Results for Cloud Computing

Reshape Defense Department Cloud Computing Capabilities To Operate At The 'Speed Of Relevance'

October 25, 2018
To keep pace with our times with the IT industry's efforts, the Department of Defense realizes the importance of transitioning from the classic legacy systems to a culture of performance and affordability – a new approach to managing its networking and computing need - that operates at the speed of relevance.

Adopting cloud computing to accelerate the pace that nuclear weapons systems, military organizations, and concepts of operations evolve to meet the requirements of future threats and to develop and deploy new capabilities faster to re-establish military superiority at means that cloud integration security should be concerned with.
A legacy system or also known as a legacy platform is an old piece of computer hardware art. It might serve as a nice back up to the current systems everywhere. Most banks, transportation, hospitals, insurance, retail companies (Metro and Otto), energy companies (including nuclear plants), manufacturing of all types (process control), the defense industry, and more by and large realize the need to modernize their legacy systems to make it suitable with the demands of the current digital technology world.

Even though the legacy system has not been entirely phased out, these unmodified legacy systems may require a significant amount of upkeep and be associated with terminology or processes that are no longer applicable to the current digital transformation journey, thus creating confusion and complicating digital transformation efforts.

Like some good reasons why you should run your new computer with Windows 10 instead of Windows XP, the standard of the operating systems used in the enterprise should be improved. Now more than ever, since businesses face growth and expansion, a significant number of users no longer choose to stick with some baggage carried by the legacy systems.

The Department of Defense’s Cloud Adoption to Operate at the 'Speed of Relevance'
And it is always a good choice to transition from legacy systems to the cloud. Folding it into a more modern digital architecture will, fortunately, improve security and database accessibility, harness modern technology in the battle for cost-saving effectiveness, and boost performance for both the warfighter and business operations across the U.S. Department of Defense with a little effort.

The Cloud Contract

It is undeniable that to maintain the U.S. Department of Defense military’s technological advantage; it is necessary to accelerate its adoption of cloud computing technologies. However, integrations between on-premises and cloud solutions often deal with sensitive data. Also, all non-sensitive data, such as public-facing websites needs moving to the commercial cloud as soon as possible. Therefore, a cloud contract is crucial to be modernizing the Department of Defense and reforming the way they do business. Its predicted multi-billion-dollar cloud contract is considered as an effective means to revolutionize the military’s ability and potential to effectively execute missions and save the U.S. homeland from any attack.

Unlike acquiring ships, planes, or any machine, acquiring software is a big deal, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. Going to the cloud means having modernized the applications and being able to pull the data out of a lot of different applications. But, in order to avoid staying abreast of the ever-changing threat, it is essential to have security requirements on these completely new approaches to the management of military networks and the acquisition of cyber capabilities.

Reliance on a sole-source IT contract, which is not designed with a specific vendor or company in mind will be one of the biggest hurdles in the revolution of the military’s ability. This single-award contract is well worth taking time to conduct a full-range and open competition to find out the best cloud capability for the war fighter. As a result, it is a severe fight for a massive Pentagon Cloud Contract to offer the Department of Defense the most competitive solution.

Instead of operating nuclear weapons to be still running on computers from the last century at a yearly cost of multiple billions of dollars, the Department of Defense’s adoption of cloud computing is such a great means to incorporate enterprise legacy systems into the digital strategy to support the war fighter and to maintain the department’s security and to re-establish military superiority.

A Two-Year Contract

To meet the DoD’s demands to provide the warfighter with the best cloud capability, 46 companies that can rapidly deliver new capabilities responded actively with questions to its very first draft solicitation.

Even though the Department of Defense says it is not the high time to predict the ultimate value of the contract, according to the estimation of the JEDI (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure), the contract is worth approximately $8 - $10 billion.

The DoD also published a draft request for proposals that was open to feedback. There were over 1,000 comments/questions and answers relating to the contract. (Comments was closed as of the 30th of April.)

The single indefinite-delivery and indefinite-quantity contract will be awarded for a two-year base period, with five one-year options and then three years after that. It means that after the first two-year contract period, the Department of Defense will re-examine the marketplace and make the next important decision on the capabilities they need for the next option period and whether they should renew for five years or not. A contract expected to be well worth billions over the next decade - the multibillion-dollar price-tag makes the JEDI contract potentially tempting for even the largest of cloud computing tech firms.
Reshape Defense Department Cloud Computing Capabilities To Operate At The 'Speed Of Relevance' Reshape Defense Department Cloud Computing Capabilities To Operate At The 'Speed Of Relevance' Reviewed by thanhcongabc on October 25, 2018 Rating: 5

Glassdoor’s Suggestion On The Best Cloud Computing Companies – Where You Can Find The Highest Levels Of Satisfaction At Work In 2018

October 25, 2018
Glassdoor (One Of The World’s Biggest Job and Recruiting Sites) To Partner With Cloud Investor Battery Ventures (A Global Investment Firm) for Second Year to Determine and Reveal Top Highest-Rated Private and Highest-Rated Public Cloud-Computing Companies – Where You Can Find The Highest Levels Of Satisfaction At Work In 2018.

With cloud computing on the rise, exceptional cloud growth, and cloud computing companies among the hottest in tech, the most common question among employers is “Which publicly and privately held companies are really the best to work for in 2018? You might be wondering: “Is workplaces’ culture and employee happiness in the current, ultra-competitive tech economy crucial?” Very important! The higher levels of satisfaction at work, the better results of their work will be shown.

With some cloud companies are growing much faster than others in the cloud computing market, it takes time to identify top best cloud computing companies and CEOs to work for this year. This list uncovering the Highest Rated Public and Private Cloud Computing Companies to Work For in 2018 represent those where employees’ satisfaction at work is reported at its highest. In this article, I will tell you more about the most excellent companies.

Glassdoor’s Suggestion On The Best Cloud Computing Companies In 2018


While some researchers consider Amazon Web Services the best cloud computing company, Glassdoor says that title actually belongs to Mendix - a low-code software platform founded in the Netherlands in 2005 - in the PaaS and hosted private cloud segment.

As the fastest and easiest high-productivity platform as a service (PaaS) with its membership in the Cloud Foundry Foundation to create and continuously improve multi-channel applications at scale, Mendix promises business and IT to have such a pleasant time working together. Also, the speed at which they can realize value is superior.


 As a multi-tenant cloud PaaS platform, Reltio supplies highly customized products and services to help with machine learning across all industries. The super modern data management platform of Reltio solves the hardest data management problems for any industry use case. Regardless of the size of the enterprise, Reltio’s products promise to use a wide variety of anonymized data to help them to grow faster, reduce the expense spent on IT, and remain scalable.


Zoho provides your entire business with more than just a single product or a tightly favorite apps’ integration. The cloud services will aid to cope with such business processes across your organization as 40+ integrated applications hosting and running, business intelligence, database management, manage all day-to-day activities, eCommerce hosting, boost sales, email hosting, ERP, step up productivity and collaboration, web content management, and website hosting.

