Results for Cloud Services

Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go

September 23, 2018
Description: A virtual cloud computing with Windows 10 interface which allows you to stream games online and offline may sound like a fantasy. However, Shadow PC from Blade has proved that it’s not.

If you ever want to use the Windows operating system on a Mac or Overwatch on cellphones, Blade has the answer. This French cloud computing service provider has introduced its latest technology called Shadow PC in an attempt to enter the US market. Users can now enjoy full accessibility to the cloud service with the Windows 10 experience. That way, they could install their favourite software such as Photoshop, and more importantly, enhance their gaming experiences.

The introduction of Shadow PC cloud computing service from Blade has left many people in awe. 
This approach has earned Blade some credits. Since most game providers such as PlayStation Now don’t notice the importance of unlimited access for gamers, and most cloud computing providers ignore this potential area, Blade is regarded as the pioneer.

Shadow PC specifications

Shadow PC offers users what seems to be a good deal: complete access to the could service with excellent graphics, farfetched power and so on. This is a good catch for many gamers since this virtual service could be a synonym to a $2000 PC.

Blade’s super protected data centres in Europe and California could provide a stable and perfect 4K image. Their latest technology allows them to run a virtual Windows 10 eliminating any possible hardware glitches. Featuring the cutting-edge NVIDIA graphic solution, Shadow is able to display perfect image in 1080p at 144Hz. Their out-and-out 8-threads XEON CPU optimises the system. Blade provides up to 256GB for storage space, so that you can freely store your documents and apps.

Shadow is compatible with not only Mac but also windows, Android and soon iOS. This gives users the opportunity to gain access to the server no matter which type of operating system they are using.

For those who want a small but powerful PC system, Blade offers a box which can entirely replace your personal computers and bulky hardware. Shadowbox replace your computer unit and turn it into a beautiful experience with fantastic features such as 4K, HDMI, DisplayPort and USB 3.0

Gaming experiences 

Blade team has been working hard to present a cloud computing service which allows users to stream games online or offline. First of all, they tested Overwatch tournaments in their cloud computing service. The result was stunning. Playing Overwatch in Blade’s cloud service and on a computer does not make much difference.

Shadow was tested thoroughly to ensure its quality. 
The team later tested  CS: GO as people distrusted the result of play Overwatch experience. They blamed the technology of Blade to lessen latency as the main reason for the smooth Overwatch experience. However, the result with the hardcore CS: GO proved that Shadow provides a stable and robust platform for any kinds of games.

The team wanted to further their examination to make sure that their promise for a latency-free gaming experience could be kept under any kinds of circumstances. They decided to use Shadow Box and uploaded Rise of The Tomb Raider there. Shadow Box is a creative item which helps users connect to the cloud computing service offline. The resolution while playing was top-notch.

The team later tested their game experience on a tablet. Amazingly, they could play a premium game on a tiny tablet connected to a controller via Bluetooth without any problem. The same test was performed on a smartphone and a MAc, and the result made no difference.

This achievement is mainly due to the machine-learning app that enables Blade to assess the quality of the network at their data centre. AI technology controls the latency-free streaming while playing games, creating smooth experiences.

Shadow subscription 

If you want to have the same incredible gaming experiences, subscription to Shadow service is required. At the moment, this cloud computing service is only available in California, however, soon enough, the introduction of this beautiful cloud computing service will be nationwide.

To use the service, you need to pay $49.95 per month, $39.95 monthly for a 3-month subscription, and $34.95 monthly for an a-year subscription. In other words, Shadow PC will replace your bulky desktop with an updated high-end cloud computing service that will likely cost around $420 for a year commitment. Shadow PC can bring you ultimate gaming server, which allows you to play games like on a high-end PC system that could cost over $2000.

Shadowbox is provided for those who cannot connect to the cloud. 
Some people did make their calculation. Compared to Netflix, Shadow PC still needs a lot of work ahead to live up to their expectation. Shadow’s subscription asks players to buy and update their games, whereas services like Nvidia’s GeForce Now provides inbuilt games.

However, if you are looking forward to the prospect of streaming game on the go and also upgrading your old PC system into something new and fancy without paying a large sum of money, then a $35 subscription fee is quite acceptable. Shadow PC team is still working up to expand their market and upgrade their cloud computing service so they can provide better, more qualified service to games. Meanwhile, sceptics remain silent and watch for the next launch of this service and see if it a product of value.
Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go Shadow Cloud Computing Gaming Service On The Go Reviewed by thanhcongabc on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

Are you having issues selecting a public cloud service?

