Results for Cloud

How will cloud computing change by 2020?

September 23, 2018
In the recent years, the idea of “the cloud” and cloud computing has been actively hyped by the technology companies. We are right now familiar with cloud computing which has taken off with business applications and new innovations. However, from the technological point of view, we are still in the early era of cloud computing, and many big organizations, whether big or small, are taking just some very small steps towards accepting cloud computing.

Even though we are right now in the early days of cloud computing, where some enterprises are taking their very first, tentative steps, the “cloud,” in 2020, is expected to take center stage. Not only gaining its popularity more significantly than ever before, but it will also accelerate the capabilities of technologies like mobile and analytics. Nothing can replace its part as the enterprise’s power of cloud computing computing.

Among a lot of positive changes, the complete freedom from the “no-cloud” policy could be one of the most highly expected ones.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)
 Do you know that six-sevenths of the new smart applications are being designed with the cloud in mind? That’s why more and more resources are expected to be seen going towards cloud development. Together with the concrete profit operation, IoT devices have long been believed to connect items into the cloud and to bring a new level of connectivity to our homes and workplaces.

By 2020, experts predict that an amount of up to tens of billions of data-spouting devices will be connected to this vast network of vehicles, multi-application sensors, sensors that gather, store, and analyze data, home use appliances, physical gadgets as well as other electronics. The Internet of Things is growing at an incredibly high speed evolving excellent technology which is making everything smart. With an estimated total market worth USD 19 trillion in 2020, these devices that originally possessed only one or two functions are now becoming more and more upgraded, thus smarter and smarter, more and more convenient. By that way, the way people live and work is already being changed. At the same time, companies can expect a steady yet not explosive growth in the third party, commercial and enterprise developers as well as API exchanges.


Since 2011 and the emergence of Bitcoin, the potential for blockchain technology has been expected to make an inordinate impact, alongside cutting-edge Ultra-book devices. But it was the same year that the prediction of this widespread change really started to capture business’ attention. It is said that the cloud creation’s decentralized aspect has helped the blockchain movement to have been offering some excellent chances in cloud computing computing.

Easy-to-mobile is gradually becoming one of the most important standards, and the similar situation is predicted to be applied to the workforce soon. Employees would be able to work with methods, at the time, and from places of their own preference, remotely. No matter where they are and what time it is, they can easily get access to the same information at their office, hold groups discussions, and receive work tasks remotely. So as to draw servers into the cloud and enable better data investigation from the Cloud, thus to be competitive, owners of companies are advised to adapt to the rapid change in business infrastructure. Stay up to date on mass amounts of hardware and the latest developments in the world of cloud technologies is always the best choice.

Software Will Be Popularly Used

Software is being used in a lot of companies with the aim of encouraging their employees to sign on using security key codes to show their attendance
Due to the evolving features of the cloud and the world’s quick movement in the direction of all virtualized procedures, in the coming time period, the software utilized in everything can be expected to almost completely stay away from hardware.

 In that case, many developers from hospitality and retail industry to taxi services will no longer worry about offering complete provisions like data centers, server networks, switch, and cloud storage and eliminating the need to keep buying new servers.

Those businesses that cannot get software applications that are more complex and larger for scalability are more likely to fight to survive.

Algorithmic Techniques 

The companies tend to get a chance for a huge technological breakthrough thanks to the future of cloud computing 
A process to measure computers’ performance against a certain metric, ML (Machine Learning) is usually feasible and cost-effective than the manual programming.

It still takes such a long time (even up to a few years) to make sure to provide stable network connections and prevent websites from crashing. But in the near future, with the ML’s and algorithms’ developments offering efficacy and consumer adventures throughout, it will become much easier to navigate the world.


How does cloud computing make an influence on us? Its development is changing the way we work with smart devices, use technology on a daily basis, and even the way we live. The brilliant feature of cloud computing not only is a great chance for business using this technology today, but also individual users. And 2020 is showing promising signs of steady growth and innovation with the amount of benefit that clouds can bring to the world much more than one can imagine now and the number of users installing these services to store their data.
How will cloud computing change by 2020? How will cloud computing change by 2020? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go

September 23, 2018
Description: A virtual cloud computing with Windows 10 interface which allows you to stream games online and offline may sound like a fantasy. However, Shadow PC from Blade has proved that it’s not.

If you ever want to use the Windows operating system on a Mac or Overwatch on cellphones, Blade has the answer. This French cloud computing service provider has introduced its latest technology called Shadow PC in an attempt to enter the US market. Users can now enjoy full accessibility to the cloud service with the Windows 10 experience. That way, they could install their favourite software such as Photoshop, and more importantly, enhance their gaming experiences.

The introduction of Shadow PC cloud computing service from Blade has left many people in awe. 
This approach has earned Blade some credits. Since most game providers such as PlayStation Now don’t notice the importance of unlimited access for gamers, and most cloud computing providers ignore this potential area, Blade is regarded as the pioneer.

Shadow PC specifications

Shadow PC offers users what seems to be a good deal: complete access to the could service with excellent graphics, farfetched power and so on. This is a good catch for many gamers since this virtual service could be a synonym to a $2000 PC.

Blade’s super protected data centres in Europe and California could provide a stable and perfect 4K image. Their latest technology allows them to run a virtual Windows 10 eliminating any possible hardware glitches. Featuring the cutting-edge NVIDIA graphic solution, Shadow is able to display perfect image in 1080p at 144Hz. Their out-and-out 8-threads XEON CPU optimises the system. Blade provides up to 256GB for storage space, so that you can freely store your documents and apps.

Shadow is compatible with not only Mac but also windows, Android and soon iOS. This gives users the opportunity to gain access to the server no matter which type of operating system they are using.

For those who want a small but powerful PC system, Blade offers a box which can entirely replace your personal computers and bulky hardware. Shadowbox replace your computer unit and turn it into a beautiful experience with fantastic features such as 4K, HDMI, DisplayPort and USB 3.0

Gaming experiences 

Blade team has been working hard to present a cloud computing service which allows users to stream games online or offline. First of all, they tested Overwatch tournaments in their cloud computing service. The result was stunning. Playing Overwatch in Blade’s cloud service and on a computer does not make much difference.

Shadow was tested thoroughly to ensure its quality. 
The team later tested  CS: GO as people distrusted the result of play Overwatch experience. They blamed the technology of Blade to lessen latency as the main reason for the smooth Overwatch experience. However, the result with the hardcore CS: GO proved that Shadow provides a stable and robust platform for any kinds of games.

The team wanted to further their examination to make sure that their promise for a latency-free gaming experience could be kept under any kinds of circumstances. They decided to use Shadow Box and uploaded Rise of The Tomb Raider there. Shadow Box is a creative item which helps users connect to the cloud computing service offline. The resolution while playing was top-notch.

