Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Backup

The risk of losing data is dangerous. So, let Cloud Backup solve this problem!

The risk of losing data always exists around your system, they may come from viruses, system failures, enemy disasters, hackers, etc. All will be able to cause your business to shut down because of data loss. By 2015, 1.5 billion data records are leaked, and by 2016, 60% of all lost data will be closed. Let Cloud Backup service help you!

What is data backup?

What is data backup?
Back-up or data backup is a form of copying all the data in your computer, server or any storage device. One or more devices have other storage functions for data backup. When our main memory device loses data during activity due to damage, hacker, power failure,… we still have data to restore. As a result, it can limit the damage loss of the data resources.

Why do we need to backup data?

Data is a valuable property of every individual and every business. If you do not want on a beautiful day that “evaporate” due to broken or stolen machine. That’s the reason why you need to back up data.
In particular, today's enterprise server systems are a prime example of why we need to back up data. In the process of performing storage operations for the entire business system, server types are the place of countless kinds of extremely important private data. Just one incident occurred, such as a server hard drive crashed, collapsed source causing data loss, virus encrypted the whole system, our data is at risk of being lost. At this point, the only way to save the situation is to restore the data from the previous backups.

From the example above, we can see the importance of backups (data backup). It is not just businesses that run new servers that need to back up but even us, our personal data on the computer or the phone is also very important. When performing data backups, information security experts generally recommend that you perform as much as possible. Because of this, if you make backups regularly, the lost data will be less than if we spend a long time doing a backup.

How to perform a data backup

There are quite a few methods for us to back up data to our storage systems. However, in terms of features, we now have two main storage types: Local Backup and Online Backup. Let's take a closer look at the concept of these two types of backups as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

Local Backup

Local backup when all components are co-located
Local Backup is a kind of backup which stores the data locally. This method uses removable storage devices such as hard drives, portable hard drives, USB or even CDs and DVDs for storage.

The local backup mode has the advantage that we can perform storage very fast, at any time. However, this form of storage also has a major disadvantage is the safety is not high.

The types of storage devices that you use to back up can also be damaged, possibly from a backup device if you do not check them. Especially hard drives or USB drives, they are often damaged by external factors. The biggest cause of local backup is not popular anymore because of the limited storage space. When the capacity of the storage device is full, then you have to buy more expensive memory devices.

Online backup

Online Backup has many advantages
Today, with the explosion of the internet, people have taken the advantages of the "clouds" on the internet to safeguard their valuable data.

Cloud computing was born, allowing businesses and individuals to store their data and computer files on the Internet using a hosting service provider, rather than storing the data.

Online backup application is widely applied. For example, people use Apple devices such as the iPhone, iPad... They all have an account called Icloud and all their data is also regularly backed up to Apple's server system. Online Backups help providers mitigate data loss incidents for their customers.

The advantage of this form of online backup is the safety and reliability. Just backup all your data to a reputable provider like Google Driver, Apple's Icloud ... that you can access from anywhere, from any computer or device, tablets (smartphones), as long as there is an internet connection. This is the main reason for the online backup to gradually replace traditional backup.

The only way to save on this is that the storage device must connect to the Internet to back up and restore. During the backup, it will take longer (depending on the Internet connection you use).

What kind of data can Cloud Backup perform?

Cloud Backup can store all the data you want, from product data: source code, drawing, design, content (movie, photo...) to business data types: database, VPS, Server & software..., even the types of data are evidence: cameras, scanned papers, invoices, procedures,... and reports data like statistics, financial data.

Cloud Backup now offers 4 types of backups to meet your backup needs, including:
  • File backup
  • Database backup
  • Server backup
  • Virtual machine backup

Advantages of Cloud Backup

- Automatic backup: Cloud Backup automatically scheduled backup, so you do not need to login to run manually. It will automatically send a notification when a failure or backup success. Cloud backup backs up in real time.

- Backup all types of data: SQL, database, image base, hypervisor level virtual machine backup.

- Multiple recovery options: Restore files, folders, restore the system to a new system, restore as a virtual machine.

- There’s no need to worry about losing or leaking the private data: Data is backed up by the most advanced mechanism: erasure coding. Therefore, the data is backed up to many sites. Cloud Backup is built with two levels of retention policy, ensuring that data cannot be accidentally or accidentally deleted. Data stored on the Storage is encrypted and well managed.

Multiple storage versions: Cloud Backup stores unlimited version numbers of data, ensuring security even when data is corrupted.

- Data encryption: Cloud Backup encrypts data with the latest encryption standards such as: (AES 256, DES 64, RC2 128, 3DES 168) to ensure information security.

- Unlimited storage expansion: With Cloud Backup, you can expand your storage area as needed with simple, easy-to-use procedures and payments. The advantage of Cloud Backup is that the larger the storage, the lower the price per unit of storage.

- High data transfer speed: Cloud Backup's incremental backup feature reduces the amount of data transferred. The transfer speed depends only on the upload or download speed of the user’s connection.

- Cost optimization: Using Cloud backup helps you save investment cost system equipment when narrowing system and operating costs. You just pay for what you use and be totally proactive about it.
Let’s try the Cloud Backup once and you will be satisfied about the huge benefits it brings to you. I hope this article helps you somewhat have an inside look of the Cloud Backup service.
Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Backup Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Backup Reviewed by thanhcongabc on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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