Cloud computing migration: think more deeply about this process

Organizations need to deeply and strategically think about the cloud computing migration process. Check out this post to have an insight into this issue.


Cloud computing, a revolution in the computing architecture, emerged as we transitioned from an era of scarce and expensive underlying computing resources to an era in which the same resources were cheap and abundant.

Following this trend, many organizations are continuing to adapt their workloads and applications to the cloud for many reasons.
And they are also highly recommended to think broadly and strategically about the cloud computing migration process when deciding to put it into action.

Setting up the issue

When it comes to the cloud computing, you may get various benefits from it. And when making a plan correctly, you may decrease a certain amount of operational costs and certainly increase the convenience of not having to deal with hardware and software.

Anyway, all that gets you to just 10 to 20 percent in savings that actually carries a high price tag.
The reason is that cloud migration projects are very time-consuming and labor-intensive. They often run into problems such as common internal politics, cost overruns and serious compliance concerns as you are looking to drive platform changes.

In addition, you have to notice the cost of risk. If you bother to calculate it, the risks relating to the problems mentioned above may happen. As a result, any benefits gained for at least a few years can be removed.

This does not mean avoiding the migration to the cloud. But enterprises need to think more deeply why they are migrating to the cloud and then how to get a smooth transition.

The transformative nature of cloud computing

There is a fact that many enterprises only consider the cloud computing to be a tactical technology and the obvious cost reductions actually satisfy the CFOs and CEOs.

However, if the use of cloud computing is not “transformative” to the core business activities, it is really not providing you with the substantial ROI (Return On Investment) that you are looking for.
The “transformative” power of the cloud here means that you are able to leverage the innovation and disruption that cloud computing supplies.

For instance, a car company can discard all supply chain friction by using cloud-based technologies or even a bank with the capability of using its systems to gain access to the key customer data that allows it to provide greater products and boost more market share.

Cloud computing is agile and flexible

The tricks mentioned above have been done with technology for years, but the cloud also eliminates the massive complexity and cost of having to onboard these technologies together with traditional mechanisms.

For example, in the cloud, within a few hours or even a few minutes, you can gain access to the machine learning technology and advanced data analytics, as well as databases that can store many petabytes quickly and easily whenever you need.
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The best approach for your cloud computing adoption
The agility and flexibility aspect of cloud computing technology is another obvious benefit that most enterprises don’t consider or even don’t see, but it is a core reason why many businesses still remain with the cloud.

Inferring from those analyses, we can realize that the transformative nature of cloud computing can be a great benefit that makes this technology an effective way of owning your market.


The first cloud computing technologies are barely a decade old but have already become more and more popular. Cloud computing has potential ability to change the way that businesses operate, besides saving time and money. Thus, the increasing number of business using this technology need to deeply think and make a strategic plan to gain a successful process.

Moreover, widespread adoption of this projected technology is expected to have transformative effects not only on small businesses but also to government agencies and big businesses. These organizations should know how to make use of the transformative nature of cloud computing to own their market.

Expectedly, this post may bring you and organizations helpful information about the new aspect of cloud computing migration as well as support your cloud migration in the business.
Cloud computing migration: think more deeply about this process Cloud computing migration: think more deeply about this process Reviewed by thanhcongabc on May 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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