The team later tested their game experience on a tablet. Amazingly, they could play a premium game on a tiny tablet connected to a controller via Bluetooth without any problem. The same test was performed on a smartphone and a MAc, and the result made no difference.

This achievement is mainly due to the machine-learning app that enables Blade to assess the quality of the network at their data centre. AI technology controls the latency-free streaming while playing games, creating smooth experiences.

Shadow subscription 

If you want to have the same incredible gaming experiences, subscription to Shadow service is required. At the moment, this cloud computing service is only available in California, however, soon enough, the introduction of this beautiful cloud computing service will be nationwide.

To use the service, you need to pay $49.95 per month, $39.95 monthly for a 3-month subscription, and $34.95 monthly for an a-year subscription. In other words, Shadow PC will replace your bulky desktop with an updated high-end cloud computing service that will likely cost around $420 for a year commitment. Shadow PC can bring you ultimate gaming server, which allows you to play games like on a high-end PC system that could cost over $2000.

Shadowbox is provided for those who cannot connect to the cloud. 
Some people did make their calculation. Compared to Netflix, Shadow PC still needs a lot of work ahead to live up to their expectation. Shadow’s subscription asks players to buy and update their games, whereas services like Nvidia’s GeForce Now provides inbuilt games.

However, if you are looking forward to the prospect of streaming game on the go and also upgrading your old PC system into something new and fancy without paying a large sum of money, then a $35 subscription fee is quite acceptable. Shadow PC team is still working up to expand their market and upgrade their cloud computing service so they can provide better, more qualified service to games. Meanwhile, sceptics remain silent and watch for the next launch of this service and see if it a product of value.
Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

CIOs’ Attention: Four Trends In Cloud Computing In 2019

September 05, 2018
When the mission of CIO keeps on becoming increasingly vital to enterprises' overall objectives and goals, this catalyst for the transformation must work harder to adapt to these changing responsibilities and deliver the best IT solutions.

As the futuristic technology products are believed to be able to make the world a better place, digital business is receiving a transformation from the digital industrial economy. For that reason, the enterprise leaders’ overall objectives and goals increasingly relate to information and technology decisions. As a result, the office of the CIO (OCIO) - an executive position to expand as IT strategy of a company is expected to work harder to meet the meets of employees, customers, and partners.

Let’s take a closer insight into four trends CIO to prepare for 2019 to balance the capabilities of the latest cloud technology and resources while still keeping the security at its best:

1. The Number Of Cloud as Services Models And Solutions (SaaS, Paas, IaaS) Will Continue To Rise And Come Into The Enterprise Through "The Bathroom Window"

SaaS, Paas, IaaS
While CIOs, in the mid-1980s, devoted all the time and energy on the more technical projects, they now find themselves in transition to make the digital era IT become as easily consumable as power out of a socket.
  • Subscription-based software-as-a-service (SaaS): With very few downsides and a lot of upsides, SaaS is gradually becoming part of the mainstream. According to Bain & Company, this software’s popularity is only increasing. It is expected to be growing at an 18% CAGR by 2020.
  • Investment in platform-as-a-service (PaaS): A set of cloud-based services that bring tremendous power and productivity to IT departments, business users, and developers at a higher speed than on-premise solutions. According to KPMG, this type of cloud computing is expected to reach 56% in 2019. A growth of 24% from 32% in 2016 makes it the fastest-growing development battleground of tomorrow.
  • The infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) - a powerful, flexible option helps enterprises focus on their core competency. According to Gartner, its worldwide market’s explosion is predicted to reach $72.4 billion by 2020.

2. Breakthrough In Quantum Computing -- The Holy Grail For Global Technology Giants

Quantum Computing
With the ability to run calculations far beyond the reach of any conventional supercomputer and create breakthroughs in some of the most complicated data processing problems, quantum computing deserves its title as the holy grail of cloud computing industry.

Nowadays, IBM - an industry-first initiative to build commercially available universal quantum computers for business and science together with other classical computing companies including Intel, Alphabet Inc.’s Google, and Microsoft as well as a bunch of Quantum computing startups like 1Qbit, Alpine Quantum Technologies, GmbH, Anyon Systems Inc.,, Atom Computing, BOHR∞, Black Brane Systems, bra-ket science, etc. is in the severe competition of taking a claim in the emerging field of quantum computing.

The race for cloud supremacy has started, and the quantum computing market is getting bigger and bigger. However, IBM with its 50 years of experience in producing advances in materials science that laid the foundations for the computer revolution is always the leader.

The release of quantum computing with a 50-qubit processor prototype, as well as 20-qubit processor online access – the world’s fastest cloud computing is the most visible evidence about the potential of IBM. In spite of IBM’s pedigree in this area, other top-tech giants are still showing their continuous effort to deliver on the technology's long-promised abilities. Alibaba’s 11-qubit quantum computing service launching and Microsoft announcement of a new quantum computing programming language and stable topological qubit technology show their strong will to lead to greater quantum computing innovation.

3. More Businesses Options For Hybrid Cloud Solutions —  Cloud to Cloud and Cloud to On-Premise Connectivity

Hybrid Cloud Solutions
The demands of the Internet of Things (IoT) on infrastructure – especially around reliability, backup and/or disaster recovery, challenges of cloud connectivity, and computing power can be dealt by the cloud technologies. Public, private, and hybrid are different types of clouds available with the rise of new technologies.

It might not as easy as you have expected to make a full transition to the cloud. That’s where hybrid cloud solutions with its two types of clouds: public and private cloud will play its crucial role.

Due to the hybrid cloud’s advantages that allow all enterprises to transition to the cloud at their own pace, with fewer chances of risk, and with a smaller expense, it is predicted that in 2019, most companies will keep their on-premise solutions as well as connect to the efficiency and effectiveness of cloud-based solutions with heavy customization that will best fit their business needs.

4. Cloud Security Vulnerabilities Will Still Be A Concern

Security is always a concern with cloud technology in any organization in today’s IOT world
Needless to say, security was, is, and will undoubtedly be a concern with cloud technology in any organization in today’s IOT world. Don’t expect cloud security to be exceptional, particularly with the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Those whose duty is to truly drive the thinking, and resulting strategy, on what to do with all that data will face more challenges than ever before to become more competitive in this ever-changing tech environment.

Through 2020, in spite of all of the hand-wringing over cloud security, 99% of successful cyber attack or vulnerabilities exploited will be able to break into the public Internet and bring IT operations (or related) to a standstill for such a long time.
CIOs’ Attention: Four Trends In Cloud Computing In 2019 CIOs’ Attention: Four Trends In Cloud Computing In 2019 Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5

Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware

September 05, 2018
Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in cloud computing, AI, and hardware, with the aim of making the products and services with Mi logo better fit the global market.

