The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration

It’s necessary for organizations to beware common barriers to successful cloud computing migration. Check out our post to have an insight into this issue.


Many organizations find cloud migration beneficial to achieve the significant cost reduction, greater flexibility, increased mobility, and scalability. Whether the destination is a private, public, or hybrid cloud, many companies are continuing to adapt their workloads and applications to the cloud.
However, to ensure a successful journey to the cloud, it's also important for organizations to recognize some common barriers.

Can cloud migration be easy?

The answer is yes, in case there are all well-designed applications, the databases with consistent and non-redundant structures, and clear and well-understood security requirements.

In fact, migrating from on-premises systems to the cloud is really hard. Your workloads may require lots of refactoring efforts and may not have exact platform analogs. Moreover, they often have very strict security and numerous compliance requirements, or other complex issues in the migration.
Little by little, your cloud computing migration may get harder and it’s only getting harder with three following common barriers with suggested solutions:

Adjusting the budgets 

The first barrier is that the budgets aren’t adjusted upward and appropriately when the workloads migrated become more difficult.

For instance, you use $X to migrate the first 100 workloads to the cloud. Then  you will typically need $X × 1.5 to migrate the next 100 ones and $X × 2.0 for the 100 after that.

In this case, if you don’t soon plan for these increased costs, you will likely run out of the budget. As a result, your cloud migration will be a heavy loss. Hence, carefully plan for such increased costs of the process is needed.


The second barrier is the security. The Ransomware attacks and data breaches recently continue to be a real threat to consumers. Thus, in terms of cloud migration, the security should be prominent, stronger and systemic to everything that you do.

However, there has been a surprising increase in the number of migration teams that forget about dealing with the cloud security threats until the workloads are already in the cloud and this number is alarming!

These migration teams then need to loop back and add the security. Following that way will put off your migration project and may cost twice as much to solve the security Issues. This can become a failure on IT’s part.

Hence, ask about the preventive security for potential solutions and how these solutions can enhance security and boost efficiency for your business.

Limited understanding

The cloud computing migration, management, and maintenance of enterprises can be fairly complex, especially when you are not equipped with the right knowledge and tools to ensure successful deployment and continuous functionality.

Complex system configurations are often required to meet the security and business compliance requirements, as well as the dependency on external components.

Identifying a well-designed solution that suits individual needs can be a difficult task for inexperienced or novice people. Thus, it’s necessary to prepare good knowledge and tools for this process and know how to rectify the issue before your business suffers the consequences.

Keys to successful cloud computing migration

In addition to realizing above barriers, you are highly recommended to notice the following keys to successful cloud computing migration:

Plan and develop the right strategy early 

You must know where to start and how to proceed with a strategic approach. Early in the process, initiatives that deliver the business value should be prioritized and a wide variety of tools that perform portfolio analysis needs adopting.

This method can make the analysis and interpretation incomplete and inconsistent. The inadequate analysis can hide the true benefits and risks, which can result in an incomplete strategy and affect the implementation outcome.

Determine cloud-suitable applications

Not all applications are well-suited for the cloud computing. Organizations need to exercise due diligence in their portfolio analysis to exactly know the appropriate target operating model.

Enterprises need to know which of their applications are appropriate for the cloud computing environment, which require the redesign and which can be moved as-is to provide the quick return?
An analysis of the architecture, complexity and application implementation can provide such deep insights.

Secure the right skills and resources

The service providers need to have the right expertise and technology. They also need to be able to open up legacy systems to new digital channels, sustain key legacy applications and improve resilience.

A core factor in the successful cloud migration is the ability to modernize legacy applications, taking advantage of cloud architecture to build microservices and exposing APIs to have a better connection.

Maintain data integrity and ensure operational continuity

It is critical to have the right approach to managing risks that the sensitive data meet during migration.

A main challenge during the process is to understand the sensitivity of the data and any risks of losing data integrity.

Enterprises need to ensure the business operational continuity and integrity. Thus, organizations must work with the cloud providers to confirm that as automated controls are moved to the cloud, they produce the same pre-migration and post-migration outcomes without disrupting business operations.

Adopt an end-to-end approach

An approach addressing all phases of the migration, from strategy to implementation, is essential for the success.

The service provider should have a strong and proven approach to deliver the complex tasks and necessary skills to carry out the cloud migration on a consistent basis and at a global scale.


The cloud computing migration has rapidly increased over the past few years, and for good reasons. Accordingly, there always exist some barriers to successful cloud adoption that organizations have to overcome. Besides, enterprises may use helpful keys mentioned above to gain the targets and make cloud computing migration more effective and prosperous.

Hopefully, this post may help you and organizations to beware most common barriers to the cloud computing migration as well as get useful pocket keys for a successful cloud migration process in the business.
The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration The most common barriers to successful cloud computing migration Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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