Google Cloud Platform

A PaaS (Platform as a Service) platform, Google Cloud Platform – the most valuable brand in the world as of 2017 provides tools and services to build and deploy cloud-ready sample apps, extensions while still helping business users to minimize the operational costs. Also, Google Cloud Platform helps to increase their productivity by opening integration to connect any digital products regardless of who developed them and where they are.

Among 108 offering services and products, users are spoilt for choices to operate compute process, network (CDN, VPN), storage (Cloud Storage, Persistent Disk, Cloud Storage for Firebase, Cloud Filestore), management, security, data management (SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL) as well as analytics and machine learning (Apache Airflow), AI, Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, Blockchain, integrations and migration systems.

SAP Cloud Platform

SAP Cloud Platform
An in-memory data platform-as-a-service (PaaS) by SAP SE, SAP Cloud Platform allows connection and integration with other data and business processes in a secure cloud computing environment.

SAP HANA database management system - a strong brand that has received widespread recognition in the business and technology world rapidly became the #1 growing technology solution among all cloud computing companies including Asian Paints, Coca-cola, Accenture, Mercedes-AMG, eBay, Lenovo, Infosys, Colgate Palmolive, Sandisk, Unilever, and Cisco. Starting from its inception on October 16, 2012, and being deployed as an on-premise appliance or in the cloud on May 13, 2013, SAP HANA now has more than 815,000 active customers, who consider SAP HANA as their most popular cloud tools.

Their services cover mobile services, storage, database and storage, integration & orchestration, migration, developer tools, management tools, media services, digital experience, security, data management & analytics, machine learning, app integration, solution extensibility, customer engagement, SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things (IoT), business productivity spheres.

Netskope Security Cloud

Netskope Security Cloud
Best known as “cloud-security platform for the enterprise,” the Netskope Security Cloud Platform offers the world’s largest organizations unmatched vantage points. Also, it provides fast and intuitive visibility into sanctioned or unsanctioned cloud experience for any individual and application over any web without sacrificing security. Thus, 100 percent of users on-premises, mobile, and remote as well as a lot of companies including Levi’s, ILM, Toyota, and nVidia can deliver superior digital experiences and successfully migrate billions of transactions across thousands of services.


Outsystems Cloud provides PaaS (Platform as a Service), all to accelerate business transformation without the hassle of managing physical software infrastructure. A perfect solution to build web applications like Outsystems is expected to get much more success in the cloud computing sphere in the near future.
Glassdoor’s Suggestion On The Best Cloud Computing Companies – Where You Can Find The Highest Levels Of Satisfaction At Work In 2018 Glassdoor’s Suggestion On The Best Cloud Computing Companies – Where You Can Find The Highest Levels Of Satisfaction At Work In 2018 Reviewed by thanhcongabc on October 25, 2018 Rating: 5

How will cloud computing change by 2020?

September 23, 2018
In the recent years, the idea of “the cloud” and cloud computing has been actively hyped by the technology companies. We are right now familiar with cloud computing which has taken off with business applications and new innovations. However, from the technological point of view, we are still in the early era of cloud computing, and many big organizations, whether big or small, are taking just some very small steps towards accepting cloud computing.

Even though we are right now in the early days of cloud computing, where some enterprises are taking their very first, tentative steps, the “cloud,” in 2020, is expected to take center stage. Not only gaining its popularity more significantly than ever before, but it will also accelerate the capabilities of technologies like mobile and analytics. Nothing can replace its part as the enterprise’s power of cloud computing computing.

Among a lot of positive changes, the complete freedom from the “no-cloud” policy could be one of the most highly expected ones.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)
 Do you know that six-sevenths of the new smart applications are being designed with the cloud in mind? That’s why more and more resources are expected to be seen going towards cloud development. Together with the concrete profit operation, IoT devices have long been believed to connect items into the cloud and to bring a new level of connectivity to our homes and workplaces.

By 2020, experts predict that an amount of up to tens of billions of data-spouting devices will be connected to this vast network of vehicles, multi-application sensors, sensors that gather, store, and analyze data, home use appliances, physical gadgets as well as other electronics. The Internet of Things is growing at an incredibly high speed evolving excellent technology which is making everything smart. With an estimated total market worth USD 19 trillion in 2020, these devices that originally possessed only one or two functions are now becoming more and more upgraded, thus smarter and smarter, more and more convenient. By that way, the way people live and work is already being changed. At the same time, companies can expect a steady yet not explosive growth in the third party, commercial and enterprise developers as well as API exchanges.


Since 2011 and the emergence of Bitcoin, the potential for blockchain technology has been expected to make an inordinate impact, alongside cutting-edge Ultra-book devices. But it was the same year that the prediction of this widespread change really started to capture business’ attention. It is said that the cloud creation’s decentralized aspect has helped the blockchain movement to have been offering some excellent chances in cloud computing computing.

Easy-to-mobile is gradually becoming one of the most important standards, and the similar situation is predicted to be applied to the workforce soon. Employees would be able to work with methods, at the time, and from places of their own preference, remotely. No matter where they are and what time it is, they can easily get access to the same information at their office, hold groups discussions, and receive work tasks remotely. So as to draw servers into the cloud and enable better data investigation from the Cloud, thus to be competitive, owners of companies are advised to adapt to the rapid change in business infrastructure. Stay up to date on mass amounts of hardware and the latest developments in the world of cloud technologies is always the best choice.

Software Will Be Popularly Used

Software is being used in a lot of companies with the aim of encouraging their employees to sign on using security key codes to show their attendance
Due to the evolving features of the cloud and the world’s quick movement in the direction of all virtualized procedures, in the coming time period, the software utilized in everything can be expected to almost completely stay away from hardware.

 In that case, many developers from hospitality and retail industry to taxi services will no longer worry about offering complete provisions like data centers, server networks, switch, and cloud storage and eliminating the need to keep buying new servers.

Those businesses that cannot get software applications that are more complex and larger for scalability are more likely to fight to survive.

Algorithmic Techniques 

The companies tend to get a chance for a huge technological breakthrough thanks to the future of cloud computing 
A process to measure computers’ performance against a certain metric, ML (Machine Learning) is usually feasible and cost-effective than the manual programming.

It still takes such a long time (even up to a few years) to make sure to provide stable network connections and prevent websites from crashing. But in the near future, with the ML’s and algorithms’ developments offering efficacy and consumer adventures throughout, it will become much easier to navigate the world.


How does cloud computing make an influence on us? Its development is changing the way we work with smart devices, use technology on a daily basis, and even the way we live. The brilliant feature of cloud computing not only is a great chance for business using this technology today, but also individual users. And 2020 is showing promising signs of steady growth and innovation with the amount of benefit that clouds can bring to the world much more than one can imagine now and the number of users installing these services to store their data.
How will cloud computing change by 2020? How will cloud computing change by 2020? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware

September 05, 2018
Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in cloud computing, AI, and hardware, with the aim of making the products and services with Mi logo better fit the global market.