February 09, 2018
Many users experience some issues regarding making choices from the different public cloud offers available. The concern should be how you plan to use the service rather than which public cloud you have chosen.

I have frequently been asked by audiences during public lectures to identify the best public cloud service available.

The fact is that there is no perfect public cloud. After considering factors such as the performance, security, and reliability, there may still be some underlying factors that will hinder some features which you might really need from the service.

The best way to choose a suitable public cloud is first to identify your requirements and match these conditions with the public cloud offerings.

Many organizations overlook this aspect when choosing a public cloud and this is why they face issues. A majority of the businesses make their choices regarding public cloud services based on the offers proposed by the cloud services rather than considering how the offers can meet their business requirements.

In the real-life business settings, it is how you use the cloud that determines the value you will get from the service rather than the public cloud company’s reputation. This is why it is essential that you match your businesses requirements with the offerings from the public cloud.

Some of the common offerings from cloud services include machine learning, the internet of things, big data storage and management, while your requirements are basically storage and computing needs. This means a public cloud system which offers your requirements without the other advanced options will be suitable to meet your needs.

Some lapses in developing cloud projects include overlooking essential areas such as overlooking the need for security, selecting inappropriate workloads for migration, wrong governance, and other important services. In many cases, the issues which arise are rarely about the absence of advanced offerings by public cloud systems.

In conclusion, I suggest that your considerations when choosing public cloud services should focus on your business requirements and the overall value you will get from the public cloud is dependent on how you use the service.
Are you having issues selecting a public cloud service? Are you having issues selecting a public cloud service? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 09, 2018 Rating: 5

Top 5 Cloud Services to Make Your Website Faster

February 07, 2018
If you have been searching for a way to boost your website’s page speed and stop losing potential conversions, you should consider using a cloud server.

Cloud servers can help your site load faster with the use of high-performing servers, lighting fast processors and high-quality solid-state drive (SSD) storage. By using a cloud server application, you can boost your site’s SEO and customer satisfaction while letting the servers do all the work for you.

Many cloud servers will enable you to access customer service resources to resolve terrible errors. Using a cloud server increases the capacity of your hosting along with your business while ensuring security. Here are the five of the best cloud server applications you can use to improve your website.


If you need a cloud server application with high-performance hosting options at an affordable cost, LCN is the best option for you. LCN also offers free pure SSD storage and unlimited traffic at no extra charge.

LCN will be perfect if you are thinking about having a trial. It allows you to buy a cloud server risk-free with a 30-day money back guarantee and no contract. But, the impressive features such as their scalable servers and standard firewall features will make you want to retain the service.

Server Choice

Server Choice offers cloud hosting, colocation services and PCI compliance that enable your website to run smoothly. The cloud powers the SSD VPS hosting.

Are you trying to figure out what the terms mean? It is basically a server equipped with a cloud-powered infrastructure and free-server management functions that will increase the speed of your site. It also has awesome features such as a free cPanel license, CentOS, and LAMp stack. You can also make manual backups.


By choosing Bluehost, you will be using services that you can trust. Bluehost has been offering cloud hosting since 2003; their clients include small business owners and individuals, clients have access to a variety of packages with upgrade options.

The services rendered by Bluehost is reliable, it includes a set of security features too. Bluehost also offers its users flexibility and an unlimited number of email addresses, MySQL databases, domains and subdomains which users can create.


DreamHost is an easy to use platform which can be used by even the most novice designers. This service has been in existence since 1997, and it offers a wide range of hosting services from small personal blogs to entrepreneur sites.


What makes GreenGeeks special is that it can make your website load incredibly fast while improving the environment. Its services are designed to provide environmentally friendly cloud hosting services-GreenGeeks is also a certified EPA Green Power Partner.

It is a great choice for users who need secure cloud hosting due to its superb security features, and this service is available in 150 countries. It also features an excellent 24/7 customer support service and 30-day money back guarantee.

Cloud server applications can be effectively used to increase the speed of your official website. These services also come with a variety of features. If you need a stress-free and affordable cloud hosting service, consider one of these five companies for a faster website.
Top 5 Cloud Services to Make Your Website Faster Top 5 Cloud Services to Make Your Website Faster Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Which Cloud Service is best for Your Business?

