Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage

Whether you understand thoroughly about the concept of Cloud Hosting? Let’s check it in this article.

Cloud hosting is a fairly new term, so what is Cloud Hosting? What are the benefits of cloud hosting? In fact, Cloud Hosting works just like most other types of web hosting as we know, but the difference is that it runs on cloud servers so it's called Cloud Hosting.

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud Hosting is a new term for cloud-based Hosting services.
Physically, Cloud Hosting works similarly to the current types of Web Hosting.  Cloud Hosting also uses the same managed control panel Hosting as DirectAdmin, as well as configuring and setting up features such as Web Hosting. However, there is one difference between Cloud Hosting and Web Hosting is that Cloud Hosting runs on Cloud Servers (Cloud Server / Cloud VPS).
Cloud Hosting works based on the cloud computing technology, using the best server platform of the major servers in the world such as Cisc. In addition to Cloud Storage, the principle of distributed storage, it operates on the CloudLinux operating system. Moreover, it utilizes the load balancing technology among servers to provide access speed. Its speed is also faster than other types of Web Hosting. The data security is made sure to be higher as well as the minimal ability to Downtime for the Website.

Cloud Hosting operates based on the most advanced technology in the world today, allowing unlimited number of Servers to use a Website or a Website System. Cloud Hosting has a significant advantage over today's traditional hosting solutions such as the use of resources and the security of a cloud-hosted website. In fact, it is  always guaranteed on multiple servers instead of just one.The cloud computing technology also eliminates any physical limitations for the development and makes the data storage solution extremely flexible. The stability of the system Cloud Hosting compared to traditional hosting up to 300%.

Benefits from Cloud Hosting service

The users can benefit so much from Cloud Hosting service
The Cloud Hosting service allows even very small sites, without being famous, to benefit from the latest technology at a reasonable price. Cloud hosting works based on the most advanced technology in the world today that allows unlimited number of servers for a website or a website system. Cloud hosting allows for very high expansion, allowing users to use the resources and security of a cloud-hosted website secured by multiple servers. Cloud computing technology also removes any physical limitations for development and makes storage solutions extremely flexible.

Features of Cloud Hosting:

  • You can choose Windows or Linux operating system
  •  Server availability of SLA is made sure for 99.99%
  •  Narrow or shrink resources when requested
  •  100 Mbps Internet connection
  •  Services include firewall, monitoring, and operating system patches
  •  Data is back up and server can be restored
  •  Technical support 24/7

Advantages of Cloud Hosting:

Cloud Hosting offer customers a lot of advantages
- Rapid expansion: Cloud Hosting allows you to add resources as quickly as you need them and drop them when you do not need them. Users only pay for what they actually use, but always get the resources when they need it.

- Reliability: Cloud Hosting does not depend on any single hardware, so any faulty hardware will not affect the availability of cloud hosting, up to 99.99% uptime.

- Full management: Cloud Hosting will include patches and operating system monitors, as well as security firewalls, back-up data from the high-tech cloud computing infrastructure.

- Windows or Linux platforms: Cloud Hosting supports both Windows and Linux operating systems. So, users who develop on Microsoft SQL or mysql, IIS or apache, PHP or ASP.NET are all compatible.

Some disadvantages

The cloud hosting model still has some disadvantages:

- Privacy: Are users’ credentials and data stored in cloud computing private? Are they used for other purposes that the owner does not know? These questions may be answered properly after you use the service for a long time.

- Availability: Cloud services can be "suspended" unexpectedly, and objective risks such as lost internet connection, etc., may affect if you are not using the services. Data access in a certain amount of time affects work.

- Data loss: when using cloud hosting technology, we rely entirely on the provider, if for some reason the provider stops working or no longer provides the service, the user must copy Saving data from the cloud to a personal computer. This is very time-consuming, and there may be cases where data loss can not be reversed.

- Ownership: When the user no longer uses the cloud provider's services, does the data replication take place conveniently, and whether the vendor cancels all customer data?

- Security Issues: The storage of cloud data is on security enhancements, but it also causes hackers to steal the data.

Some prestigious Cloud Hosting providers (2017) 


InMotionHosting is very proud to be ranked in the top 1 for cloud hosting service. It provides you with the RAM of up to 8GB and the SSD of no charge. Also, the free control panel are recognized with SSL criteria, and the elective root access helps you manage the servers well.


When you need to upgrade and adapt the VPS solutions, HostGator is a great idea. With the huge capability, it can store all your data up to 80% compared to other services. Especially, HostGator offers customers the website builder with thousands of templates. Well, they cost you nothing!


The dominant feature of this cloud hosting provider is the good security for site backup and sitelock. Moreover, it offers you various choices of CPU cores and memory capability which are up to 8GB.

I hope you understand those basic things about Cloud Hosting. Have a nice day!
Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage Cloud Hosting And The New Generation of Data Storage Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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