In 2015, Microsoft and Xiaomi marked their very first important milestone in their long-term partnership by a deal to test Windows 10 on Xiaomi devices. One year later (September 2016), to help run other Microsoft Corp’s services on its devices, Xiaomi bought 1,500 of its patents. And this year, these two companies announced another chapter in its collaboration. To boost the chances for effective cooperation around cloud technologies, AI, and hardware products, Xiaomi and Software maker Microsoft Corp have announced an expanded strategic agreement - a Strategic Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Windows 10 on Xiaomi Mi4
Don’t be surprised by the partnership between a U.S. company and a Chinese company on artificial intelligence. It certainly makes sense since it is an awesome collaboration between the world’s biggest multinational technology company and the fastest growing smartphone maker in the world.

Xiaomi and Software maker Microsoft Corp will work together going forward on four distinct areas listed in the MoU including natural language processing (cloud support), computer vision (laptop-type device), text input (Microsoft Cortana and Mi AI Speaker), and conversational AI (AI services collaboration).

Thanks to Microsoft’s allowance to let Xiaomi use its Cloud computing products, including Azure, the Apple of China is expected to develop upgraded phones, smart speakers, laptops, and improved AI services (Artificial Intelligence-powered service) to dramatically increase its market share and even to gain its popularity among users in all the markets on globe, specifically in the U.S. – one of the world’s biggest markets for those hardware products and services.

Do you want your favorite apps and experiences to work seamlessly on the smartphone or any device of your choice, don’t you? That is exactly what the strategic collaboration between these two big companies offers. Not only does improve Xiaomi’s user data storage and services as well as bandwidth potential, a broad technology collaboration partnership – the integration of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform with the Mi AI speaker also gives a boost to Xiaomi’s laptops and other services where a smart device ecosystem will be used beneficially. With the active support of Windows software, the plan to join the laptop and “laptop-style” products’ future of the Chinese brand will arguably gain a competitive advantage and accelerate its international growth, especially in the Western countries’ markets.

Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in cloud computing, AI, and hardware
The Chinese device maker Xiaomi is not the only one to take advantage of the new deal that focuses on the cloud computing, hardware, and AI application development. As part of the strategic agreement, the Cortana technology of Microsoft will be integrated with the Mi AI speaker - a budget speaker with a modern look and smart device ecosystem. The result of the integration of Microsoft’s technology with Xiaomi’s smart hardware is Cortana-powered smart speaker. A digital device developed by the Invoke from Harman Kardon and powered by Cortana – a smart personal assistant of Microsoft, the intelligent speaker of Harmon Kardon Invoke is expected to be struggling to win in the competition with other current favorite digital assistant speaker options available on Amazon and Google or personal and home assistants like Alexa and Siri.

And their expanded partnership with a host of proposed collaborative projects to work more actively and efficiently in the areas of cloud computing, AI (including Microsoft’s Cortana technology) and hardware is expected to provide millions of devices and innovative customers with productivity services and excellent experiences on mobile devices.

As part of the strategic global partnership expansion, Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. will explore ways to be able to install Microsoft Office and Skype Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook on Xiaomi Android-based smart devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets as well as other laptop-style products. As a result, brand new ways to communicate, work, and collaborate (including Redmi 3, Redmi Note 3, Mi 4s, Mi 5, and Mi Max) will be provided to tens of millions of innovative users and business customers in India, China, and all over the world. By that way, Xiaomi can complete its mission as a pioneer to deliver cutting-edge innovation to people all around the world, especially technology lovers. It will not take Xiaomi much time to achieve its ambition – to become the world’s most popular smartphone company. Also, a cross-license and patent transfer agreement will be included in the two companies’ new collaboration on cloud computing, hardware, and AI applications.

However, it is only the first step of the two big companies’ collaborations on cloud technologies and AI - an ongoing investment for leading software and tech companies. The companies will be working together on expanded strategic projects based on a broad range of the unique strengths and experience in AI of the leading platform and productivity company, such as conversational AI and Speech, Computer Vision, Text Input, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graph and Search, as well as related Microsoft AI products and services, such as Cortana, Skype, SwiftKey, Bing, Pix, Edge, XiaoIce, Translator, and Cognitive Services.

Microsoft will also benefit from the expanded collaboration with Xiaomi
And according to Microsoft and Xiaomi spokespersons, as they have chosen to deepen the cooperation around cloud computing through a memorandum, their partnership is not legally contractual, and it is still unclear whether any financials terms to the arrangement are involved at this time or not.
Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware Microsoft and Xiaomi to share their mutual strategic interests in AI, cloud computing, and hardware Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5

Cloud Computing To Drones: The Desire Of Russia

August 22, 2018
An Associated Press investigation (AP) has been conducted and found that a group of cyberspies from Russia tracking the secrets of U.S military drones and some other technologies deluded the key workers to release their e-mails to the theft.

It is still not clear about what has been stolen, but this incident really showed up the weaknesses of U.S cybersecurity: the mails are not well-protected and there is little notification to the victims.

The AP also found out that these hackers, known as the Fancy Bear, had interfered the U.S election, attacked 87 people who were responsible for  military missiles, fighter jets, drones and cloud computing platforms. Many workers in both small and big organizations such as  Boeing Co., Lockheed Martin Corp., Raytheon Co., and Airbus Group are the targeted victims of hackers. A few members of the Fancy Bear even worked for trading groups in US’s allied countries.

The security targets were recognized by the AP through over 19,000 phishing emails created by hackers and they were collected by U.S cybersecurity company Secureworks. The data in those emails was divided and lasted from March 2015 to May 2016 only. About 40 percent of the employees clicked on the phishing links in the emails, and that initially allowed the cyberspies to open their personal account and computer.

Previously, the Fancy Bear was reported to intrude into the Gmail of Hillary Clinton Election campaign, U.s national security officials, Kremlin opposites and journalists all over the world.  The U.S CIA have summed up that the cyberspies worked for Kremlin and purloined the mail accounts to support Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, but President Vladimir Putin denied it all.

However, the hackers had more intentions than that. Of 87 people identified by the AP, fifteen worked on military drones. Giants like Russia are on the race to develop drones technology into remoted-controlled aircrafts that can monitor specific targets for a long time or even fire missiles to attack, which means safety for the pilots.

Currently, more and more drone pilots are required by the U.S Air Force than other kinds of aircrafts. Experts believe that the invention of drones will significantly stimulate the growth of aerospace industry to a new level. The production is predicted to rocket from $4.2 billion to $10.3 billion.

In fact, Russia seems to have been left behind since the invention of U.S Reaper drone. This mega –drone can fly over 1000 miles (about 1,600 kms) carrying Hellfire missiles and bombs. It has already been used in fights in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The cyberspies went after the E-mail of Michael Buet, who is an engineer working for SunCondor. They worked on designing and producing ultra-durable batteries and high altitude drones. Considering Russia’s vast border frontier and military engagements aroud the world, aircrafts like these would be  a great surveillance implement.

Moreover, the Fancy Bear also aimed at the Arlington, Virginia-based Aerospace Industries Association, by hacking into the Gmail accounts for the president Eric Fanning and several members. One of the targets was Lt. Gen. Mark Shackelford, who had experience in aerospace industry and had involved in multiple weapon and space projects such as SpaceX founded by tech millionaire Elon Musk.

Hackers also followed the footsteps of specialists who worked in cloud computing services and computer networks to allow easy access and spread phishing data. In 2013, the CIA agreed a $600 billion contract with Amazon Web Service to create a safe platform for sharing data among U.S Intelligence community. Last year, the Governments had to clear all the cyerspies and kept those data in the nearly highest level of security, just a level  below national sensitive information.

