Some Suggestions to Pick Up Your Website’s Right Host

Be careful since your website is quite vulnerable to some certain issues. But if your web host is reliable, then it’s fine. But how to choose the right host for your website?

Have you ever wondered which sort of hosting service should you opt for? And how to choose the right host for your website? Let me help you find out the right answers to such questions. Moreover, we can lead you along the way with a comprehensive tutorial so that you no longer suffer a messy experience when dealing all the files. So be ready to find your Mr. Right that you can trust 100% of the sites!

A Complete guide to choosing a web host

In fact, there are tons of elements related to this issue that it might overwhelm you, but don’t worry since you just need to focus on a few of the following points:

1. Understand your hosting needs 

Before starting to search for a web hosting partner, take time to consider what you’re supposed to look for from that new relationship. Knowing your hosting needs can influence the compatibility with some particular hosting providers and services. In other words, it’s impossible to earn the right web host without being aware of what you truly need.

Thus, by the time you move any further, let’s put things aside and assume what you want by asking yourself some questions below:
  • What type of website are you supposed to build up?
  • Do you want Windows applications or not?
  • Do you like to be supported to a particular script?
  • Does your site need any specific software?
  • How large or small would your traffic volume go?
Imagine in your mind that what you like the website to become at this time, and then don’t hesitate to build it based on that idea. Consider the process to last around 12 months in advance. When you’re still new, then note that there would be no rule that you must begin with a great shared hosting account.

Know your hosting needs before getting the right one
You can use the reasonable-priced hosting account due to its easy-to-maintain characteristic. Besides, it’s enough for all new sites, especially when it allows you to concentrate more on forming the site. This is completely free from worries about other server duties, such as security or maintenance. Also, you often have the choice of scaling up and upgrading to the highly-dedicated hosting service later on once the site starts to develop bigger.

2. Consider uptime scores 

Whenever you tend to look for a web host, you will encounter the term “uptime scores” and all kinds of guarantees around it. Apparently, server uptime can be seen as the initial thing to seek before you’ve got purchase a web hosting. Let’s choose a host that can run by 24/7 uptime guarantee. Well, our businesses mainly depend on owning a site available to the visitors who like it.

For that reason, select a hosting owning the secure connectivity and the 99.99% uptime score. Why do we have to say this? It’s because any site has to face usual downtime and then lose visitors. In reality, there are several non-charged tools available for you to use and check your server’s uptime score.

For example, you can use the Uptime Robot, SiteUptime, or Pingdom among others. They will help track most of the test sites and then post the uptime scores monthly. Better than that, once your site is down, you’ll be notified soon by email, phone, or SMS.

3. Learn the price that you can afford 

Check the price of your web host before the purchase
Nowadays, several web hosting agencies emerge, but the important thing to consider here is that you must learn how much you can afford to purchase a hosting service. Just never choose a cheap provider since they might have a higher chance to fail, so it’s possible to opt for a branded service. The hosts vary with the amount of registry and renewal. For this reason, it’s best to go for the one that shares the same sign-up and renewal cost.

Also, a few web host providers can cost less than its original price when you’re buying it. But as you view the renewal amount, it can be five times higher. For the worst case, your web host might alter that amount whenever they like, so the fixed price for that renewal won’t be guaranteed. In other words, ensure to go with a web host who is committed to offering  the fixed renewal price.

4. Check refund policy with the trial period 

There should be a few fundamental questions that you can ask yourself if you want to cancel the hosting plan during the trial period or not. Or something like:
  • Does your company offer a reliable money-back guarantee? 
  • What is the refund policy that the hosting company offers after that trial time has completed? 
  • Is there any further cancellation fee or charge? 
It’s a big necessity to know the way the hosting provider will deal with any client refund so that you can’t lose much money whenever things go wrong unexpectedly. In fact, there are a few companies which might charge high cancellation cost when the users call off during the trial period. If so, then what kinds of advice will you take? Try to dodge these providers at any price!

5. See hosting control panel if it’s friendly or not

Finding a user-friendly control panel with the highest functionality is quite essential, especially when it’s the head of the hosting account. Besides, it doesn’t matter when it’s cPanel or the third-party one just like what GoDaddy provides. What you should concern here is how user-friendly it is when arriving with all essential capabilities.

Only a few basic service would be enough here. A hosting control can allow you to manage your hosted services in one single place. Here are the most common features that a standard panel should have:
  • Server administration
  • Database administration
  • Email management
  • FTP control
  • DNS control
  • Server log access
  • Site space and bandwidth usage

6. Site backup 

There will be a few certain time when your computer suddenly crashes, or the tool just fails. Your site can be prone to these issues, or probably it’s because a hacker successfully gets into the blog and substituted your index.php file. If the web host can do site backups on a regular basis, then there’s nothing to be anxious about when such happenings take place. The hosting provider needs to restore the site right away.

Overall, thanks for reading our post about how to choose the right host for your website. It reveals all the essential points you need to pick the right one. Since finding the reliable hosting is hard, so think of it twice before your purchase!
Some Suggestions to Pick Up Your Website’s Right Host Some Suggestions to Pick Up Your Website’s Right Host Reviewed by thanhcongabc on April 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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