In 2015, Microsoft and Xiaomi marked their very first important milestone in their long-term partnership by a deal to test Windows 10 on Xiaomi devices. One year later (September 2016), to help run other Microsoft Corp’s services on its devices, Xiaomi bought 1,500 of its patents. And this year, these two companies announced another chapter in its collaboration. To boost the chances for effective cooperation around cloud technologies, AI, and hardware products, Xiaomi and Software maker Microsoft Corp have announced an expanded strategic agreement - a Strategic Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Windows 10 on Xiaomi Mi4
Don’t be surprised by the partnership between a U.S. company and a Chinese company on artificial intelligence. It certainly makes sense since it is an awesome collaboration between the world’s biggest multinational technology company and the fastest growing smartphone maker in the world.

Xiaomi and Software maker Microsoft Corp will work together going forward on four distinct areas listed in the MoU including natural language processing (cloud support), computer vision (laptop-type device), text input (Microsoft Cortana and Mi AI Speaker), and conversational AI (AI services collaboration).

Thanks to Microsoft’s allowance to let Xiaomi use its Cloud computing products, including Azure, the Apple of China is expected to develop upgraded phones, smart speakers, laptops, and improved AI services (Artificial Intelligence-powered service) to dramatically increase its market share and even to gain its popularity among users in all the markets on globe, specifically in the U.S. – one of the world’s biggest markets for those hardware products and services.

Do you want your favorite apps and experiences to work seamlessly on the smartphone or any device of your choice, don’t you? That is exactly what the strategic collaboration between these two big companies offers. Not only does improve Xiaomi’s user data storage and services as well as bandwidth potential, a broad technology collaboration partnership – the integration of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform with the Mi AI speaker also gives a boost to Xiaomi’s laptops and other services where a smart device ecosystem will be used beneficially. With the active support of Windows software, the plan to join the laptop and “laptop-style” products’ future of the Chinese brand will arguably gain a competitive advantage and accelerate its international growth, especially in the Western countries’ markets.

Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in cloud computing, AI, and hardware
The Chinese device maker Xiaomi is not the only one to take advantage of the new deal that focuses on the cloud computing, hardware, and AI application development. As part of the strategic agreement, the Cortana technology of Microsoft will be integrated with the Mi AI speaker - a budget speaker with a modern look and smart device ecosystem. The result of the integration of Microsoft’s technology with Xiaomi’s smart hardware is Cortana-powered smart speaker. A digital device developed by the Invoke from Harman Kardon and powered by Cortana – a smart personal assistant of Microsoft, the intelligent speaker of Harmon Kardon Invoke is expected to be struggling to win in the competition with other current favorite digital assistant speaker options available on Amazon and Google or personal and home assistants like Alexa and Siri.

And their expanded partnership with a host of proposed collaborative projects to work more actively and efficiently in the areas of cloud computing, AI (including Microsoft’s Cortana technology) and hardware is expected to provide millions of devices and innovative customers with productivity services and excellent experiences on mobile devices.

As part of the strategic global partnership expansion, Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. will explore ways to be able to install Microsoft Office and Skype Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook on Xiaomi Android-based smart devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets as well as other laptop-style products. As a result, brand new ways to communicate, work, and collaborate (including Redmi 3, Redmi Note 3, Mi 4s, Mi 5, and Mi Max) will be provided to tens of millions of innovative users and business customers in India, China, and all over the world. By that way, Xiaomi can complete its mission as a pioneer to deliver cutting-edge innovation to people all around the world, especially technology lovers. It will not take Xiaomi much time to achieve its ambition – to become the world’s most popular smartphone company. Also, a cross-license and patent transfer agreement will be included in the two companies’ new collaboration on cloud computing, hardware, and AI applications.

However, it is only the first step of the two big companies’ collaborations on cloud technologies and AI - an ongoing investment for leading software and tech companies. The companies will be working together on expanded strategic projects based on a broad range of the unique strengths and experience in AI of the leading platform and productivity company, such as conversational AI and Speech, Computer Vision, Text Input, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graph and Search, as well as related Microsoft AI products and services, such as Cortana, Skype, SwiftKey, Bing, Pix, Edge, XiaoIce, Translator, and Cognitive Services.

Microsoft will also benefit from the expanded collaboration with Xiaomi
And according to Microsoft and Xiaomi spokespersons, as they have chosen to deepen the cooperation around cloud computing through a memorandum, their partnership is not legally contractual, and it is still unclear whether any financials terms to the arrangement are involved at this time or not.
Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5

Serverless – Welcome To A New Cloud Computing Era

August 22, 2018
Meta: Serverless cloud has been a hype recently. It is believed to change the future of enterprise apps development by significantly lowering cost and enhancing the efficiency.


Serverless is a hot topic that attracts the attention of most cloud industry insiders recently. It is widely believed to become a major innovation in the next few years. In fact, the term “serverless” does not have a clear definition. In this article, we will go through an overview of serverless and the potential that it has to open the door to a new computing era.


With the appearance of serverless cloud computing, the cloud resources are no longer distributed, just to stay idle waiting to power applications when called upon. Instead, the assets are only supplied when a specific event emerges.  In particular, when users get access to their smartphone applications, which is known as an “event”, the virtual machines in the cloud will recover and serve them with the expected information.

Let’s explore the ecosystem of serverless technologies.
Nick Rockwell, the Chief Technology Officer of the New York Times, admitted that serverless cloud computing, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), would the next breakthrough in the cloud industry. The serverless architecture allows developers to concentrate more on writing codes instead of wasting their time thinking about the servers.  Besides, he claimed that the serverless cloud made the product more scalable and reliable, it would soon become a much better and cheaper choice to make.

The problem of idle instances

When Nick Rockwell moved from Conde Nast to the newspaper, the Times had its computing infrastructure connected to Virtual Private Cloud of Amazon Web Service (AWS). This allowed businesses to connect their data to the virtual private cloud within the AWS. However, they didn’t have a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which means they couldn’t store the data in the place close to customers’ devices.

Nowadays, the Times functions on two separate clouds: the AWS for corporate applications and e-commerce platforms; Google Cloud Platform (GCP)  for consumer applications such as the and smartphone app. Migrating to the cloud seems helpful, but managing it is not a simple task. The IT team of Rockwell had to measure how many AWS and GCP instances are required, how large they are and whether they need added inputs, outputs, and memory or not.   The next step is configuring the instances, patching and installing software on the operating system.  Then, the developers must strictly manage the dependencies of each application to find out the scale of each part of the apps.

Serverless is the future 

When a predicted event happens, the code for a specific function will be activated; then the server platforms will perform the required task. Customers don’t have to tell the cloud service providers how many times the functions need to be executed; they need to pay a little every time the codes are triggered. Instead of wasting with the idle instances in the cloud, Rockwell suggested that serverless can help us to multiply the efficiency up to ten times.

