Results for Google Cloud

Google announces plans to review its cloud storage services

February 09, 2018
Upgraded cloud services will be launched by Google for all its users; this is welcome news because the new features will include better storage management and other related services.

One aspect of these changes Google is making in its cloud storage services that will appeal to all users is the reduced prices. Now, the new and better features of cold storage and other options can be more accessible to a wider range of customers.

If you fall into the category of customers who have huge demands regarding storage, there is no need to worry because Google has you covered. The new cloud storage system will also feature a multi-regional cloud storage services through which data will be easily accessible via all the Google cloud data establishments at different locations. This gives you faster and more reliable access to your stored information. What about the backup files? Companies backup files that are rarely accessed (archived data) and Google has rolled out a Coldline Storage services for organizations who need this service.

Many firms have launched their cloud storage services, and in order to remain competitive in this field, Google has made these changes to hold its existing customers and to attract new businesses. Google promises a reliable service which will promote internal operations in organizations and the recently launched Coldline storage platform has features which compete with important services in this field such as the Amazon Glacier Cloud services.

This chart shows the different tiers of Google Cloud Storage.
Customers who wish to use the multi-regional storage option offered on this new platform will be permitted to choose among the following locations to store their data; the U.S., EU, and Asia. The stored data will then be replicated and securely stored in Google’s data centers located in different regions. This means that customers will always have access to their data because if one center goes down, the data stored in other centers will be made available.

This service is priced at 2.6 cents per GB monthly. It is most suitable for applications such as serving video and businesses which deal with networks used for content delivery.

The Coldline storage system provides a means through which customers can archive their backup files. This data will, however, remain quickly accessible when the customers need the information. Reports have indicated that the content stored on this platform can be accessed in milliseconds after a request has been sent. The charge for these services is 7 cents per GB monthly. And customers will be charged 5 cents per GB of data retrieved from the system based on their requests.

 The Regional storage is the rebranded standard storage offer from Google. The stored files in this system are securely preserved in one GCP region. And now, this service is cheaper, at 2 cents per GB monthly. There were, however, no changes made to the features of the Nearline storage service which is designed for backing up files.

Google has identified the need to support its customers who wish to manage their cloud storage usage across the various storage offers by introducing the latest data lifecycle management feature. Now customers can store data in the multiple tiers provided by Google’s and manage the processes from on platform; it is essentially a collection of data stored in the GCP. Also, customers can take advantage of the new policy feature which makes it possible to move data across the various tiers depending on how long it has been stored. Customers’ data that have been stored for a long time will automatically move towards that Nearline (backup service) and the Coldline storage.

Customers will no longer have access to the Durable Reduced Availability tier of storage; it is an old system which allows businesses pay lower amounts for storing data that they will rarely need to access. Google is eliminating the DRA which was priced at 2 cents per GB the same price for the recently introduced Regional storage offering (Existing customers will still have access to their DRA storage).

Google has expressed high hopes that these changes and reviewed prices will encourage more customers to use their cloud storage services. New cloud storage products are always welcome especially at lower costs, but we will soon know how well the public acknowledges these new changes.
Google announces plans to review its cloud storage services Google announces plans to review its cloud storage services Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 09, 2018 Rating: 5

The Basic Things About Google Cloud Platform That You Need To Know

December 22, 2017
Google Cloud Platform is not difficult to use if you understand their basic features. Let’s follow this article to find the answer!

Cloud computing is a new trend. In cloud computing, information and computing resources will be located at virtual servers (clouds) which are accessed via the internet. Through the cloud, businesses do not need to buy software to maintain services. They just use the services available on the internet to cater to their work’s requirements.

Among those popular Cloud computing services is Google Cloud Platform (GCF). In this article, we would like to provide you with some useful information about this big service from Google – the big boss of  cloud computing.

What is Google Cloud Platform?

