Results for Cloud Server

What Do You Need to Know about the Amazon Cloud Server?

July 04, 2018
AWS is attractive with several features to support the cloud-based platform from small businesses to medium-size enterprises. But, be sure to have a deep understanding beforehand.


Finding the right name about the cloud hosting service provider on the market is both easy and difficult. It is quite easy when you can list out several brands from countries to the world, but it is a little bit tough to choose the right option for your business. And today, I/we are going to introduce you one of the famous cloud hosting brand – Amazon Cloud Server. Are you “oh and ah” right now?

About the Amazon Cloud Server 

Amazon Cloud Server (AWS) is a true service provider for small and medium-sized companies; especially in the digital world, this name is a well-known brand. AWS has many products to perform which are designed to optimize the cloud-based platform.

If you want to success as a proven winner in the IaaS solution space, you can go with the AWS which starts more than $6,000 each year for 8 servers of the web application package.

In fact, AWS is larger than other 4 rivals nowadays, according to the Synergy Research Group. Even AWS has started the cloud business since 2006, they have been done it longer than anyone else on the market.

Features of the AWS that you should not miss out

There are bunches of features to expect from Amazon Web Services. The most common ones include elastic load balancing, content delivery, and scheduled backup plans as well. You have a diverse option from its 5 main categories to choose from which are Computer, Storage, Database, Migration, Networking& Content Delivery.

If you want to get high-end services, you can require each service and the good point is that you enable to handle all of them with administrative controls which you access through a safe web client. Under each category, AWS has lots of services which are tailored to carry out specific requirements.

Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

Amazon EC2 is a unique web service that makes all businesses run many application programs throughout the AWS public cloud. With the support of this service, you can get a position to enjoy it in the web-scale computing.

Thanks to the interface, you will enable to arrange capacity without getting friction. In general, it makes you have full of the control in your computing resources and run at Amazon’s proven computing space.

Amazon Cloud Front

Amazon Cloud Front is an advanced of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) that you can use it to complete your website from the static to streaming content. Generally speaking, any request for your content will be saved to the closet edge zone.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

If there is something I could not be able to miss to mention in the Amazon cloud services review, it is Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). This is a cloud storage service which is not only excellent but low cost, scalable, brags, and high speeds.

Also, it was designed to make it easier in the online backup, achieving application programs and other databases. One of Amazon’s S3 goals is to support developers to get experience easier the web-scale computing.

Multiple platforms 

AWS is also flexible. For several websites, the content management system is absolutely the main part of the platform. Thus, whether you select Word Press, Drupal, Joomla, Dot Net, Ruby or other systems, you can run AWS smoothly.

Access the AWS – is it easy to do that?

In fact, it is quite difficult to set up and build the solid foundation of the AWS. This is the main reason why there are tons of service providers available on the market to solve this issue for clients just like you and me!

There are many steps, to begin with, this journey, but there are also other ways to run AWS including the AWS Marketplace where you can purchase preconfigured and pretested more server images.

When you have your VMs, Amazon also helps you make it easy to combine them into the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

However, you need to run your hardware or select a package is like IBM/SoftLayer does. This package offers you handle over your bare-metal servers at their database center. AWS will provide you a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account.

The standard AWS documentation is quite well, but it does not mean it is great at all. For example, if you are working with Ubuntu for your VM, you are often directed to the website documentation of this company which was not written with AWS in mind.

You will find yourself spending much time than you might expect at a Linux shell or Microsoft PowerShell prompt. AWS does a good job of controlling all basics of establishing VMs when you work with these VMs. Then, you are back to your shell tools.

Things we like

  • Great customer service
  • Diverse pricing selections
  • Flexible structure
  • Excellent customization 
  • Many Amazon cloud service options 
  • Wide various Window and Linux servers 
  • Not expensive in the upfront costs 

Things we do not like 

  • Unlimited disk space or bandwidth (sometimes) 
  • Not clear in the price of each package 
  • Fluctuated performance 
  • Poor bang 
  • Difficult managing 


Honestly, AWS has different prices in each package, and this point will make all users and prospects feel uncomfortable because they do not understand at all. To make sure the right price, you need to contact the customer service and pick the right one for your website.

I/we can let you know the base price that you are going to pay based on the costing model as following:
  • $0.080 per hour
  • $57.60 per month
  • $691.2 per year
AWS also has the AWS Free Tier which is a free service made to support you get an amazing experience with the cloud services before buying it. Access this page and everything you need to know the details!


There is no denying that AWS is one of the most popular service providers on the market nowadays. It is a good idea to consider using AWS, but do not rush to buy it when you do not understand the basics and other points of this story. Ask for help from a webmaster or an experienced developer and get a small discussion about that and purchase it later.
What Do You Need to Know about the Amazon Cloud Server? What Do You Need to Know about the Amazon Cloud Server? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 04, 2018 Rating: 5

Some Useful Things You Need To Know About Cloud Server

October 19, 2017

Why Cloud Server is mostly used in businesses? Let’s find out the answer.