The target list that Fancy Bear aimed at somewhat indicated that Russia has always kept an eye on these developments. The Gmails of  a Palantir cloud compliance officer the manager of SAP National Security Services cloud platform were broken into by hackers. Mellanox Federal Systems, which proves the U.S government with high-speed data storage, data analysis and cloud computing, was also the victim of cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity specialists claim that it is not suprising that hackers started with private emails because they are the key to more secure Governmental systems.  “For a good operator, it’s like hammering a wedge,” Richard Ford, the chief scientist at Forcepoint company said in a release.

Jerome Pearson, a spacecraft and drone developer, admitted that he has not paid much attention to security training for his staff at  Star Technology. And he included that these training might be featured in the future contracts.

Several officials showed their dissatisfaction with the tardiness of notification to those employees of cloud computing companies, which are responsible for handling data from Intelligence Agencies. “At some point, wouldn’t someone who’s responsible for the defense contractor base be aware of this and try to reach out?” Sowell, the former consultant at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.  asked.

To tell the truth, due to the downfall of Russian economy, these cyber attacks seem  useless to bring about new modern weapons for this country. However, though Russia is still behind the USA, they have already been producing more sophisticated drones lately, which were available in some battle zones like Syria or Ukraine for surveillance.

In an aerospace affair outside Moscow last year, the plan for a new generation of fighting drones was publicized. The deputy prime minister Rogozin claimed that the technology gap between Russia and the U.S had gradually been bridged and in the near future it would be completely eliminated. What is the future of military drones and the tech race between Russia and the USA? Only time will tell.
Cloud Computing To Drones: The Desire Of Russia Cloud Computing To Drones: The Desire Of Russia  Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 22, 2018 Rating: 5

How to gain maximum benefits from your personal cloud storage

July 06, 2018
Today we will discuss cloud storage and how to gain maximum benefits from your personal option.

Nowadays, the question’s not whether or not to use cloud storage but how to maximize its tools so you can gain benefits from using the cloud-based system. There are many private cloud service providers to name: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega and so on. Each of them offers public free cloud and pay-per-use service.

If you are just a newbie in the cloud world or you have been using the cloud since its premiere, it is essential to understand the functions and some tricks to maximize its features. Below are some tips to turn your cloud platform into something better, more powerful and secure.
Fasten your seatbelt, it’s time to step up your game.

Don’t ignore offline feature

No cloud providers want to lose their users. Therefore, they spend time and energy to make sure their servers are in good condition. However, no matter how reliable the server is, you could never tell when you will encounter situations when your files simply disappear for a while.
Imagine when you needed a specific file and you can’t find it anywhere in the cloud, what would you do? Or you were working on a file online and suddenly the internet connection is lost, what would you do? To avoid those annoying moments, all you need to do is to use available tools from the cloud to access your files offline.

Using the offline feature enables you to view and manage your files anywhere.
Dropbox, Google Drive, Mega, and OneDrive all offer their desktop and mobile apps, allowing you to have access to your data even without internet or in case of virtual system failure. Google Drive even offers desktop apps that enable you to process some certain files in Chrome without installing any additional software. Why not make a good use of it?

Increase the accessibility of your files

Since you can access your files and data almost anywhere with a smartphone or mobile device, you can increase the accessibility of the cloud by syncing parts of your computer’s folders to the cloud. Why does it help? Isn’t it better to manipulate your computer’s files irrespective of your location and device? You sure don’t want to synchronize all your personal data, but some basic system folders are a good choice.

Once you finish setting up the local cloud folder, you may want to adjust the location of some system folders so you gain better access to them. Those, for example, your Download folder, Desktop, or Documents could be on your list. Put them into the local cloud folder and you can access them anytime and anywhere without touching the computer. Any changes you make will show up instantly on your computer.

Backup your cloud storage

It is never too much to prevent downtime or data loss in the cloud-based system. Therefore, it’s necessary to have a backup storage for your cloud storage. The idea of building up a virtual backup cloud storage is an additional but not redundant move to keep your files safe.

Thanks to Mover, you can back up your files with ease. What you have to do is pretty simple. You connect Mover with two or more cloud providers, then arrange a schedule to back up your files. There are hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly backup options. You can choose to run a full backup at a time or only certain files. Mover is compatible with Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon, One Drive, and many more. If you want to use monthly on-going scheduled backups from Mover, you have to pay $20 for 15GB per month.

Secure your cloud server

Those cloud providers always try to ensure the security of your files. However, in the time like this, nothing can be certain and security threats can come from the users as well. To strengthen the security of your data, you can’t solely depend on the cloud providers. You should build multiple layers of security so that your files are constantly under protection.

The first step is to choose a trustworthy cloud platform. Those which encrypt your data by default. Do a good research on cloud providers and if necessary cross-reference and choose the best option. If you want to be extremely careful, encrypt your data before uploading. This may sound like a lot of work to do, however, it will prevent cybercriminals to get their hands on your sensitive information.

Last but not least, you should always use a strong password for your cloud storage. This initial shield will reduce the chance of getting hijacking by cyber-attackers. Don’t use only numbers or words to set up your passcode.
How to gain maximum benefits from your personal cloud storage How to gain maximum benefits from your personal cloud storage Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 06, 2018 Rating: 5

4 Strategies That All Healthcare Data Analytics Must Know

July 05, 2018
Big data is becoming a rising trend in a huge number of industries, especially in the healthcare field. If you guys are healthcare data analytics who are struggling with raw data, this article will help you.


Optimizing data analytics’ effectiveness and value isn’t an easy task for healthcare leaders because most of them don’t access to the proper tools. As an experienced and advanced healthcare data analyst, I used to deal with various difficulties and obstacles when managing and analyzing tons of data to give out certain useful results.

After a long time of working hard and researching continuously to look for a satisfactory answer, I assume that the root of my mistake was not using the suitable tools to analyze data and find out insights which could speed up care and process enhancement initiatives. Hence, in this article, I will show you four secrets that I sum up in many years to transform your raw data into meaningful results.

Key stages of transforming raw data

Before learning strategies to turn raw data into meaningful analytics, let’s go through some basic knowledge on 3 key stages that all data analytics have to understand thoroughly.

Data capture

Data capture is the most important stage and decides greatly on whether the output result is trustworthy or not. The way devices, people, and processes produce and capture data are in charge of the data’s appropriateness (did data analysts capture the right data?), ease of data extraction (whether data is picked up in an accessible way or not) and also discreteness (did they capture data in the proper format?).

Data provisioning

Analysts are in need of data from various source systems through the organization to generate meaningful insights. For instance, an analyst helping clinicians team on the quality improvement issue requires a load of data from numerous source systems: EMR data, cost data, patient satisfaction data as well as billing data.

Combining data manually and pulling them into one location, in a mutual format and making sure datasets are interacting with each other is impossible and highly time – consuming. Also, it makes data more liable to errors. There are more efficient and fast ways to gather data.

