How the Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business in the Friendly Environment

Meta: You are not sure how the cloud-based system can help your business; especially in the environmental-friendly practice. This is the time to identify how it treats your company well.


The computer industry does not have great performance when it comes to the friendly environment. However, the cloud computing invention could be the environmental and economic answer; and other social matters to all boom issues these days.

#1 - Save the planet and your budget at once simultaneously 

Climate change has attracted global attention and customers have placed importance value on companies with sustainable business practices.

One of the solutions does not require a substantial investment and is easily upgraded, that is the cloud-based system.

With small businesses, they have many server rooms that waste a lot of data storage power, though it is not necessary for their businesses.

According to a recent study by Microsoft and Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) indicated that cloud-based system is popular used, an enterprise will diminish the greenhouse gas emissions which comes from the computer industry which is nearly 95%.

The cloud computing is an ideal opportunity to eliminate the waste of lower energy and the cost of electricity business for many companies.

For instance, if each company moved to its database server for cloud-based services, they could save about $2 billion in energy costs and extra prices.

In addition to the energy-saving benefits of using cloud-based platforms, you also have the opportunity to cut down your company's carbon footprint.Reducing energy costs is equivalent to eliminating emissions.

When switching the cloud computing, you cannot only save a packet of electricity costs but also reduce the number of emissions caused by your data servers.

Because electricity often comes from burning fossil fuels, emitting tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, your reduced consumption can help decrease many of the pollutants due to climate change.

The cloud-based system is available for all companies whether they are selling products or provide services. However, this method is much more suitable for small businesses and individuals although cloud-based data centers consume a large amount of energy.

Buying service through a cloud storage provider allows you to use less energy at home, share data center power consumption, and the pool resources in a large number of customers.

Telecommuting is easier. Vehicles generate a lot of pollution that is damaging to the atmosphere. If you are serious about greening your business, give employees the opportunity to telecommute to reduce emissions due to their travel.

With cloud-based services, it is not difficult for employees to access the work-information from their smart devices or computer at home or the office. Also, as a bonus, you can decrease the cost of electricity even when employees are not in the office.

Avoid buying expensive and wasteful equipment.If you are using the cloud computing, there is no need to buy expensive server equipment for running. Instead, you can securely access your business information through the cloud-based platforms for much lower costs.

#2 –Improve environmentally-friendly applies 

Several small to medium business scales do not have enough IT budgets that help them to update their servers, networks, and computer hardware routinely.

In other words, they do not use much effective hardware. Even when they want to renew, the wasted from their out-of-date system is significant.

With the cloud-based system, on the flip side, the data centers will be decreased the wasted of the environmental impact of your business like CO2 released. 

Using the cloud computing is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses because they can gain IT savings and other extra costs, larger companies also enable to minimize the greenhouse gas emissions.

The cloud computing will reduce the number of gas emissions is 16.5% in 2020 with a saving of nearly $2 trillion. Thus, to protect our environment, the cloud-based platform is a great investment for all businesses from countries to the world.

Furthermore, governments should help companies and organizations gain more profits and receive benefits to encourage them to begin with the cloud computing right away.


There is no doubt that the cloud computing is a smart choice for every enterprise to increase sales revenue and build the friendly environment. When they can come close to the friendly environment, they totally will enable to achieve sustainable development in the forthcoming time.
How the Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business in the Friendly Environment How the Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business in the Friendly Environment Reviewed by thanhcongabc on January 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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