Developers can benefit from the high availability from Serverless: the fault tolerance are the features of serverless frameworks. So they don’t need to keep their servers to make the apps highly available. In case of unexpected node failures, the framework will immediately respawn the nodes, so it seems like there are no problems at all.

Moreover, serverless architecture offers incredibly flexible scaling. As you have no idea about the physical server, there is no need to be worried about its scalability. The application will be distributed to more resources to meet the demand of capacities.

The outstanding features of Serverless Architecture are just too good for developers to ignore.
Can serverless become the Next Big Thing in the future of cloud computing? That’s still a big question that no one can affirm. But it is predicted that 90 percent of serverless deployment will take place outside of the IT team’s infrastructure.  Cloud vendors are also looking for collaboration with famous organizations like the Times or General Electric, where CTO Chris Drumgoole has shown his ardor for the serverless cloud.

In 2014, Amazon Web Service launched AWS Lambda, their first enterprise serverless platform. There are also many offerings available from Microsoft and Google that customers can choose. At present, Rockwell is responsible for the Times’ crossword puzzle and some other applications using serverless cloud service in Google’s App Engine. And he highly appraises Google’s expertise, especially its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and the capability to manage containers.

Cloud platforms allow developers to make the right decisions over how to design and manage their products. But the approach of Google seems opinionated: choosing the architecture design options and stick to them. What’s more, Google is trying to create an ecosystem of opinionated products that work in conjunction. Though developers would prefer a wider range of choices, fewer choices can cut down on the cost of planning, designing and structuring an architecture.


The emergence of the term “serverless” has removed developers’ concern about the infrastructure because their software lifecycle will depend more on the cloud vendors. Enterprises are starting to invest more in serverless architecture, but it is never as easy as we’ve expected. Serverless is our future, but it would take businesses a lot of time to reach the destination.
Serverless – Welcome To A New Cloud Computing Era Serverless – Welcome To A New Cloud Computing Era Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 22, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies

August 07, 2018
Meta: Cloud Computing has become more and more popular among the society, and it has such a huge impact on our future that nobody should ignore. Let’s find out here!


Ten years ago, Cloud computing was regarded as a complex phraseology that only the industry insiders could understand and talk about it. After a decade, the popularity of AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud and multiple other providers has made the term “cloud” more familiar with Internet users all over the globe. Most of us now recognize them as an essential service for daily work and entertainment.

Though the cloud is no longer a new aspect, its true potentials haven’t been completely realized. Let’s take a look below to see how cloud computing will affect our lives in the upcoming years.

Digital Infrastructure

Our future cities, where about 6 billion people will live by 2045, will be managed by the Cloud. Parking lots and elevators, self-driving cars and trains, power plants and farms, will be much safer and of higher quality with cloud management due to its capability to store and analyze data.

Regardless of the size and industry, the cloud will also be a crucial part of businesses, especially for the small and medium enterprises. Data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and many other services will be available for the different needs of each industry. In fact, Huawei, a global technology company, is working on the Industry Cloud project, which involves thousands of separate clouds to work together in a digital ecosystem of multiple different industries. For example, a banking cloud can help financial institutions to prevent fraud by scanning thousands of transactions per second; a utility cloud can fix the faults in the power station automatically to provide electricity for homes and businesses.

Artificial Intelligence

The cloud offers great support to the innovative technologies such as the Artificial Intelligence and allows them to access new platforms like mobile phones. Since 2011, smartphones have become the most popular computing platform, so it is not surprising that AI will make its way to mobile.

Cloud computing allows us to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence power. 
However, smartphones contain a lot of text messages, photos, and emails, which are unstructured data.  It would take a lot of time and power to analyze those data, so it is impossible to do so on smartphones. Therefore, the data needs to be sent to the cloud servers, and unfortunately, it decelerates the response time of AI.

The best solution here is to divide the workload between the device and the cloud. The training process or in other words, how AI learns will take place in the cloud, where the power is profuse, and AI can learn very quickly. Meanwhile, the inference, where AI applied what it has learned to solve real-life problems, will take place on the smartphones.

Research by Huawei has claimed that smartphones will use the inference constantly. The intelligence allows them to immediately respond to voice commands, keep your photos well categorized and set your camera properly for perfect shots regardless of the conditions.

Data Management

To handle the rapidly-growing volume of data, cloud computing is the ultimate solution that we need. The data may include HD/UHD videos, which are predicted to occupy 89% of user traffic in the next 10 years.

The Cloud is changing the way we manage our data 
In the future, the storage requirement and bandwidth will mostly be for “image and video content for non-entertainment purposes” – cites the IDC, rather than personal videos generated by Internet users. They are probably videos and advertisements used in applications. The IDC’s Data Age 2025 white paper also includes “productivity-driven” data like files on servers or PCs,  meta-data about web pages and the data used in machine-to-machine communication in the IoT. Fortunately, the cloud can help us to deal with this data storm and take advantage of it.

Automatic Vehicles

The future of driverless cars on the streets is still a big human dream, but it is not far away with the support of Cloud computing technology.

In fact, self-driving vehicles often come with many sensors and cameras, which will receive a lot of data from the environment. Most of the process will happen inside the vehicle in real time, but a variety of tasks such as machine learning or software updates need to take place in the cloud.

An autonomous car like this will be available in the near future.
Particularly, the video will soon become an outstanding feature of future cars, which not only provides entertainment but also allows drivers to observe other cars better, thus, enhance the public safety. In the fight against car theft and vandals, many cars are equipped with several security cameras as well as GPS. The video recordings can be stored in digital card inside the vehicle or uploaded to the cloud.


After decades, the cloud is no longer a riddle to everyone. It is becoming so popular that many of us would consider cloud computing just as normal daily services like electricity and water. You don’t need to understand the arcane stuff about the cloud to take benefits from it. But it is necessary to know that our future, not far away, will coalesce around the cloud.
Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud Computing Wars 2018 – AWS vs. Microsoft vs. IBM

August 07, 2018
Meta: Though Amazon, Microsoft and IBM have been among the most outstanding cloud vendors for years, they will follow different strategies to reshape the market in 2018.


For many years, three heavyweights Amazon, Microsoft and IBM are still among the biggest cloud service providers in the world. With the aim to grow up and dominate the cloud market, it is obvious that each vendor will follow different strategies that are associated with their resources and capabilities.

However, their impact will revolve around some critical initiatives which have the potential to reshape the cloud market in the upcoming years. In fact, these initiatives are the result of cloud computing evolution, which moves the cloud closer to customers and gets away from jargon bluster and technical discussions like the early beginning of the cloud marketplace. That would be a very crucial step for enterprise cloud computing companies to grow. And fortunately, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM, with the total 2017 revenue of over $16 billion, seem to do it the best with their customer-centric culture.

