The best concern for your cloud computing strategy

For your business, are you using the cloud aggressively or passively? What is the best concern for your cloud computing strategy? Find out more in this post.


Some companies and government agencies are actively making use of the cloud, while others are still passive for some reasons.

The problem raised here is the top concern for a cloud computing strategy. Whether you are applying the right “cloud spirit animal” for your business or not? Check our post to have a close look at this issue.

What is cloud computing?

First, let’s define the cloud computing. The cloud here means a network of servers which are super-powerful computers. Anything referring to “cloud-based” or “in the cloud” means it primarily lives online.

Accordingly, cloud computing will give users access to data wherever they have an internet connection. It creates a virtual, flexible and global way for businesses to access their data in any place, any time.  This is exactly the great benefits that cloud computing provides.

Setting up the issue

Despite above benefits of cloud computing for business, the ways leading to using it are not all the same.

While many companies continuously and aggressively use cloud computing in doing their business, others still hesitate or are trying just to save about 30% in ops costs.

When it comes to how you’re using cloud computing in the business, consider the level of your using cloud computing or so-called “cloud spirit animal”.

Analyzing and determining 

Are you a lion that is strongly working to increase the market share of your business? Are you a zebra hoping that a lion won’t catch you? Or are you a groundhog that likes living in a den without many momentous changes?

Cloud lions invest in cloud computing to disrupt their market and aggressively compete to gain the lasting market share. They are always ready for the competition.

Cloud zebras are just seeking ways to save a few ops bucks. They are acting just to be safe and to maintain the status quo or so-called state of affairs.

Cloud groundhogs have no intention of spending money on the cloud. They just try to avoid the hype surrounding cloud computing, so they won't be asked about it anymore.

So, what situations may happen?

Cloud lions will be able to use their speed to market and their agility for fail fast strategy, then figure out new innovations in their marketplace for major ROI (Return On Investment), such as the customer experience automation, the customer journey map or predictive analytics to have the inside track, and thus may eat cloud zebras.

Cloud zebras may not use the cloud beyond some ops dollars, and in most cases, many of them can't manage to get away from the lions even if they continue to delay when they are on the verge of ruin.
Of course, the cloud groundhogs won’t see any value; in fact, they may reduce their value or miss out on tremendous opportunities when ignoring the cloud.

In a word, whether you are using cloud computing isn’t the best concern for your strategy, but how you are applying cloud computing in the business.  Consider the above analysis to determine what your current cloud spirit animal is.

Using but not trusting blindly

Cloud computing may play an important role in the success of modern business enterprises. But that success is achieved only by accepting a little bit of risk, for instance, the cloud computing puts your data in the hands of a third party.

In case you are ready to become cloud lions, your using cloud computing, of course, requires a certain amount of trust for the situation mentioned earlier.


Anyway, this doesn't mean you should give that trust blindly. You had better trust but verify without taking a leap in the dark.

Cloud providers understand the importance of the customer trust and do everything they can to assure that trust, such as continuously improve the cybersecurity and data protection initiatives.

However, you shouldn't become complacent about the data security or even the security provided by the well-known third-party cloud providers. You should actively question, test and retest, and probe the system's security level.


After all, you may find out the best concern for your cloud computing strategy. That is how you are using cloud computing for your business. Hopefully, this post may help you consider the current situation and insightfully take a big step to gain the targets in your business.
The best concern for your cloud computing strategy The best concern for your cloud computing strategy Reviewed by thanhcongabc on May 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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