The core of the cloud server is cloud computing. This article will introduce Cloud Server (Cloud VPS), the knowledge to give readers the most intuitive understanding of the Cloud Server.

In recent years, the information technology industry has been growing. Along with that development, businesses and organizations will have to invest large capital for the purchase, maintenance and operation of servers. However, with the advent of cloud computing, enterprise organizations will not have to spend too much money to own a server to serve the business development, trade development, application of information technology to production.

Business organizations can choose virtual servers or VPS (Virtual Private Servers) to be used as a dedicated server for business needs. However, organizations today can use cloud technology with greater efficiency and technology.

What is Cloud Server?

Cloud servers provide a virtual private server like VPS but are deployed and developed on the basis of cloud computing. Therefore, the cloud server inherits the outstanding advantages of cloud computing technology that will not be available when using the normal VPS.

Cloud Server, VPS and Dedicated Server: which one should we choose? 

Is it difficult to choose the best one for you?
VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a virtual server that operates as a shared resource from a physical server. Virtual server is formed through the method of partitioning a physical server into different virtual servers. Each virtual server can run its own operating system, CPU, memory, storage hard drive... with the full range of management features and use of separate configuration.

Cloud Server: A virtual server that is deployed on a cloud computing platform, running on a variety of physical server connections. This feature of the Cloud Server gives you instant access to an unlimited supply. For traditional storage environments, these resources are usually limited to a physical server. Cloud Server costs are determined by the number of resource nodes selected, including CPU, RAM, storage space, and monthly bandwidth.

Dedicated Server is a type of hosting on the internet where users can rent an entire server without sharing it with anyone. Dedicated servers are usually located at the data center and are provided with redundant resources, power supplies, and other security features.

This type of hosting allows you to rent an entire server and have access to all resources to host one or more websites. With hosted hosting, there is no transfer of assets or personnel to the web hosting company. This is determined by a number of factors depending on the company. Web hosting companies are generally not responsible for anything other than the hosting work. Processes of work, such as bug fixes and strategic direction, are customer-managed.

To see the advantages of the cloud server, let us carry out a small comparison table among the cloud server, VPS and dedicated server.



  • Data is stored on the SAN, not on the physical server
  • Data is backed up regularly
  • If a physical server is error, Cloud Server still processes normally and stably 

Expansion ability

  • Expand immediately when having the need to do it
  • Can downgrade the server if it is not necessary to use so many resources
  • Cost-saving with flexible resource utilization


  • Pay for what you have used
  • You can expand or downgrade the resources to save the cost


  • It runs of physical server
  • Physical servers may be suspended at rush times leading to the VPS being able to deactivate

Expansion ability

  • Resources are virtualized and provided to users
  • Physical servers do not have enough resources so they can not provide large resources


  • Payment depends on VPS configuration
  • Common server usage causes VPS to be dependent



  • Data stored on a server is risky
  • You will lose all data if a HDD is damaged
  • Costly to deploy and back up data

Expansion ability

  • To expand, you  have to buy dedicated and complex hardware
  • High server downtime when upgrading


  • High hardware costs
  • Pay for the entire physical server
The use of conventional servers  may exist many other shortcomings. But with Cloud Server, it can eliminate some of the most common problems and definitely be able to completely replace traditional servers including VPS. Cloud Server's resource enhancements are simple and fast, and resource upgrades last only a few minutes, and do not require server maintenance at the time of the upgrade. All projects that can be deployed on the same server, not enough resources, can be upgraded with almost no limits.

Advantages of Cloud Server

Easy management

Cloud Server provides you with a full-featured browser-based Web 2.0 management console, full control over resources, server re-installation, and more. and other features.

Remote access

You can access, manage, and share your data anywhere through devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops with a network connection.

High availability

The cloud Server system has a self-monitoring mechanism to the server, the system automatically switch between servers when one of the servers has problems. Sever in Cloud can not inherit the connection, the system will transfer all the data in the corrupted server through the resources available in Cloud.

Easy scalability

If you need more resources to do something, you do not need to hire a new server, and you have the right to upgrade your Cloud resources, conveniently and quickly. You can upgrade server according to your usage needs.

Highly configurable and dedicated

Cloud Server utilizes dedicated server systems from leading manufacturers such as Cisco, Dell, IBM and SuperMicro with high configuration and solid network foundation.

Dedicated Operating system

You may be asked to install Linux CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora... or any supported operating system publicly.

Cloud server has a lot of benefit that many businesses want to apply it. And you, have you found it convenient and useful? If so, leave the comments below. I wish you had a good day.
Some Useful Things You Need To Know About Cloud Server Some Useful Things You Need To Know About Cloud Server Reviewed by thanhcongabc on October 19, 2017 Rating: 5
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