Let’s take a look at some initiatives that those three cloud vendors will focus on in 2018 to reshape the cloud marketplace in the near future:
  • End-to-end management of the entire digital property and asset becomes viable within the cloud.
  • The emergence of new technologies such as containers or Machine Learning provokes customers to access open approaches.
  • The multi-cloud environment becomes popular and easy-to-use, but effective solutions will enter the marketplace.
  • The diverse demands of businesses are well satisfied with a large range of cloud-based solutions and tools. For instance, customers will have more choice of the cloud data set, not just the high-end premium database. 
  • The cloud vendors should leave back the tech-obsessed language and provide their customers with understandable information.
  • The cloud industry must make changes in itself to meet customer’s new demand and need instead of focusing on the complicated and irrelevant phraseology. 
Considering those areas, I strongly believe that Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM are the three leaders in the cloud transformation war. Let’s scroll down to find out why:


Amazon Web Service CEO Andy Jassy has shown his desire to take the company to the emerging cloud segments beyond their leading IaaS with the combination of cloud-based technology of AWS with the customer-first breakthroughs of the parent company Amazon. Their goal is to provide users with a better, less expensive and easier-to-use than what they have.

AWS doesn’t just want to extend their dominating IaaS.
Because Amazon doesn’t have the breadth and depth expertise in enterprise software like Microsoft or IBM, their strategy is not to become a complete IaaS, PaaS and SaaS provider, but to promote and combine their outstanding customer engagement with their internal cloud-based technology.
Instead of only focusing on their IaaS segment, Amazon wants to become the Innovator’s Enabler with new approaches for their customers. This strategy will force other cloud service providers to relinquish the easy and foreseeable approaches and focus more on the new things.


CEO Satya Nadella claimed that he always builds the company remarks based on the opportunities as well as challenges that businesses face in this era. He doesn’t want to make the audiences confused with his technological knowledge, but does show his understanding of their current situations. They all want a digital transformation in their business; they want to change their business management for A to Z so as they can meet the demands of customers who have a rapidly-changing digital life, and they are encountered with huge pressure to attain these goals along with the need of enhanced cybersecurity.

Microsoft has a deep understanding of customer’s insight
Unlike the other cloud vendors CEO, Nadella doesn’t attempt to persuade business owners to adapt their operating models to that cloud. Instead, he concentrated on how businesses can create new operating models coalesce around customer’s demand with the support of a customer-first cloud vendor and end-to-end cloud service.


In 2018, IBM will turn 107 years old, compared to the 45-year-old Microsoft and 20-year-old Amazon. What the IBM CEO Ginni Rometty has done is to promote the expertise of a century-old technology heavyweight and fill up the swaths in a relevant and modern way. It includes the journey began with the Watson Data Platform to cloud-plus-cognitive, then from the mainframes reconfigured to encrypt staggering volumes of information-in-motion, with the aim to bring more values to the business world and defend against continual cyber attacks.

IBM has regained their prestige as the best IT partner of businesses. 
In fact, all of IBM major opponents are pursuing the same strategy: take their unique expertise and customer relationships to the cloud. For example, Salesforce leverage their CRM, SAP becomes successful with applications, Microsoft with platforms and Office, Oracle with databases. However, IBM still surpasses them all with an 8-billion-dollar business that allows their users to convert legacy apps and systems into cloud-compatible environments.

Their strategy has helped regain IBM’s prestige as a modern businesses’ IT partner with a cloud-based service offering great value to enterprises: Cloud plus Watson, Cloud plus AI and Cloud plus Cognitive.


In general, what enterprise customers need is not tech-obsessed discussion but a tempting plan that can help them to grow up. Fortunately, AWS, Microsoft, and IBM are still there to offer their amazing services. With different strategies and goals, the Cloud War among those three heavyweights doesn’t seem to come to an end soon, but it does look like a big change is going to happen in the upcoming year.
Cloud Computing Wars 2018 – AWS vs. Microsoft vs. IBM Cloud Computing Wars 2018 – AWS vs. Microsoft vs. IBM Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Change Your Business Management With Cloud Computing

August 07, 2018
Cloud computing has made a huge impact on the way we manage our data and business process. But how will it change our management in the future? Let’s take a closer look here!


Business management is always associated with the emergence of new technologies. Over the last decade, cloud computing has grown to be the most impactful innovation that requires enterprises to keep an eye on. But many people still have the same question: how can cloud computing change the way we manage things? In general, the alteration in management is all about the way information is collected.

Organizations are changing rapidly

Since the invention of the cloud, information can travel much faster across the computing systems which are far more flexible with several aspects like virtualization, automated security patching or scaling up to handle larger workloads. This will probably lead to a more supple work structure considering the aim to create products and service that can be adjusted to satisfy customer’s needs. The key here is data collection and analysis, as well as some changes in product software.

Enterprises are on the shift to the cloud
Moreover, a potential outcome of businesses migrating to the cloud is the change in how products are designed. The IT department would have more contact and collaboration with other units such as the sales, marketing, and finance. Customer interaction might also be improved significantly. For example, Chris Jackson, the Head of Cloud Platform department at the global learning company Pearson, claimed that his IT team had involved more on product design meetings to offer some advice on how the data should be collected, instead of just launching the software and doing the maintenance work as previously.

Public cloud-based services like AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud are regarded as cheaper but effective providers of data storage and process by many people. And the low cost might be the main reason why companies leave behind their data centers and consume attendant software. Others use cloud computing in their own data centers for faster working speed and increasing resources.

How cloud computing affects product design and customer

In general, the cloud has made it easier for companies to design the products or service directly on the cloud, as well as conduct better marketing campaigns. Businesses also prefer to use the cloud for new data storage and analysis. It is a common place where many AI operations are conducted like image and speech recognition.

As businesses start to recognize their products and services as software-centric, the data is repeatedly extracted from those entities. Adjustments and updates become a must in the constant process. Other organizational functions no long played a crucial role as the business processes become iterative.
Recently, there has been a project on a tablet-based system for conducting complex calculations in real time. It would take the developers at least six months to complete. But thanks to cloud computing technology that allows accelerated testing and direct communication with their customers, the product was created just after 10 weeks based on their specific demands about the construction and design.

What else can change?

It is not surprising to mention the constant relationship between business management and technology. But when will the cloud have the huge influence on management like mainframe or client-server? According to recent research by Erik Brynjolfsson, Daniel Rock, and Chad Syverson, it is suggested that major technology breakthrough may lead to a lag in productivity for many years. The reason for that statement is that we must build a new ecosystem for that innovative technology to grow, as well as think about how we should utilize for maximum efficiency. In fact, advances like the AI or the cloud-based software are believed to find their position in human life quickly. Low cost is probably one of the main reasons why they can be applied to real-life problems by young startups.

