5 Wonderful Ways to Be Revolutionized In Database Field 2018

“Keep up with the latest trend of 2018 regarding database!”

Database has proven to be very effective and beneficial for financial Institutions around for years and few would dispute the benefits it brings to organizations that have more data stored than ever before. There’s a reason why the market size of database is predicted to almost certainly break past the $40 billion mark in 2018. It is strong, thriving, and constantly evolving.

1. Cognitive technologies – the real opportunities for business are on the rise

A powerful, open, and connected tool set to increasingly do tasks that once required humans, boost analytical capabilities, increase automation opportunities, and enhance the investment decision-making process, cognitive technologies, in the eyes of many leaders, are the most disruptive forces on the horizon.

Gone are the days when the computing systems only capture, move, and store unstructured data -- without understanding it: Cognitive solutions in 2018 will not only understand different types of data such as lab values in a structured database or the text of a scientific publication but drive huge transaction volumes that are hard to achieve otherwise.

Artificial intelligence-based systems trained to understand technical, industry-specific content, cognitive technologies extend the power of information technology to tasks traditionally performed by humans. And by using the advanced reasoning, predictive modeling, and machine learning techniques to advance research faster, they can enable organizations to break prevailing trade-offs between speed, cost, and quality.

2. There will be more growth in prescriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics involves predicting the spending habits of each customer by analyzing consumers’ interaction with an online retailer when they do “site search”– transactions, web browsing, social media activity, interests, demographics, transforming it into meaningful trends, and thus, improving your customer relationship.

Applied to numerous industries and other facets of business, database is basically a roadmap to better business. Combining database with predictive analytics can be a huge benefit to any organization. Your business can connect the dots and uncover trends in your sales and customer behavior and you will be able to make really quick strategic decisions with the data you have.

For example: Predictive Analytics enable IBM’s business leaders to increase profitability, prevent fraud, and even measure the social media impact of marketing campaigns. And Microsoft — by integrating predictive analysis into their sales process, they are getting more accurate sales predictions from top down.

3. Machines Learning Speed Up Remediation

One of the main limitations of being human is simply our own bodies—and brains. But the days when people did almost everything manually are long gone. We are living in the world where a lot of human-like tasks are performed by machines. As computing power, data collection, and storage capabilities increase, Machine learning is being applied more broadly across industries and applications than ever before. And in the future, humans are expected to augment ourselves with computers and enhance many of our own natural abilities.

With the ability to generalize knowledge from data to perform tasks that human beings do naturally on a daily basis, ML, which is now being used to measure social sentiment and gauge a stock’s value before earnings reports come out, is probably the method people are most excited about right now.

4. Artificial intelligence (AI) will improve cybersecurity

Anyone running a business and the cybersecurity industry itself are not happy with the increasingly common cyber-attacks and cyber-hacks. But with the integration of AI into security systems can stem the growing and evolving cybersecurity risk facing global businesses.

As AI can process and analyze unlabeled data captured to understand new trends and details without any need for human supervision, when it comes to cybersecurity, it can quickly identify and analyze new exploits and weaknesses to help mitigate further attacks.

5. IoT - the next technological revolution will have a big impact on database

As digital and mobile technologies become part of daily life, the Internet of Things (IoT) – the emerging third wave in the development of the internet has been a major influence on the database landscape and will become a large part of database analysis in 2018.

According to Gartner – Global IT Research and Advisory Firm (excerpted from Forecast: The Internet of Things, Worldwide, 2013, published December of 2013): The Internet of Things will include 26 billion units installed and the revenue generated from IoT products and services will be exceeded $300 billion by 2020.

By generating an unprecedented amount of data, IoT is claimed to come to change the society we live in, as well as create entirely new business opportunities for companies by both academic researches and consulting firms. Both consumers and businesses alike have benefited from sensor-based analytics. An example: Customers can take advantage of a system that plays their favorite TV program as soon as they enter the room while UPS (United Parcel Service of America) - one of the largest and most successful logistics and shipping companies in the world uses sensors in its vehicles to improve delivery performance and cut costs.

With database being the axis of all important decisions made in every business, various Industries have experienced a big boom. How has database affected your business?
5 Wonderful Ways to Be Revolutionized In Database Field 2018 5 Wonderful Ways to Be Revolutionized In Database Field 2018 Reviewed by thanhcongabc on July 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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