February 05, 2018
Cloud platforms have become very crucial for every business. I will have had to contend with many issues without a cloud platform for my personal use. But new business owners who are not yet familiar with the cloud technology may experience some difficulty in selecting the best solution for their startup in the crowded cloud market. Well, there is at least some good news; you will have so many options to make a choice. The following tips will help you make the best decision while considering the different services offered by cloud platforms.

What do you need from a cloud service? First, you should determine if a public or private, or hybrid cloud service will be best for your business. Some questions you should ask to determine the best services for your business include:

What type of data do you work with? The information you need to store will determine the cloud service you need. Private clouds are essential for storing sensitive information, but if your data is not highly confidential, you can consider the public cloud service.

Do you have preferred software for the cloud? The choice of software in the cloud will depend on your industry and business. Your options will include the public, private or hybrid cloud services.

How many people and devices will be connected to the service? Similar to a schoolyard game of “Telephone,” when more people are connected the less secure your data will be. Your choice should be an option that reflects the size of your business and offers scalable options as your business expands.

Have you made a budget for the cloud service? You can find options for free public cloud service, but this choice will depend on the data you wish to store. Private cloud services are quite expensive but they offer reliable security, and it is worth the investment.

Examine the options

After identifying your needs regarding the cloud service, analyze the options as well as pros and cons.

Public Clouds. With the standard offerings, you can enjoy the storage of computer resources such as applications that can be accessed via the internet. There are some free cloud service and the pay-per-use options. Public clouds function with a shared infrastructure which serves multiple clients. They are suitable for non-sensitive data storage, collaboration, or email. Some examples of public clouds are the SaaS (software as a service), IaaS (infrastructure as a service), and the PaaS (platform as a service).

Pros: the public clouds are flexible and scalable. The costs depend on the user’s needs, and this service can be used at any location. You can pool high-levels of resources with a public cloud; this means you stand to benefit from larger economies. One major advantage for users who are not familiar with this technology is that you will not be required to manage the service.

Cons: It is important for the industries such as the healthcare sector to be updated regarding the use of cloud services to manage public records and for security. Public clouds are more vulnerable to cyber-attack. The users may also be concerned about the reliability of the public cloud.

Private Clouds. The private cloud services have similar functions as the public cloud services, but they use proprietary architecture to distribute their services. This means that rather than serving multiple clients, a private cloud serves only your company. These private services are the best option for changing business models or businesses with unpredictable needs. Gartner sees the private cloud industry growing through 2017.  Because their systems are secure, uptime needs are met, and they are ideal for mission-critical workloads. Regulated industries such as the financial and medical sectors require the offered secure and exclusive cloud.

Private clouds are scalable. They also feature self-service options and offer multi-capacity functions. They are crucial for companies that handle big data. Most importantly, they are more secure because the private clouds provide hosted services secured behind a firewall. These services are usually made available to a limited number of people.

The two disadvantages of the private cloud services are its management and the costs. The businesses internal IT team will be responsible for managing the private cloud. This means an extra budget for staffing, maintenance, and capital. Virtualization, cloud software and management tools are added costs.

Hybrid Cloud. As the name suggests, the hybrid clouds offer the best of the public and private cloud services. It is a combination of business on-premises private cloud with public cloud services. Companies can shift workloads between the private and public cloud services in line with the changing demands of their businesses. For example, a company may use a 0n-premise private cloud to store sensitive data and a public cloud such as Google Compute Engine to store less sensitive materials.

I’m not alone in my expectations for an expanding hybrid cloud marketplace -- some projections have speculated it is growing to $91.74 billion by 2021.

Regarding the pros and cons, there are no significant negative aspects of this service. Businesses that deal with highly changeable workloads should consider the hybrid cloud services as the ideal for their needs. They offer the business solutions that are scalable and flexible.

The best cloud service within your budget

Startups need cloud service as much as CIOs  in established companies. Your goal should be to determine the options for your business which is attainable within your budget. With this information, you should make the best choice. Also, note that your patronage is what the market depends on, so don’t rely on only one source after deciding what is best for your business.
Which Cloud Service is best for Your Business? Which Cloud Service is best for Your Business? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 05, 2018 Rating: 5

The Best Cloud Services Companies around the World

December 24, 2017
When you have a cloud services provider, they probably help you to store and recover your databases in the digital world.


