Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies

Meta: Cloud Computing has become more and more popular among the society, and it has such a huge impact on our future that nobody should ignore. Let’s find out here!


Ten years ago, Cloud computing was regarded as a complex phraseology that only the industry insiders could understand and talk about it. After a decade, the popularity of AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud and multiple other providers has made the term “cloud” more familiar with Internet users all over the globe. Most of us now recognize them as an essential service for daily work and entertainment.

Though the cloud is no longer a new aspect, its true potentials haven’t been completely realized. Let’s take a look below to see how cloud computing will affect our lives in the upcoming years.

Digital Infrastructure

Our future cities, where about 6 billion people will live by 2045, will be managed by the Cloud. Parking lots and elevators, self-driving cars and trains, power plants and farms, will be much safer and of higher quality with cloud management due to its capability to store and analyze data.

Regardless of the size and industry, the cloud will also be a crucial part of businesses, especially for the small and medium enterprises. Data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and many other services will be available for the different needs of each industry. In fact, Huawei, a global technology company, is working on the Industry Cloud project, which involves thousands of separate clouds to work together in a digital ecosystem of multiple different industries. For example, a banking cloud can help financial institutions to prevent fraud by scanning thousands of transactions per second; a utility cloud can fix the faults in the power station automatically to provide electricity for homes and businesses.

Artificial Intelligence

The cloud offers great support to the innovative technologies such as the Artificial Intelligence and allows them to access new platforms like mobile phones. Since 2011, smartphones have become the most popular computing platform, so it is not surprising that AI will make its way to mobile.

Cloud computing allows us to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence power. 
However, smartphones contain a lot of text messages, photos, and emails, which are unstructured data.  It would take a lot of time and power to analyze those data, so it is impossible to do so on smartphones. Therefore, the data needs to be sent to the cloud servers, and unfortunately, it decelerates the response time of AI.

The best solution here is to divide the workload between the device and the cloud. The training process or in other words, how AI learns will take place in the cloud, where the power is profuse, and AI can learn very quickly. Meanwhile, the inference, where AI applied what it has learned to solve real-life problems, will take place on the smartphones.

Research by Huawei has claimed that smartphones will use the inference constantly. The intelligence allows them to immediately respond to voice commands, keep your photos well categorized and set your camera properly for perfect shots regardless of the conditions.

Data Management

To handle the rapidly-growing volume of data, cloud computing is the ultimate solution that we need. The data may include HD/UHD videos, which are predicted to occupy 89% of user traffic in the next 10 years.

The Cloud is changing the way we manage our data 
In the future, the storage requirement and bandwidth will mostly be for “image and video content for non-entertainment purposes” – cites the IDC, rather than personal videos generated by Internet users. They are probably videos and advertisements used in applications. The IDC’s Data Age 2025 white paper also includes “productivity-driven” data like files on servers or PCs,  meta-data about web pages and the data used in machine-to-machine communication in the IoT. Fortunately, the cloud can help us to deal with this data storm and take advantage of it.

Automatic Vehicles

The future of driverless cars on the streets is still a big human dream, but it is not far away with the support of Cloud computing technology.

In fact, self-driving vehicles often come with many sensors and cameras, which will receive a lot of data from the environment. Most of the process will happen inside the vehicle in real time, but a variety of tasks such as machine learning or software updates need to take place in the cloud.

An autonomous car like this will be available in the near future.
Particularly, the video will soon become an outstanding feature of future cars, which not only provides entertainment but also allows drivers to observe other cars better, thus, enhance the public safety. In the fight against car theft and vandals, many cars are equipped with several security cameras as well as GPS. The video recordings can be stored in digital card inside the vehicle or uploaded to the cloud.


After decades, the cloud is no longer a riddle to everyone. It is becoming so popular that many of us would consider cloud computing just as normal daily services like electricity and water. You don’t need to understand the arcane stuff about the cloud to take benefits from it. But it is necessary to know that our future, not far away, will coalesce around the cloud.
Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies Cloud Computing Can Change The Future Of Our Societies Reviewed by thanhcongabc on August 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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