Why Cloud Technology Should be part of the Action Plan for Startups

Many entrepreneurs have approached me wanting to know how they can maximize the use cloud and what they should put in it, my answer is straightforward. I tell them they can put “Everything.” Period. Full stop.

The cloud has created wonderful opportunities for the startups we have presently. It is one of the few areas which allow startups to access the same resources as large corporations.

While planning to start a new business, there are many factors to consider which might seem overwhelming. But there are some guidelines that can help you start your business positively especially when you are a cloud service. The secret to maximizing the obtainable value from your cloud service is to harness its full potentials with the right strategy.

Stop asking "why cloud?' and start asking "why not the cloud?"

With all the buzz about the cloud on billboards, TV commercials and news stories, it is easy to miss the real beneficial impact the cloud can have on businesses. To leverage on the full potentials of the cloud for your startup, you must first know all its advantages.

Choose a cloud service suitable for your business

Previously, before launching a business, the entrepreneurs first had to evaluate the extent to which their business could potentially grow in view of estimating the level of investment required for the business. But, in these recent times, business owners have the freedom to procure the cloud services that meet their current needs initially, and they can increase their service packages simply by making a phone call or with a credit card when the business expands. Cloud services adequately support the ebbs and flows of seasonality and the introduction of new products.

It is common to hear that businesses have scaled up their cloud services, but one distinctive feature that has not been widely acknowledged is the ability to scale down your services. A small business will need to apply agility and flexibility while trying new options, tests, experiments, etc. and if any of this venture fails, the cloud service can be scaled down in a process as easy as canceling the subscription. Cloud services accommodate the “true fail fast” startup mentality.

Cloud Service providers take security seriously

There is a wrong perception that using the cloud storage services is risky and that the only information you should store in the cloud should have little value in case it is hacked. People have been advised against storing important data such as intellectual property. But this is a wrong notion.

The cloud can be likened to a bank. If you received a million dollars in cash seventy years ago, you would have hidden the money under your mattress, because you have doubts about the banks’ ability to safeguard your money. But today, you can confidently save huge amounts of money in the bank because you know they have taken adequate security measures to protect their customer’s savings.

Now can you imagine the technical equivalent of this setting? Considering the huge investments companies such as Amazon and Google have invested in cloud services, users can to a large extent trust their security systems to be faster and better than any typical startup. Smaller companies will require many months or even years to identify lases in their system, and probably take even longer to fix the issues. Regarding the proactive measures implemented to prevent potential attacks and quick fixes for bugs, the cloud solution providers offer a secure experience that customers can rely on regardless of the company size.

Maximizing our subscription

Very few reasons can be identified to explain why an entrepreneur would decide to buy or host internally for a startup. While noting that, here are three significant areas to focus on in view of achieving the fastest impact and to prove the most logical initial investment startups should consider.
Improving your operations: in real settings, official operations will likely be the first details to place in the cloud. The advent of plug-and-play solutions for accounting, payroll, and staff or performance management, now make up functions that can be easily managed in the cloud.

Take advantage of the applications: Company applications such as email and sales software, should also be considered to be placed in the cloud. A majority of new businesses will find fiscal sense in using a readily available service such as Gmail or Salesforce. These are cloud application’s that help entrepreneurs to get their new businesses started without incurring heavy expenses.

Website: Entrepreneurs have been commonly advised to “have a nice suit,” “have a good elevator pitch,” or “have a good business card.” In this era, it is more crucial to “have a professional website.”
There is no reason the website for your new business shouldn’t look like that of a Fortune 100 company. Cloud resources such as Amazon Web Services can be used by entrepreneurs to build customized websites that can efficiently handle growing traffic, securely manage credit card information, or manage unexpected spikes in online activity.

Furthermore, the need to optimize your website for a mobile view should never be overlooked. As your brand becomes popular, people will begin to search for your site online, and they will likely use their mobile devices. This means your website should present and function smoothly across all the types of computers and mobile devices regardless of the operating system.

Leverage the benefits of cloud services

Cloud is a game changer, not a fad or just a buzz word. Startups benefit from the cloud by gaining access to resources that were previously limited to major enterprises which are now also affordable.
It is important that you carefully examine the business plan, identify the potential problems and obstacles- these issues can certainly be resolved by using the cloud.
Why Cloud Technology Should be part of the Action Plan for Startups Why Cloud Technology Should be part of the Action Plan for Startups Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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