Data analysis

After capturing proper data and pulling it into the appropriate place, the data analysis begins.
Data quality evaluation: Data analytics have to take a lot of time and effort to evaluate the data. Plus, they have to note their way of evaluation in case they share their results with the audience.

Data discovery: It is another pivotal component of professional data analysis. Before answering a particular question, analysts tend to explore the data and to search for meaningful trends and phenomenon. From my observation and experience, acted – upon analyses accounts for at least 50 percent in the discovery process.

Interpretation: When it comes to analyzing data, interpretation step comes up to most people’s head, but in fact, it is the smallest step in the whole process (about the total time that analysts spend on it)
Presentation: This is also a vital step as a data analysis couldn’t be recognized and appraise highly if the analyst couldn’t explain the result in an easy – to – understand and simple way.

These three stages of analyzing data will drive improvements. However, it isn’t adequate to generate meaningful and sustainable healthcare analytics. It is equally important to concentrate on analyzing data, not just picking up and provisioning data.

Optimize your data analytics’ value with 4 simple ways

Empowering data analysts to furnish insights necessary to make value-added improvements:

A data warehouse

The most efficient way to encourage analysts to drive improvements is by carrying out an enterprise data warehouse (EDW). The EDW becomes a stop shop for data aggregation. Analysts could access into all data through the health system by the login.

Several people assume that EDW is waste as it can put data together manually on a basis. This may sound acceptable in theory, but in fact, EDW offers various critical attributes such as security, common linkable identifiers, metadata, and auditing.

Full access to a testing environment

Keeping a tight rein on analysts’ access to EDW can vastly restrict their effectiveness. Give analysts plentiful opportunity to build and rebuild data sets. Analysts should be proficient in using the data warehouse in which they could store everything they consider useful.

Data discovery tools

Data discovery tools are as important as business intelligence tools, make it easy and simple for analysts to investigate the data and search for meaningful oddities or trends. However, BI tools are adequate for depth data analysis. BI tools feature graphs and charts that help analysts understand what the data is expressing. But they are still important to help analysts drill into the data, find trends and useful correlations. The proper data discovery tool should make it possible for analysts to generate insightful and intertwined reports that drive system improvements.


Healthcare data analysts are in need of direction, not detailed step – by – step guidelines about what the reports contain. Detailed instructions lead to one-off reports which are linked to very exact requests. On the other hand, direction results in deeper and more useful insights that could solve problems and drive improvements. A high – quality report requires providing sufficient direction to keep the analysts on the right track and enough flexibility to boost analysts to ask and exploit more questions.

Providing analysts with the right direction, enough time to shed light on the problem and a forum to ask more detailed questions is also needed. The final product will be much better as it includes both what the requester initially required and extra insights when going deeper into the data – which could be exactly what the requester needs.


In conclusion, analyzing data is not an easy task, and there is a lot of knowledge that analysts have to put their effort and time into. So keep calm and learning, I’m pretty sure that you guys will be excellent data analytics in the near future.
4 Strategies That All Healthcare Data Analytics Must Know 4 Strategies That All Healthcare Data Analytics Must Know Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 05, 2018 Rating: 5

The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration

July 04, 2018
It’s necessary for organizations to beware common barriers to successful cloud computing migration. Check out our post to have an insight into this issue.


Many organizations find cloud migration beneficial to achieve the significant cost reduction, greater flexibility, increased mobility, and scalability. Whether the destination is a private, public, or hybrid cloud, many companies are continuing to adapt their workloads and applications to the cloud.
However, to ensure a successful journey to the cloud, it's also important for organizations to recognize some common barriers.

Can cloud migration be easy?

The answer is yes, in case there are all well-designed applications, the databases with consistent and non-redundant structures, and clear and well-understood security requirements.

In fact, migrating from on-premises systems to the cloud is really hard. Your workloads may require lots of refactoring efforts and may not have exact platform analogs. Moreover, they often have very strict security and numerous compliance requirements, or other complex issues in the migration.
Little by little, your cloud computing migration may get harder and it’s only getting harder with three following common barriers with suggested solutions:

Adjusting the budgets 

The first barrier is that the budgets aren’t adjusted upward and appropriately when the workloads migrated become more difficult.

For instance, you use $X to migrate the first 100 workloads to the cloud. Then  you will typically need $X × 1.5 to migrate the next 100 ones and $X × 2.0 for the 100 after that.

In this case, if you don’t soon plan for these increased costs, you will likely run out of the budget. As a result, your cloud migration will be a heavy loss. Hence, carefully plan for such increased costs of the process is needed.


The second barrier is the security. The Ransomware attacks and data breaches recently continue to be a real threat to consumers. Thus, in terms of cloud migration, the security should be prominent, stronger and systemic to everything that you do.

However, there has been a surprising increase in the number of migration teams that forget about dealing with the cloud security threats until the workloads are already in the cloud and this number is alarming!

These migration teams then need to loop back and add the security. Following that way will put off your migration project and may cost twice as much to solve the security Issues. This can become a failure on IT’s part.

Hence, ask about the preventive security for potential solutions and how these solutions can enhance security and boost efficiency for your business.

Limited understanding

The cloud computing migration, management, and maintenance of enterprises can be fairly complex, especially when you are not equipped with the right knowledge and tools to ensure successful deployment and continuous functionality.

Complex system configurations are often required to meet the security and business compliance requirements, as well as the dependency on external components.

Identifying a well-designed solution that suits individual needs can be a difficult task for inexperienced or novice people. Thus, it’s necessary to prepare good knowledge and tools for this process and know how to rectify the issue before your business suffers the consequences.

Keys to successful cloud computing migration

In addition to realizing above barriers, you are highly recommended to notice the following keys to successful cloud computing migration:

Plan and develop the right strategy early 

You must know where to start and how to proceed with a strategic approach. Early in the process, initiatives that deliver the business value should be prioritized and a wide variety of tools that perform portfolio analysis needs adopting.

This method can make the analysis and interpretation incomplete and inconsistent. The inadequate analysis can hide the true benefits and risks, which can result in an incomplete strategy and affect the implementation outcome.

Determine cloud-suitable applications

Not all applications are well-suited for the cloud computing. Organizations need to exercise due diligence in their portfolio analysis to exactly know the appropriate target operating model.

Enterprises need to know which of their applications are appropriate for the cloud computing environment, which require the redesign and which can be moved as-is to provide the quick return?
An analysis of the architecture, complexity and application implementation can provide such deep insights.

Secure the right skills and resources

The service providers need to have the right expertise and technology. They also need to be able to open up legacy systems to new digital channels, sustain key legacy applications and improve resilience.

A core factor in the successful cloud migration is the ability to modernize legacy applications, taking advantage of cloud architecture to build microservices and exposing APIs to have a better connection.

Maintain data integrity and ensure operational continuity

It is critical to have the right approach to managing risks that the sensitive data meet during migration.

A main challenge during the process is to understand the sensitivity of the data and any risks of losing data integrity.

Enterprises need to ensure the business operational continuity and integrity. Thus, organizations must work with the cloud providers to confirm that as automated controls are moved to the cloud, they produce the same pre-migration and post-migration outcomes without disrupting business operations.

Adopt an end-to-end approach

An approach addressing all phases of the migration, from strategy to implementation, is essential for the success.

