What to consider when building a cloud hosting?

Description: Building up a cloud hosting can be a tricky question. Here are some tips for you to determine which cloud service is suitable for your business.  

Cloud computing services are no longer just an option for businesses. They actually play a vital part in the process of storing and circulating information within an organization. For those who just catch up with this technology, it could be a challenge to establish a right strategy for using the cloud system for your start-up. Below are a few tips which help you to establish your criteria and pave your way to this platform.

Consider your needs 

You should never jump into the field without prior evaluating your needs for cloud service. There are two types of cloud services: public and private clouds. And your task is to decide which cloud should suit your needs. Whether it is public, private or both of them at the same time, it is essential to list down questions and concerns that help build a map to the core problems.

Considering your needs to determine which types of clouds is best for your business.
The first three things you should put into consideration when it comes to public or private clouds are the type of stored data, types of software and the number of people using the cloud. The information you want to store in your cloud will help you determine which cloud suits you better. If there are personal, sensitive information, you’d better go for the private cloud. If not, the public cloud is enough. The same with the type of software and the number of involved people. The more people get access to the cloud, the less secure it becomes.

Last but not least, how much are you willing to pay for the cloud service. There are free public cloud services, but the risk of security vulnerabilities is too high to pay. Private cloud, of course, requires an amount of money, but it will worth the money if your data is safe.

Evaluate the available options.

The next step is to take a closer look at the available cloud options.
Public clouds: There are two types of public clouds: free clouds and pay-per-use clouds. Public clouds allow many users to connect with the server by adopting a distributed infrastructure. They offer storage of computer resources, and non-sensitive data, such as email, and applications. SaaS (software as a service), IaaS (infrastructure as a service), andPaaS (platform as a service) are several examples of public clouds.

Public clouds prove to be flexible and efficient. You can store a large degree of data and resources with public clouds with an affordable price, meaning you gain more benefit from using public cloud. However, the threat of security vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks are two top concerns of public cloud users. Because many clients can use a public cloud, the cloud’s security is constantly at risk of hijacking. Reliability of public clouds is also questionable.

Private clouds: Private clouds also offer a platform to store data, applications, and resources for users. The only difference is they use a different architecture to establish their serve. In this way, private clouds are able to distribute their services to a customer or a company alone. The private cloud industry has seen an unprecedented growth in 2017. This growth positively confirms that private clouds are ideal for unpredictable needs from businesses, especially those which demand a better security alert, a storage for sensitive data and myriads of workloads.

Private clouds have the same advantages as public clouds. They are flexible and scalable. They offer a platform for a big amount of data. One more plus, they are more secure than public clouds since their services are protected behind a firewall and only allows a limited access of users.

To adopt a cloud that is more secure and able to handle high levels of data, it means that you have to pay a higher fee. Unlike public clouds, users have to manage their private clouds. Beside regular fee for the cloud provider, you have to pay for staffing, maintenance, and capital as well, not to mention cloud software and management tools to handle the cloud.

Hybrid clouds: Just as the name suggests, Hybrid clouds are combinations between private clouds and public clouds. They offer the most flexible platform where businesses can change their workloads according to their demands. For example, a business can both use an on-premises private cloud for their important data while using a public one for less important information.

Since Hybrid clouds are a crossbreed between public and private clouds, they bear the positive qualities of their parents. Hybrid clouds are highly effective, flexible and scalable. They allow users to switch back and forth between private and public serves, making sure their data is stored in the right place. That also explains the optimistic expectation for this young industry to reach $91.74 billion by 2021. The fact is, the detrimental side of hybrid clouds are not yet found, so there isn’t much to say about it.
What to consider when building a cloud hosting? What to consider when building a cloud hosting?  Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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