The migration to “cloud native” organizations

Cloud native software emphasizes the easy-to-use feature and that the alteration of application components has a low effect. The whole applications are divided into “micro-services,” which can be adjusted with little to no impact on the software.

The conventional software often requires big rewrites when people want to make a change because they have a series of “dependencies,” the relationships among different lines of code. If we change those micro-services into highly portable units called containers, the relationship is no longer a problem. This change allows developers to manage the applications from any place all over the world without troubles.

Kubernetes is one of the most popular cloud-native platforms that offers globally apps management. 
Kubernetes is the most famous company that was developed by Google to help the parent company run global applications, adjust products with ease and fix software issues at a great scale. Kubernetes has been largely used by a variety of organizations and received positive feedback. Michael Francis, the Blackrock project leader, said that Kubernates allows them to manage thousands of processes transparently and solve problems more quickly. The online education company Pearson also uses Kubernetes for deploying and managing their new types of online learning systems in Mexico and India.


The immense growth of cloud computing has led to significant changes in business management and the organizations themselves. The IT teams have the opportunity to involve more in the product lifecycle and deserve a place in every meeting about the product design, where they can give valuable advice on how the data should be collected and analyzed to meet customers’ need. Managers will need to focus more on improving their skills including collaboration, learning, and empathy to make the organization more adaptive to new challenges.
Change Your Business Management With Cloud Computing Change Your Business Management With Cloud Computing Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud-native databases? Why not?

July 25, 2018
People who belong to the group of neophobia, changing or moving is nearly impossible. In term of moving database, it’s still true to computer users or even to someone seeming to be clear-headed with any change. Due to the fact that it is involved with many other documents, indeed some are relatively important. However, even the most proactive person still hesitates whether they should transfer on-premises data to another different place, cloud. A plenty of people might call this action is to take the risk not only for their computer but also their work or even their life. That’s why the question of using only cloud-native databases or databases that both the cloud and on-premises can work on is taken into account.

The fact is that there are a plenty of discussions on choosing the cloud-native (it means “cloud-only”) or on-premises/ dual cloud.  We all know that in the perspective of a user, to come to the final decision is not easy as we thought as it still involves other issues of finance as well as operational efficiency. However, if you intend to use a cloud database, read on the lowdown below on how to pick the right one.

What is the superb news?

When we refer to the change of using a database, perhaps it will generate a plenty of different viewpoints because not every person is willing to try something new. As a matter of fact, a large number of IT companies do not have a habit of altering database regularly. They use a specific database in such a long time as a rule and of course, they don’t intend to stop using that one in the cloud.

However, what a huge pity, if you miss the relatively good news of the on-premises databases, are totally able to run on the cloud with a great performance.

Unfortunately, to some extent the cloud-native databases cannot entirely replace the position of traditional ones as this kind of database is seemingly just an alternative option. However, If you consider on-premises database not too crucial, let’s take a look at the cloud-native database.

Where are the upsides and downsides of cloud-native databases?

How much does it cost and how fast does it take are by far the most common questions that many people are wondering. Indeed, if your company is on a tight budget, any problem involved with money is always prioritized. Of course,  its performance is also put in a high priority.

The fact is two above-mentioned factors available on cloud-native databases as well while using services from the public cloud. Hence, all we need is to look for the right one that can match our preference but still affordable. Let’s make it clear.
  • When we refer to the cloud-native databases’ negative parts, I surely know that many people will feel a sense of inconvenience. However everything usually comes up with both pros and cons, of course, not everyone can accept the drawbacks easily. Regarding of cloud-native databases, it comes with the disadvantages of when you desire to bring the data back to the premises the data have to be converted into the on-premises databases’ form. You might waste a little amount of time for doing this for sure.
  • However, we cannot turn blind eyes on its advantages. The databases can certainly run both in on-premises as well as in the cloud. It greatly contributes to the convenience of users and helps them link data a mile a minute. It also means that the process of migration will be done at a great speed.
  • Of course, cost always plays a vital part in any project. Measuring the total costs of databases is not too challenging. There are five types of the cost that you need to cover in the process of picking your right cloud databases. It will come with the DBA work (Database administrators usually use specific software with the aim of saving and managing data), backup and recovery (it mentions the process of data backed up if unfortunately, it loses), data integration (it takes responsibility of combining data from plenty of single sources into useful information), security (It plays an extremely important role in ensuring the safety of your databases), and the final one is DG (data governance has the goal of managing the availability, integrity, etc. of data in general). If you can measure these kinds of cost, everything will be much easier.
  • If you do not follow the tenet of “You get what you pay for”, in another word, you don’t tend to prefer splurging on pricey stuff, I highly recommend a reasonable solution. Sometimes, an affordable solution can create a surprisingly amazing result that truly beyond our expectation. 
Frankly speaking, the cloud-native database is not a strange concept with many people, some have tried and applied to their project, some have just heard about it. However, I will suggest you give it a try to have a new experience on your computer.

Do you know about the merits of using cloud-native database? If not yet, why don’t you give it a try.
Cloud-native databases? Why not? Cloud-native databases? Why not? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

Storing music in personal cloud platforms? Why not?

July 25, 2018
Description: Storing your music online is a great idea. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of online music storing and best places to store your music.

Personal cloud storage is no longer a stranger term for most of the Internet users. People use cloud storage to keep their applications and files safe. However, not every cloud platform can be a good place for storing music. Storing music online requires much more than just a folder to keep the music safe. Some features as the following:
  • A built-in music player so that you can play music online
  • A feature that allows users to download files to different devices. 
  • Support for a wide range of file formats. 
  • A feature that enables users to create playlists 
But before we get to the part of how to find a suitable cloud storage for music, the important question is whether you should upload your music online or not.

Should you store your music online?
Although storing music online is not popular and, to some cloud users, not necessary, cloud users could gain many benefits from using an online platform to keep their music. The advantages and disadvantages of using cloud storage for music will be discussed below.

The Advantages Of Storing Music Online

Increase accessibility to your music library:  Using the cloud increase your accessibility to your music playlists almost anywhere and anytime. Rather than using your smartphone or a storage device that might not be easy to carry around, you can utilize your existing cloud account for storing music With the help of the Internet and available features of your cloud service, you would be able to access your songs from any device.

Online cloud platform allows you to gain access to your music library.
Sharing music: You would probably contravene the copyright law if you directly distribute your music via P2P networks and other unauthorized networks. By sharing your music playlists from your cloud storage, you could legalize the sharing via famous social sites such as Facebook.

Music recovery: Another advantage of storing your music library online is you could recover your files in almost any cases, irrespective of natural disasters or the cloud’s downtime.