The service provider should have a strong and proven approach to deliver the complex tasks and necessary skills to carry out the cloud migration on a consistent basis and at a global scale.


The cloud computing migration has rapidly increased over the past few years, and for good reasons. Accordingly, there always exist some barriers to successful cloud adoption that organizations have to overcome. Besides, enterprises may use helpful keys mentioned above to gain the targets and make cloud computing migration more effective and prosperous.

Hopefully, this post may help you and organizations to beware most common barriers to the cloud computing migration as well as get useful pocket keys for a successful cloud migration process in the business.
The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 04, 2018 Rating: 5

How does machine learning work? All you need to know

July 03, 2018
Many of us may hear about machine learning before. However, you might not have the full understandings of the way it works. Today we will discuss this topic in more details.

Machine learning can be the modern science which gets computers the ability to act, but they can be explicitly programmed. Previously, it gave us a throughout understanding of our human genome, self-driving cars, effective web search, and practical speech recognition. Nowadays, machine learning can be so pervasive that you can use it several times per day without having full knowledge about it. Also, many researchers think this can be the critical way for the human to make the significant progress towards AI at the human level.

How does machine learning work?

To obtain the most valuable result from methods of machine learning, we might need to know the way to pair its best algorithms and let them fit the right processes and tools. SAS comprises sophisticated, rich heritage in term of statistics as well as data mining which comes along with new advances regarding the architecture to ensure the models run at its fastest speed – even in the huge and complex enterprise environments.

In term of algorithms, the SAS graphical interfaces for users may assist you much in building the models of machine learning and implementing the iterative process of machine learning. You do not have to know everything about statistics. Our comprehensive algorithms selection of this field may help you get value quickly from the big data. Such components can be included in a full range in different SAS products.

Following we will discuss SAS algorithms of machine learning include:
  • Sequential covering building of rules
  • Neural networks
  • Gaussian mixture models
  • Decision trees
  • Singular value decomposition
  • Random forests
  • Principal analysis of components
  • Sequence and associations discovery
  • Gradient boosting and bagging
  • Nearest-neighbor mapping
  • Support vector machines
  • K-means clustering
  • Kernel density estimation
  • Self-organizing maps
  • Bayesian networks
  • Optimization for local search techniques (such as genetic algorithms)
  • Multivariate adaptive splines of the regression
  • Expectation maximization

Processes and Tools

Up to now, we may know that it is not only the algorithms created the whole circumstance. Ultimately, we may have a chance to diagnose the secret of getting the valuable things from the big data when pairing the algorithms for all handy tasks with:
  • An end-to-end, integrated platform for all dedicated automation process of the decision comprising from all necessary data;
  • Comprehensive data management and quality;
  • GUIs designed for process flows and building models; 
  • Easy deployment of models so you may get reliable, repeatable results quickly;
  • Interactive exploration of data and model results visualization; 
  • Automated ensemble evaluation of models to identify and recognize the perfect performers;
  • Comparisons of various different models of machine learning to identify the most suitable one quickly. 

A training set of machine learning

If you want to learn much about the effective techniques of machine learning, you may start by gaining and implementing them in practice before getting them directly to work, especially for yourself. However, the more important thing is that you may understand about the theoretical learning underpinnings as well as gain the know-how practice needed to powerfully and quickly apply such techniques to solve new problems. Then, you will learn about the best practices of Silicon Valley in innovation provided that it pertains well to Al and machine learning.

The full course can provide you a broad and comprehensive introduction to statistical pattern recognition, machine learning, and datamining. Topics you may consider include:
  • Best practices of machine learning (variance /bias theory; the innovation process of Al and machine learning);
  • Unsupervised learning (deep learning, clustering, recommender systems, and dimensionality reduction);
  • Supervised learning (non-parametric/ parametric algorithms, support vector machines, neural networks, and kernels).
If you complete this course, you may draw your own lesson from numerous applications and case studies. In addition, you can also learn the way to apply all learning algorithms smoothly to building all smart robots (control, perception), database mining, text understanding (anti-spam, web search), computer vision, audio, medical informatics, and so on.

An application of machine learning - Natural-sounding robotic voices

The “robotic voice” term can be defined clearly soon with the blooming text-to-speech system performance. Today, we may think of the speech synthesis which is an example of complement. Occasionally, this application of machine learning is indeed a strong competitor to all human voice-over announcers and talents.

The publications mentioning DeepVoice, WaveNet, and Tacotron are considered as important milestones for us to continue to build the acoustic forms passing of all Turing tests. However, training the speech synthesizer can be a resource-intensive, time-consuming task which is outright frustrating sometimes. The demos and issues published on the Github repositories can focus more on replicating research results. They are indeed a truthful testimony to the above fact.

Adversely, all platforms of cloud computing covered in the series —  IBM Watson, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud — create the available text-to-speech conversion at the service call. This fact opens up many exciting opportunities which can develop rapidly to engage the conversational applications directly with increasingly natural-sounding and flexible voices.


In short, this article did provide you helpful information regarding how machine learning works, its processes and tools, a training set, and an application of machine learning. In the case that you need basic guidance stated on which algorithm of machine learning to utilize for, you may want to read additional articles in our website.
How does machine learning work? All you need to know How does machine learning work? All you need to know Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 03, 2018 Rating: 5

What Happens To Cloud Computing When Net Neutrality Is Dead?

June 27, 2018
Net neutrality has been in news and discussion a lot lately, but as we see, there’s less attention on its impact on Cloud computing and small business. 

Net neutrality has been in discussion a lot recently yet its association to, and influence on Cloud computing seems to draw less attention. Following the statement of Public Knowledge (primarily applying to both organizations and apps, not only individuals), Net neutrality is the key that every individual needs to be free to have access to the content and applications without any discrimination from the Internet service providers against other services online.

In other words, we can call it the rule that the firm linking you to the Internet won’t be able to control whatever you do online. But net neutrality owns various meanings based on individual perspective and marketing targets. So what can it really mean?

The True Meaning of Net Neutrality

With Net neutrality, every bit is created equally
Known as always the case for IT terminology, (just like cloud computing), net neutrality owns a horde of meanings depending on each person’s view of point and scope of interest. As a matter of fact, net neutrality implements the three basic rules, including no blocking, no throttling, and no paid priority traffic. Here come a few questions coming up to your mind:
  • Is the Internet indeed a public source that is available to everybody in the same conditions? Is it true for both shared and dedicated network sources? 
  • Is the Internet mainly a national issue, or even a global harmonized method needed?
  • What is the actual scope of the Internet (is it just a transport provider, or including any content or application within the network and at the endpoints?)
  • Is it good for net neutrality to access to the public Internet or every IP-based network? Can a private network share the same wires as the open Internet?
  • Do the principles of net neutrality influence the governance, control, performance, and quality of the Internet? How can all breaches of net neutrality be spotted and reported?
It often relies on two overall technical principles popular in today’s Internet standards:
  • Best efforts delivery: the entire network tries to introduce packet to its destination with no discrimination and no guarantee of performance.
  • End-to-end principle: any application-specific function needs only be carried out at the end points of the network, not at the intermediate nodes.