When it comes to cloud services providers, there are many companies offering to the clients. You probably have tons of options to pick the one, but you still confuse which company is well-deserved reputation and which one is suitable for your business at once simultaneously. In case you have the similar wonder, you are coming to the right place. I/we will help you have a solid understanding of these providers. Take ahead!

The best cloud services providers from countries to the world

1. Microsoft

Microsoft increases many great analytics on cloud services such as storage, disaster recovery, and visible IT infrastructure. Furthermore, Microsoft also provides the hosted services which are cloud storage and SkyDrive. Thus, it is quite simple to use Microsoft Office applications from other devices with the Internet connection.

Their cloud services could be made to help the requirements of managing large database volumes, conveying a remote workforce to another winning team, and improving productivity as well. The three main cloud computing solutions also add Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics, CRM, and Microsoft Azure designed by Microsoft.

2. Amazon

Amazon is also rated one of the best cloud service providers. On the one hand, the subscription prices are reasonable compared to other rivals. Amazon is also the main player in the IaaS market. This place has several hosting solutions for choosing from.

For example, music streaming services, visible desktop space, and desktop running applications, Amazon often has a high score on the cloud market. Today, Amazon has many clients and serves more than 190 countries around the world.

Their clients do not have to use hardware equipment, and they can access the cloud in a few minutes only. Amazon also is a pioneer of the Simple Storage Service (S3) for standard object storage as well as the Elastic Block Storage for big storage volumes.

3. Google

Google is also a common example of a cloud service provider which offers many high-quality solutions. They give some excellent services such as free cloud storage, Google Drive storage, standard object storage, etc.

Their cloud services are made with the most efficient applications which commit all users with highly convenience features. Google also produces other aspects like Android, OS X, Windows, iOS, etc. so that all users can use on the computer and other smart devices.

Additionally, Google also provides some special cloud services with useful products such as Google App Engine, BigQuerry, Google Compute Engine, etc.

These supports to application development structure, big database analysis tool, and cloud-based machines. Thus, Google Cloud is suitable for many clients are willing to use the cloud services for storage, application development, etc.

4. IBM

IBM provides many cloud solutions, and the SmartCloud solutions are one of the most common services that they have. These contain other services known as cloud-based application infrastructure and development.

IBM also cooperates with other partners, and these partners make various cloud services with extra features such as backup, storage, and recovery, etc. to expand their services in the big cloud storage market.

5. Rackspace

Rackspace gives the cloud storage with excellent supplementary services like compute infrastructure and CDN – content delivery network. The Cloud Block Storage also creates high-quality performance storage that is supported by excellent features.

The company also serves on the OpenStack greatly which is the opening source design and development. Rackspace also makes suitable cloud services for all users to integrate with OpenStack smoothly. The structure of the OpenStack has some specific elements which control storage, visible applications, and networking resources.

How to select a cloud service provider

Once you have known some top cloud services providers, you should not select a company immediately. At this time, you need to take into account some standard criteria before making your final decision.


This is the first factor everyone should stay focused on even if they are running a business or not because their information might be stolen under any circumstance. As a business owner, you have to pay attention to this point to save some important databases.

What to look for a cloud service provider? You could find out the mechanisms they use to store your applications and databases as well. Furthermore, you also need to understand some specific areas which each party is responsible. Be sure to ask as many details as you can because you must understand all concerns you probably have.


You should select a cloud architecture structure which may support you meet all compliance standards to apply to your business. Whether you have SOC 2, PCI DSS, HIPAA or other platforms, you need to understand how to gain the compliance when both your database and applications are published in the cloud infrastructure.


Each services provider supports different management tools and integrates with other services. If the cloud services are necessary to your business, you will need to ensure that the provider you select gives a simple way to integrate.

Moreover, you will want to identify how much time and effort you or your team have to control many things of the cloud infrastructure before choosing a cloud service provider. Takes time to recognize what cloud structures will be required to handle.


As the security, support is also crucial point to draw attention to choose a cloud services company. In some situations, you often need help from the cloud service provider. You cannot ask for help from other companies or other persons because your databases will be discovered. So, contact the provider through a call center or live chat system is a smart choice.


It is not difficult to choose a cloud services provider as there are several companies around the world. I/we have recommended some reliable providers for you to select, but be sure you need to consider some points before making a final decision. You should also communicate to the specific provider on a regular basis to be sure that they understand your targets and support you to boost your business.
The Best Cloud Services Companies around the World The Best Cloud Services Companies around the World Reviewed by thanhcongabc on December 24, 2017 Rating: 5
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