The Downsides Of Storing Music Online

It’s hard to access your cloud storage offline: You almost always need an Internet connection to gain access to your music online. Many cloud platforms allow you to access to your files offline, however, you still have to download the files and compensate a considerable amount of your device’s internal storage for those files. It could be the biggest disadvantage of storing your music online.

Security threats: Nothing is really safe online even though cloud providers are trying their best to ensure your upload files are safe. The only way to make sure your music is safe is through security credentials, especially password. Therefore adopting a strong secure password is essential to keep your cloud away from security threats.

Best Cloud Storages For Music

There are many cloud platforms, but not many of them are suitable to store music. The following sites are handpicked for their wonderful features and capacity to help you gain full access and use your music library online.


pCloud provides free storage of 10GB for any new users. After verifying your email and complete some basic questions, you could upgrade your storage platform into 20GB for files and music. Besides its generosity, pCloud is famous for its features for music, especially playback and sharing features.

pCloud also automatically categorizes your music files into Audio and Video sections and at the same time sort the music library by song, artist, album. It applies to any playlists of yours.

Additionally, you can stream your music online, add songs to a queue and enjoy your music online without downloading them to your device. The sharing option is available, allowing you to share your music files as a folder or as a single file. Your friends can listen and download the music files without having a pCloud account. In case you accidentally delete your files, they stay in your account for 15 days. You can always look for your missing files.

pCloud offers free apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.

Google Play Music

Unlike other cloud platforms, Google Play Music only provide you a limited space for music uploading. Though limited, the space is quite large, which allows you to upload up to 50,000 songs.  Google Play Music automatically classify your music files and playlists by artists, albums, and genres. It enables desktop notifications for any news during playback. You can even install a mini player on Chrome to play your music without opening Google Play Music. You could use a huge library of free podcasts, radio stations as well as free songs from Google Play Music.

Google Play Music is available on Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac.


MEGA is also a great place to store your files if you're concerned that someone may hack into your account - this entire file storage service is built around privacy and security.

Though MEGA is not famous for its features for music storing, you can rely on the cloud’s privacy and security. MEGA offers 50G free for its users, so can upload as many music files as you like. You can upload a whole music folder and prevent network problems by using a feature called bandwidth control from MEGA. You can stream music in MEGA through a free mobile app.

MEGA apps are free for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Storing music in personal cloud platforms? Why not? Storing music in personal cloud platforms? Why not? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

7 Tips And Tricks To Store Things Online Effectively

July 17, 2018
Cloud storage features many Easter eggs that we might not notice. This article will help you unlock 7 interesting ways to store your files online.

Cloud Storage has been around for ages and it seems no one could deny its capacity and features. When it comes to cloud storage, several famous names pop up including Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and Box. Names are different, however, all of them offer standardized services which enable you to store, access and manage your files easily.

How to use cloud storage effectively?
The question is are you really sure you have mastered cloud storage? Some existing features may be waiting for your notice. Let’s see how many cool things you can do with your personal cloud storage

Save Your Gmail Attachments To The Cloud

Google Scripts allow you to automatically set up the path for your Gmail attachments to your Google Drive. All you have to do is install Save Emails – an add-on that will help you save emails and files from Gmail to Google Drive. You can also use this add-on to save pictures, videos, documents, backups or anything from Gmail to Google Drive.

Once it is installed, the add-on will set up a mechanism to download your chosen files to the folder you created for Gmail files. The add-on is available for free, however, its premium version offers a few more interesting features.

In case you don’t want to save things from Gmail to Google Drive, Kloudless, an extension for Chrome and Firefox, to save your email content, and attachments into any cloud storages as you prefer.

Embed Video Using Google Drive 

Why bother using YouTube or any hosting site to upload and embed your videos while you can ask Google Drive to do the job for you. The process is simple.
  • On Google Drive, choose Upload, or you can use drag and drop option
  • Choose the video you need to upload
  • Change the private setting from Piave to Public if you want to use it on a website. 
  • After uploading, right click on the video and select Open with Google Drive Viewer
  • Choose File- Embed this video 
  • Copy the code and use it on your blog. 

File Previewer With Google Drive 

Google Drive supports over 30 file formats including .CSS, .HTML, .ZIP, .RAR. You can preview your files using Google Drive if it is less than 25 MB. More importantly, if you want to open vector files such as .AI or .SVG, you can also use Google Drive to preview the files.

To-Do Lists On The Cloud 

If you are busy and have a list of things to do during the day, it is important to use to-do lists to manage your tasks and avoid procrastination. But is it possible to create and manage to-do lists on your cloud? The answer is yes. You can use tools and applications such as Wunderlist to build up your to-do list via Dropbox. These applications often automatically deliver your daily tasks across devices so you can access to your to-do lists from anywhere.

Manage Your Documents On Google Drive Or OneDrive 

Google Drive and OneDrive are two giants in cloud service world. They are famous for many handy features. Among them, creating and editing documents is what make people interest the most. Besides, you can use these features to create online research, including managing tasks, planning events, create quizzes and collecting feedbacks.

You can manage your documents and files effectively with cloud storage.
Your folders and documents could be easily shared and accessed by your colleagues. They can comment and make changes on documents if allowed.

Turn Your Multiple Cloud Accounts Into One

You may have multiple cloud accounts at the same time. This allows you to have a bigger storage space but prevents you to access to your cloud accounts effectively. How to manage your files using multiple cloud accounts? Many available options help you to convert different cloud accounts into one single one. MultCloud is one example. It allows you to get access your files from multiple accounts in only one working page.

Other Options For Cloud Storage

Besides famous providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive, there are a few more options to name. For example, if you don’t want to use any of those mentioned above, you can create your own cloud platform. Some providers such as ownCloud ensure their clients by providing good packages and security.

An idea appears and you want to jot it down as soon as possible. Instead of opening Google Drive, you can use Evernote or similar applications to record and manage your thoughts instantly. Basically, Evernote could be used for anything that comes to your mind which need to be written down.
7 Tips And Tricks To Store Things Online Effectively 7 Tips And Tricks To Store Things Online Effectively Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 17, 2018 Rating: 5

Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting

July 14, 2018
The world of the IoT is not as easy as we thought. Let’s take a look at our article to learn more about it and how it influences the cloud hosting.

Do you know about the IoT (Internet of Things)? How many percents can you estimate its effect on your enterprise? This technology has burst onto the scene recently and a large number of companies are about to catch onto this trend. The list of companies involved includes not only small and medium-size but also Global 2000 ones. You may be curious that why they turn by turn bring the IoT to cloud hosting. The answer is that they might not be aware of how much it can harm their system.

What is it taking place?

Perhaps everyone all wants to know more about how it is going and why it is relatively risky to the cloud hosting as well as IT. Let me make it clear by giving an example. In case the HVAC system (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) of one building has some problems with physical devices or actuators and this stuff stops working. The most common way to address this issue is that they usually replace by using other smart devices.

