10 Misunderstood Concepts about Cloud Computing

The cloud is becoming very popular with each passing day due to the increase in customers who use the data storage features and other functions. With the current rapid changes being witnessed in many industries, the cloud is acknowledged as a generalized solution to handle different IT related issues, while there are some others who hold the opinion that using the cloud could have “catastrophic” consequences.

1: My current computer systems will perform very well in the cloud just as they are currently working.

Sadly, this is wrong. A network requires servers that can be locally set up or in the cloud. However, the servers in the cloud are shared, and this compromises performance which could have an impact on specialized industry systems designed for on-site servers. As a user, you cannot determine or influence when this may happen.

2: My current mode of operation which requires very large sets of data will remain the same -or even better- in the cloud.

This statement is false. The speed of the connection between the location where you access your data and where it is stored in your cloud might not be as fast as the high speeds you may be used to when using an on-site server.

3: Applications I am conversant within my organization will work smoothly after they move their support systems to the cloud.

Another false statement. Using the cloud to host any application will require the migration of its entire support systems to the cloud. While this shift can have some advantages, if access to the cloud is interrupted at any time, productivity will grind to a halt.

4: In my organization, the cloud is an “either-or” proposition: I can either be in the cloud, or I can retain my current setup with physical servers.

In the real settings, the best way an organization can experience the benefits of the cloud is by applying the two setups simultaneously during the transition into the cloud.

5: All I need to do for my company to succeed in the cloud is by virtualizing my servers.

Virtualizing is the process of transferring a given task into the cloud, here; a physical server creates a ‘virtual machine’ to help you complete the process faster than you could have done independently. But an independent virtualized server is not sufficient to succeed. To give an illustration, a vacation entails more than just choosing your travel destination, similarly, attaining success in the cloud relies on how well the automated management infrastructure around the server is working- relating to the illustration above, it is just like packing the right clothes for your vacation trip.

6:  the only way to prevent my cloud from being hacked is to build my own independently.

This is not true; in fact, the number of attacks a cloud survives to a large extent makes it more secure. Frequent attacks will enable the engineers managing and protect the cloud to identify and correct weaknesses in the system. You really don’t need to build your cloud. A rise in your security needs means there will be an increase in the resources invested into securing your cloud and this is an advantage of using the public cloud, either as the money saved or the attacks that have been repelled.

7: The only benefit I need by using a cloud service is to reduce my IT expenses.

Not so fast. The cloud can easily be used to adjust the amount of computing that you use; this gives you a flexible budget. Focusing on the costs only while ignoring other opportunities to achieve higher efficiency by implementing new cloud technologies after migration can reduce your return on the cloud investment.

8: By using the cloud, I can support my employees to become more productive by providing them with apps for their smartphones.

The methods for creating a successful app are often misunderstood. While a cloud can potentially enhance the functions of an app with its massive computing power, other factors play an important role such as the ability of the app to work without a network connection. A hybrid approach combines the local and offline data storage while interacting with the cloud depending on its availability, is one of the best practices.

9: I can easily switch between cloud providers at any time.

This statement is not true. In fact, the bottom lines of a majority of the cloud providers require them to lock in their customers by using long-term contracts or outrageously high early termination fees. If you don’t choose a leading provider in the industry, ensure that you read and understand the fine print and seek a second opinion from professionals.

10: I am nervous about my cloud provider spying on my activity in their cloud.

Cloud providers highly regard privacy. Just one proven case of snooping on user’s data by any one of the major cloud providers could cause the collapse of the multi-billion dollar cloud computing industry. The providers are also developing security mechanisms to guarantee that they don’t have access to user’s data.
10 Misunderstood Concepts about Cloud Computing 10 Misunderstood Concepts about Cloud Computing Reviewed by thanhcongabc on February 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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