 04, 2018
Meta:Choose the right web-hosting service provider like you should find and select a suitable mentor for a start-up owner. And today, I/We will give you more information about Bluehost Cloud Hosting.


There is no doubt that all businesses should make their websites, but building a professional website is a tough journey that they have to come across. All reputable companies always have excellent websites to do business on the Internet.

As a business owner, you have identified that your website is an important gateway between your patrons and your business to interact in the long period of time.

If you want to have a high-quality website, you will need to select a first-rate web hosting service. When it comes to naming well-served reputation, Bluehost Cloud Hosting is one of the most popular web-hosting service providers. Yes, I/we will share my/our experience about how Bluehost is.

An overview of Bluehost Cloud Hosting

Bluehost Cloud Hosting is one of the oldest web hosts have started in 1996, this has become the biggest brand name in the WordPress hosting as a popular hosting service provider. It provides service more than 2 million websites from countries to the world.

Most companies and even entry bloggers usually use WordPress platform, to begin with, a website. However, if you do not have a good web-hosting service, your website will be slow or down at any time.

Some hosting services that Bluehost can provide

Share Web Hosting 

Bluehost requires all users need to purchase an annual plan. If you choose a 2-year plan or 3-year plan, then you will get more discounts. They do not have month-to-month options. Bluehost and HostMonster were owned by Endurance International Group.

VPS Web Hosting 

If you want to increase the volumes of traffic or expand specific requirements which support you in use of shared servers, Bluehost Cloud Hosting also has VPS options to take into account.

They provide three kinds of Linux-based VPS Web Hosting with the affordable price point (I/we will list out in another part) and more discount promotions for loyal clients. However, they do not give Windows-based VPS.

With Dedicated Web Hosting, you can use it with a Linux operating system, improve your hard-drive space up to 1TB, data transfers is 15TB per month plus 16GB of RAM. You will also find these specifications in HostMonster.

WordPress Web Hosting 

Probably, many bloggers or for those who are looking for building a blog, they should stay focused on this plan – WordPress Web Hosting.

Bluehost offers 4 main packages which are WP Standard, WP Enhanced, WP Premium, and WP Ultimate. They can support you in the backup and be caching issues automatically. Also, you enable to protect your download programs with WordPress security feature.

Benefits of using Bluehost

Ease of use 

Bluehost shared Hosting using cPanel which are considered as the easiest hosting software. Most Shared Hosting providers use standard cPanel, and you will be easy to use.

In fact, cPanel helps you manage your hosting account more easily. Also, BluehostCloud Hosting is one of the few Shared Web Hosting companies that allow SSH access.

Security feature

The security feature is another important point that you need to draw attention. With Bluehost, you will have three major layers of spam protection that are Spam Experts, Spam Hammer, Apache Spam Assassin. Furthermore, it is not difficult to establish many filters, and your directories are safe.

Also, they provide one-click integration with CloudFlare to improve the strong protection for your website.

In case you want to block your website from pop-ups and other advertisements, you enable to recommend a blacklist with IP address to fill in this list.

Customer service 

Compared to other hosting services, I/we rateBluehost's customer support service up to 4/5 star.You can communicate with them via online chat easily, email or phone as well.

In most cases, the resolution time is 5-30 minutes, which is an average support time for any shared hosting.They have been run the business for nearly 17 years, which is an incredibly long time to build trust with clients.

30-money back guarantee 

BluehostCloud Hosting offers a 30-day warranty, so if you are not satisfied with their hosting, you can cancel your account within the first 30 days. Then, you will receive your full refund.


  • Diverse hosting plans for meeting all requirements from clients 
  • Reasonable price point in all packages 
  • Well-being customer service
  • Great Uptime 
  • Quick page loading 
  • Great security options 
  • Ease of use
  • 30-day free trial and a money-back guarantee 


  • Slow responding from customer service department (sometimes)
  • Low quality in the 36-month plan 
  • Extra fees in some plans 

Why should you begin with Bluehost? 

Bluehost has several applications, plug-ins, and script features. You start with the suitable package through easy click only. These features will help you build and control your websites smoothly including WordPress themes, Discussion forums, Image galleries, Marketing tools, Customer support tools, etc.

It is time to draw attention to the price

In general, Bluehost Cloud Hosting gives three main plans which are Basic Plan, Plus Plan and Prime Plan. Please note that you should pay for three years at one time to get their promotional price when using shared hosting plans. If you do not select this stream, you will have the minimum duration in one year only.

Access their homepage to know further information.


Bluehost Cloud Hosting is one of the best web hosting providers on the current market; especially on the WordPress Web Hosting. With several features in each plan, this integration is available for both starters and experienced users.

Although low-end plans are probably a little bit expensive, VPS and Dedicated Server packages are affordable with the great user experience. Also, Cloud Hosting is more powerful than Shared Hosting. Thus, in case you want to run several sizes of the website on different shared plans, you enable to access them in one place only.

In a nutshell, Bluehost is a worthy investment at the reasonable price tag to start a host and infrastructure at once. Your websites can meet all standards of many searching websites like Google. And this is the time for you to try a new high-quality service provider right now!
Why Should You Use Bluehost Cloud Hosting in This Season? Why Should You Use Bluehost Cloud Hosting in This Season? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on January 04, 2018 Rating: 5
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