How about cloud computing neutrality?

There are three basic rules of net neutrality applying to cloud computing
Does neutrality apply to cloud computing equally or are they just various issues? In case net neutrality applies to the open Internet, then have you wonder if cloud neutrality truly relates to the open information processing and storage services?
As we mentioned above, there are three distinct rules of net neutrality applying to cloud computing:
  1. No blocking: Providers won’t get to limit or block the access to cloud computing and storage services
  2. No throttling: Providers must not favor one client over another in some specific areas, from capacity, accessibility, or responsiveness
  3. No paid priority: Providers can’t selectively provide better services to their chosen clients at the expense of other customers
For instances, the following are possible:
  • A provider possibly favors a search engine over another by dodging or slowing down the searching and scanning
  • A provider can reduce the quality of response times for certain firms, like broker for example 
It’s possible to say that lack of net neutrality is the most likely to prevent the cloud computing from progressing and probably not good enough for any infrastructure enterprise, apps providers, and even consumers.

How are cloud providers affected without neutrality?

A non-neutrality Internet makes cloud adoption inactive 
There’s a quick lane solution that stands for an artificial advantage for such sites with some resources to pay for it. It means a shortage of innovation on cloud vendors, especially when they end up spending extra funds to have data moved faster while getting one leg up on their contest.

So an Internet without neutrality probably causes cloud adoption more inactive as compared to other smaller businesses. When a cloud software provider must spend more for quick lanes, such costs would be easily kept on to the user, which will improve the barrier to cloud use. The outcome might be a decline in cloud adoption rates, or at the least performance of cloud-based software devalues.

Besides, the innovation on the entire Internet has not been adjusted without any new government regulation. The ISP’s can easily grow other innovative methods apart from that fast lane solution that Net Neutrality supporters are scared of.

Government rules are quite complex, too, as far as other technical areas are concerned, must be updated when new technology is boosted. This offers bigger firms and cloud providers a big advantage over their contest since they would own the sources to allot to larger legal budgets to contribute to learning new rules.

The spirit of net neutrality can be seen as an admirable desire to maintain the Internet both free and open. People love to find ways to do that while recognizing the highest need to keep investing in broadband networks, the digital infrastructure on which the Internet - and, truly, almost every future innovation - relies on.

Net neutrality repeal, what will happen to IoT and Cloud Computing?

With no rule in place, the Internet service providers will be free to control the traffic over the networks by blocking or slowing down traffic from other services and websites. A few critics state that cloud computing and IoT (Internet of Things) business models can be threatened.

While several ISPs have stated not to block or slow any traffic, the net neutrality repeal means that they could even block any service known as bandwidth hogs or slow down traffic from other services that fight against their own or the partner businesses.

According to one investment counselor in Oregon, during the net neutrality proceeding, speedy access is crucial to her entire business. Since the business is tiny, it’s a part of the whole economy, and any restriction on access or speed could hurt her access to the stock exchange.

However, if you have a business with over $1 billion in revenue, the net neutrality repeal is just unable to affect you for sure. It’s because you typically have great customs and agreements in place with the Internet service providers that remove any throttling they do.


Despite the fact that the large companies using the cloud computing tend to be nearly immune from other effects of the net neutrality changes, we recommend that they need to keep one eye out. Keep in mind that the clients who utilize cloud have the final authority - the capacity of voting with your money. 
What Happens To Cloud Computing When Net Neutrality Is Dead? What Happens To Cloud Computing When Net Neutrality Is Dead? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5

How fast is your enterprise moving to cloud?

June 20, 2018
Do you know about cloud migration? It is known as a process of transferring data from computer to the cloud. Have you ever imagined one day there will be a revolution in cloud migration on the whole world? The fact is that the on-premises are seemingly losing the competitive edge on the market as a plenty of big-name IT companies decided to develop activities related to cloud migration.

However, this change is somehow becoming a trend since the number of companies spending a lot of money on concentrating on the cloud does not only stop at a cluster of big enterprises but also medium and small-sized ones. That leads to a result that some organizations fail apart into an over-managed situation. Perhaps they could not control the speed of migrating and do not know whether they are moving too fast or not.

We all know that everything always exists both strengths and limitations and the speed of cloud migration fast or slow is not an exception. The lowdown below will help you know more.

1. Statistics tell what? 

Numbers never tell lie. According to Gartner, one of the top-rank research companies on the world and the data from them is far-reaching and trustworthy, there is a surprisingly steep rise to over 40 percent in the revenue of giant IT companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon in the market of IaaS. (Infrastructure as a service, a part of the cloud computing model, where computing resources are supplied).

This research company even predicts that the increasing number of revenue will not stop at only 40 percent. It is likely to be roughly 300 percent in the near future. This is definitely an enormous number and of course, it will be totally able to occur if a plethora of firms turn by turn focus on cloud migration activities.

In another perspective, when the fund for the cloud is increased significantly, the budget for the traditional system, on-premises one, is certainly cut down. Statistics from IDC (International Data Corporation) shows that almost companies minimized a quite large percentage of their budget for IT infrastructure by 13.2 percent during two years from 2016 to 2018.

2. When is the company moving too fast?

Nothing is good if we migrate lickety-split. Of course, the migration to the cloud is not an exception. Even though the number of growth in revenue reached an impressive static though a variety of people are afraid of its future whether it will be broken and cannot retain this number. Those who support the stable development will criticize this trend in my own perspective.

Mistakes definitely appear when the speed of migration is relatively quick as we cannot control and cover every detail. The consequence might be quite costly and what we have to pay after that not only money but also time. The company may waste a large amount of time on fixing the mistakes due to the speedy moving to the cloud. This can be several weeks, months, or even years. You may not trust but in fact, a lot of companies had to devote 1 or 2 years to fix only one serious mistake because of the fast migration to the cloud.

Here are some common mistakes that an enterprise is likely to deal with.
  • Security: the security is the very first mistake that every company has to tackle. It is an easy-to-understand issue when something moving too fast as we cannot pay attention to every detail, the security may get leaked. 
  • Governance: The management, as well as the operation of the cloud computing capability, will be affected if transferring at a high speed. 

3. What are the drawbacks of moving too slow?

Once more time, people will be curious about the disadvantages of slow migration to the cloud. Even though the speedy moving exists several mistakes, being out-of-date with the trend is much more dangerous.

It can be understood by the fact that we cannot take huge advantages from the offers of the public cloud. Because this one has featured some delightful benefits so that IT companies or even other organizations can utilize. If you are not fast enough, you may miss out for sure. It might lead to the result of losing money as we did not take the cost as well as strategic upsides on time.

Unfortunately, even they are seemingly quite slow with other competitors on IaaS market but a plenty of companies do not care much about the ROI analysis (Return On Investment). It is a performance measure with the aim of helping users evaluate the level of efficiency from an investment. That’s why those companies which do not apply this measure cannot understand which factors are destroying their business.

The best way to archive the goal is that don’t move too fast or slow to the cloud, just keep a stable pace and know thoroughly what your company truly needs.