Which consequences does it lead to?

However, the most crucial point is that when they use these new devices they were unaware of the risk of the IoT. Due to the fact that these IoT devices have their own operating system and even maintain its own database. Sadly, individuals who take responsibility for this action do not know about this existence and keeping replacing their company’s network. Somehow the company’s cloud hosting is damaged because of that.

The fact is that hacking the IoT devices are not challenging and the system can be attacked a mile a minute. Hence, all of the information including data and password will be taken away to serve many bad purposes. When we cannot ensure the security for our company, the trust from not only clients but also employees is far away.

Furthermore, all of the worst things are still spread once company using the IoT devices. The danger and risk might go up to a new level as when we upgrade to many other devices such as printers, copiers, etc. they are likely to turn against your system. Of course, we cannot turn a blind eye to the potential of the cloud system is also attacked. We all know that once the cloud is assaulted, the consequence is relatively terrible.

Bear in mind that you should throw away the thought of money can exchange anything. As the matter of the fact, not all expensive devices can make sure your cloud hosting system to be safe. Hordes of enterprises fail into the trap of splurging on the costly item but the firewall was still broken.

What should we do?

Unfortunately, in the next few years, the IoT will be used widely, hence it becomes an extremely big issue when the cloud hosting is laxer than any before. This problem is likely to occur at any enterprise. Perhaps, the business’s owners will devote a large amount of not only money but also time to fix the mistakes and the consequences led from this technology.

However, we are only disenchanted after making huge mistakes and suffering by losing money from an unsuccessful business deal. Hopefully, companies are able to learn from those mistakes to give more corrective decisions as well as actions.

I will let you know how corrective an action is. One tip from experienced individuals is that if the IoT providers cannot give their customers the same level of security as the public cloud suppliers can, reject it without hesitation. Even they have such appealing advertisement with a lot of attractive discount programs, you still should not use it. The security should be always put in the top priority, once the information is leaked, you and your company will lose the competitive edge on the market. Of course, it has a far-reaching influence on the revenue. In fact, many IoT enterprise is trying to enhance the security, though the secure IoT devices are too slow. That’s why some people criticize that those efforts are worthless.

All in all, Steve Jobs once said “Stay Hurry. Stay Foolish”, we cannot be mature if our life runs smoothly without any trouble. Even we know that the IoT can bring disadvantages for company’s security though why don’t we dare to try it and the lessons we learn from that is well worth it. However, from my own perspective, I do not encourage companies, my clients as well, to do that but if they have their own plan to develop and expand their business, why I have to prevent them from doing it.
Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting Another perspective about the IoT to the cloud hosting Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting?

July 13, 2018
Don’t let your start-up fall behind the game. 10 reasons below will help you understand why you should adopt cloud hosting.

Nearly 2 decades after its first premiere, cloud hosting has shaped the way individuals and organizations storing and handling information and applications. In the age of cloud hosting, information, applications, software, data can be stored in a big amount and shared within connectors with security. Cloud computing allows users to access their files and data via a cloud-hosted server, which means you no longer need to keep everything on your physical computer system.

To keep your business alive in this fast-paced world, it is essential to keep up and adopt cloud hosting to manage and store your vital information. Below are 10 reasons why you should adopt cloud hosting as soon as possible.


Is it safe to use cloud computing service? The answer is yes. The server-host is paid to watch the system closely, alert and prevent any security problems. Compared to a myriad of IT problems in a physical computer system, security threats included, cloud platform is generally safer.

Security threats are what concerns most of the cloud users.
A survey form RapidScale claims that over 90% of businesses witnessed the security improvement after installing cloud computing. The secret lies behind the adoption of encryption in encoding data. Encryption makes sure data is less accessible from hackers and unauthorized individuals.


The cloud server offers a highly flexible option for businesses. First, you don’t have to pay too much attention to computers, storing issues, IT problems, and infrastructure for databases. If you need extra space for new-coming data, the cloud can upgrade to a bigger platform. If you need extra bandwidth, it can also provide you instantly. No need to worry about the complex infrastructure you need to upgrade using the local server. Using cloud computing gives you more choices and flexibility to focus on the business targets.


Cloud computing allows you to access your data, files, and applications anywhere via smart phones or mobile devices. Anyone from busy manager to outsourcing staffs who are unable to come to the office can get their hands in the files.


In the digital age, data can be converted into money. Analyzed data gives businesses insights of which direction to go and how to launch their next projects. Many cloud services offer cloud analytics in which users can carry out tracking mechanisms and draw up reports and analyze data. This will help increase efficiency and broaden future insights of the business.


Cloud system eliminates inconsistency and human error in data by allowing many authorized individuals to access and cross-check the information. The stored information in the cloud-based system stays in the same place and in the same format will help businesses avoid confusion and dilute data.


If you worry about money, you are not alone as 20% of organizations are worried about the initial cost to launch cloud computing. There are free-cloud options with less secure for things that are not necessarily important. And pay-as-you-go options for essential information. Using cloud service helps you save time and money for start-up projects. Clouds often feature many useful tools to manage and process information. Since you pay for the suitable storage package, you don’t have to worry whether if these features are not necessary.

IT managers can save money and resources for cloud adoption.

Disaster recovery

Using local server from computers to store data increase your risk of lost data, and in some worst cases, unable-to-recover data. The cloud-based system provides solutions to any scenarios from natural disasters such as earthquakes or downtime such as power outages. Your data can be retrieved as quickly as possible leaving no damages, though the retrieving period depends on how severe the situation is.

Loss prevention

If you use the local server on your computer to store data, you likely to experience local hardware problems. The problems can be so severe, you end up losing your information and data permanently. Computer malfunctions are so common and unavoidable. The solution to this is using cloud computing. First, you can always recover your lost data on cloud servers. Second, your data is generally safe from any hardware malfunctions that cause permanent data loss. Your data is protected and accessible from any mobile or immobile devices via the internet.


In this digital age, the winner is the one who constantly aware of what is happening around. Your business, especially when it is new, need to step up the game before your rivals. The cloud-based system increases your competitive advantage. A study from Verizon shows that over 70% of businesses believe the cloud gives them chances to go ahead of the game while 16% believe the competitive sense of adopting cloud computing is critical.


The cloud system is virtual and environmental-friendly.
Since you don’t need a large number of computers to store information, you have made a big choice to switch into a sustainable path not only for your business but also for the planet. The cloud is definitely more environmental-friendly since its infrastructures are mainly virtual services, not physical hardware. The cloud helps your business cut down on paper waste, and increase energy efficiency.
Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Why should start-ups adopt cloud hosting? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 13, 2018 Rating: 5
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