The Google Cloud Platform is Google's hosted server in the form of cloud computing
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that enables businesses and organizations to build and run their applications on the same system that Google has been using for great products like Google Search, Google Maps, Google Apps, Chrome, Youtube,... GCP brings all the essential services, including Big Data, Storage, Compute Engine, Networking, Management, Developer Tools, Mobile. Therefore, businesses only need to focus on the work that is really important to them without having to pay attention to the system below.

GCP not only gives businesses familiar services, but the difference lies in the fact that those services are located at Google, which has a Datacenter system with high data security. These features can standardize the most rigorous criterion for a cloud computing system.

The products that Google Cloud Platform offers include:
  • Compute - App Engine, Compute Engine, Container Engine
  • Storage - Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore, SQL Cloud, Cloud Bigtable
  • Big Data - BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Dataproc, Cloud Pub / Sub
  • Services - Cloud Endpoints, Translate API, Prediction API 
Below is some basic information about some characteristic services of Google Cloud Platform.

Google App engine 

Google App Engine is a platform which supports the construction, extension for mobile web applications and backends. App Engine offers integrated services and support APIs (such as noSQL datastores, memcache and account authentication APIs), which integrates with most common applications:
  • Easy and fast application building
  • Align the applications automatically
  • Supports security, protection of applications
  • Support with all software, development platforms 

Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine provides virtual machines running in Google's huge data centers around the world, delivering high performance and optimization for specific needs:
  • Low cost and automatic discount
  • Fast and efficient connection to Google's global fiber network
  • Global network, environmentally friendly and completely carbon-free
  • Flexible for each workload. 

Google Container Engine

Just a click of mouse, the container arrangement can make it through the Kubernetes bundles.
  • At least 5 nodes for a tradition bundle 
  • Free traditional bundle, but every separate node is charged based on the Compute Engine pricing’s standard. 

Google Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage is quite familiar to all users all over the world
It is ranked at 1 in performance’s level with high reliability. Also, Google offers you with various prices depending on your basic needs.
  • For US regions only, there is 5GB per month for the needs of local storage. 
  • Over 5000 A-class operations per month. 

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

A universal service for real-time messages. It is quite consistent and easy to stream data.
  • 10 GB of messages per month

Google Cloud Datastore

It doesn’t require NoSQL database and always have high capability
  • 1-GB storage
  • 50,000 reads, 20,000 writes, 20,000 deletes
Database backup function, but we cannot use SQL. This is limited, but perhaps 1Gb is too small for today's online storage needs.

Google BigQuery Public Datasets

It is managed in a whole system with measured by petabyte scale. Google BigQuery Public Datasets offers users with the logical data storage.
  • With public data sets, it doesn’t charge any fee 
  • With all types of public and private data sets, it provides 1 TB of queries per month. 

Pros of Google Cloud Platform

  • Fast speed and high reliability: both the web UI and console are managed well and well-constructed. 
  • The various prices of Compute Engine are a huge advantage for all types of customers. Because the  individuals’ need or businesses’ need are not the same. 
  • You can buy cheap cpanel package of VPS. Wherever is is upgraded, it remains Cloud, so you can save money to buy the copyright.
  • The GCP is built on top of modern technology. It guarantees your loading process is super stable and fast
  • Google is 100% carbon-free.
  • Google Cloud integrates many launchers, it's like what software you need, what Google system has a list of, what's in it for you. For example, you want to have Window 10, or you want Centos OS or even you want a WordPress website just click and they are available immediately.  

Cons of Google Cloud Platform

  • One Disadvantages that we are unlikely to realize is the complex integrations. Google has so many things, many services integrated into it so that users feel difficult to use, not as simple as other Hosting services. 


Besides the few drawbacks, Google Cloud Platform still has a lot of prominent features. Therefore, users and customers always feel secure to use those integrated services of GCP. At first, you might take it too difficult to get acquainted. However, if you are a SEOer, you can perceive as well as benefit a lot from those services. I hope this article will help you have a closer look of the biggest Google service – Google Cloud Platform.
The Basic Things About Google Cloud Platform That You Need To Know The Basic Things About Google Cloud Platform That You Need To Know Reviewed by thanhcongabc on December 22, 2017 Rating: 5
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