Whether moving to cloud too fast is good or not, let’s figure out with our today article.
How fast is your enterprise moving to cloud? How fast is your enterprise moving to cloud? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 20, 2018 Rating: 5

Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting

June 15, 2018
Description: If multi-tenancy is not multi-user or multi-enterprise as people used to believe, then how to define and gain benefits from using multi-tenancy in the cloud? Read on to find the answer cloud hosting adoption has become a trend in the IT world. A report by IDC reveals$17 billion out of $359 billion in this field could be spent for cloud hosting in 2019. More than half of participants in Baseline’s survey admit their use of public clouds.

Among many issues of adopting cloud hosting, how different workloads are implemented and contributed to different types of clouds raises concerns among IT managers, organizations, and end users. There are two types of cloud hosting, based on the features of workloads: public clouds and private clouds. Small-to-medium organizations or start-ups tend to use public clouds for most of the workloads. Large businesses, on the other hand, swing between the two clouds. The key is to maintain a balance of distributing workloads between public clouds and private clouds.

Besides the choice between public and private clouds, it is essential to pay attention to the architecture of the cloud, in this case, multi-tenancy. Understanding multi-tenancy and its very concepts is a vitally important step for cloud users to expand their cloud utilization.

What is Multi-tenancy

The virtual environment that a tenant requires often includes as many layers of enterprise architecture as possible. Thus, tenants are multi-users. Both departmental application to process sensitive data in private clouds and international application to work with product catalogs on public clouds have the same tenancy features and requirements, regardless of their different architecture.

Multi-tenancy is the key common attribute of both public and private clouds, and it applies to all three layers of a cloud: There are 3 layers of a cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Multi-tenancy is applied in both public and privates clouds in all three layers above. It allows tenants to access and run the server instance, thus reducing the expenditure of the service users.
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When it comes to layers of a cloud. IaaS layer is often mentioned. As in both public and private clouds, it is known to encompass more than just tactical characteristics and carry out the implementation of IT-as-a-Service (ITaas). An Iaas also includes service-level-agreements (SLAs), which enhance the accountability. It strengthens security alert by using identity management. Last but not least, it features many wonderful key properties such as fault tolerance, disaster recovery and so on.

Multi-tenancy in clouds, if staying only in Iaas layer, isn’t worth to pursue further. It has to encompass PassS layer (application servers or JVM), Saas layer or even application layer where the database, workflow, and user interface are stored. Depending on the degree of multi-tenancy offered, customers or service users can enjoy the whole spectrum of services in a cloud.

Multi-tenancy and its degrees

At the highest level of multi-tenancy, it allows the sharing of the database as well as supports the transition of workflow, user interface, and business logic. The exact degree of multi-tenancy is hard to tell since it solely depends on the degree of sharing SaaS layer or the core application among tenants.

In the lowest level, multi-tenancy only includes the IaaS and PaaS layers and distributes SaaS layers to each tenant. A higher degree of multi-tenancy groups tenants that distribute database schemas and other applications. The middle degree allows each group of customers to own a customized database schema and the application.

Which multi-tenancy degree is suitable for you?

Choose multi-tenancy isn’t an easy quest since the features of the workload need to be determined, including the utilitarian of the workload against security, volatility, etc. The application of multi-tenancy is somewhat useful for the distribution of the same schema and features within shared services team. They also feature similar security process including encryption and authorization, which explains why public clouds are more attractive to easy-to-process workloads such as email, expense reporting, use training and functional testing. Users need to decide which degree of multi-tenancy they want and from which choose appropriate cloud providers.
However, as for the workloads designed for private and community, it is the service users’ job to form a multi-tenant architecture. The job is also to evaluate different cloud service providers and establish their own IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS layers.

In other words, multi-tenancy is a crucial part of cloud hosting. While most of it still applies the concepts of mainframe computing, multi-tenancy makes an encouraging move, trying to enlarge these concepts to assist as many intra- and inter-tenants as possible. The attempt to upgrade cloud hosting service by using multi-tenancy is quite revolutionary and complex to a certain extent.
Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting Why you should use Multi-tenancy in cloud hosting Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 15, 2018 Rating: 5

Pay Attention to the Impartiality When Using Cloud Computing

June 12, 2018
Is it necessary to draw attention to the net neutrality for your company? The answer is yes! Mind this point when you start to use the cloud computing.


I am pretty sure that no one likes to touch the regulations and the political points; especially when they have to deal with these two factors at the same time. However, the net neutrality problem plays a key role in every company when they are using cloud computing. So, what things do you need to notice right now?

An overview of the net impartiality 

According to the US Federal Communications Commission, the net neutrality regulations will affect all small businesses, small website owns, and customers a lot. These probably increase the price of several Internet services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

Due to the FCC rules, these prohibit some points to all broadband providers to block or reduce the speed of web traffic.

And these terms are not covered internet service enterprise. In other words, these regulations protect all small business in lots of strong barriers when they are accessing the Internet.

These regulations will reduce the category of some business models in ISPs which can move.

Though several technology enterprises supported the net neutrality regulations, there are still some companies do not follow these rules.

Some big technology providers like Oracle and Cisco Systems encouraged the 2017 FCC plan to revoke the net neutrality because the 2015 rule did not encourage investment factors in broadband.

How the FCC plan affects the use of clouding computing to all enterprises?

If your company has more than $1 billion in revenue, the net neutrality is not influenced by you because you have custom basically to negotiate a lot of agreement with IPS. These will reduce any throttling.

In general, companies use a specific cloud provider more than one probably receives dedicated lines installed between the companies to the cloud service provider through their data centers. This will eliminate the influence of net neutrality at the same time.

For those who have a company with less than $1 billion in revenue totally worry about this point. The bad news is most of the ISPs they cannot cover traffic for all small clients and they do not limit access level based on the amount of you pay.

The notion packet prioritization, on the one hand, has been increased as a big problem because it ought to change the scale to the benefits for all businesses. However, the ISPs have not moved on that way.

In fact, there is not any change these days. An IT shop at a small company, for example, needs to monitor the network immediately to check cloud performance with its changes and limitations by bandwidth attacking.

On the flip side, you cannot find out anything uncommon right after removing the rules. However, it is better to protect your company by verifying. Do not believe anything in a few minutes that you lose your mind at home.

Big firms use the cloud computing do not affect the net neutrality changes, they still need to stay focused on these carefully. Please keep in mind that customers use the cloud computing have the right to decide to your bucks in your budget.

What’s more, applications are used external clients with lots of databases, videos, and images should rethink of how these are served to every individual user.

Cost is not the main issue in this story. There is an ecosystem of WAN optimization with performance management which cloud service providers create for better performance in the data center and mobile platform as well.

Also, all these models can be broken because they are made from the assumption to drive the traffic in a great way.


Whether you are a small business owner or not, you also need to pay attention the net neutrality when beginning with the cloud computing; especially all regulations and plan in the FCC. These will rescue your companies a lot for the upcoming time.

Please carry in mind that the digital world is much more complicated than you may think and know. Always build a solid protection for your enterprise will not make you a big excuse later. Additionally, you can spend much time to read all regulations of the FCC to ensure a deep understanding of an entire picture.
Pay Attention to the Impartiality When Using Cloud Computing Pay Attention to the Impartiality When Using Cloud Computing Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5
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