Cloud Storage – A Good Solution for Modern Businesses

Cloud storage is a great way to store all databases for all businesses in the digital world.


When using your computer, do you know that your hardware in the laptop is probably full? Also, you have other important databases that you need to secure and make a smooth backup plan as well. With a traditional plan, you have to take much time for doing this.

But now, there is something that can help you minimize the risk of keeping a database so that you do not get stuff with this issue anymore. I/we are introducing the cloud storage!

About the cloud storage

Cloud storage is saving databases on remote servers. You should find out the right location for these servers.

Some enterprises undertake their backup plan in the US, but if their businesses have to follow the EU Data Protection laws, they need to adjust the EU-based servers.

Also, cloud storage is a new term for managing database storage through a hosted network. Typically, this network is the Internet-based service.

There are several kinds of cloud storage systems have been developed supporting business usages and individual at once.

How the cloud storage works 

Comedian George Carlin talks about how humans spend their lives gathering everything. Once they have accumulated enough stuff, they need to find places to store all.

If he were updated our routine life, he probably makes the similar observation about computer information.

Today, everyone uses a computer takes lots of time storing their database and trying to find a solution to store these databases.

For some computer users, using enough storage space to keep all databases they have acquired is a daunting challenge.

Some owners have to invest in larger hard drives while others prefer using external storage devices like compact discs and thumb drives.

Computer users can delete all folders of old files to create space for new information, but some are selecting to depend on a growing trend – using the cloud storage system!

Some main categories of the cloud storage 

Personal file storage

The most standard form of cloud storage supports all users to upload personal files or folders from their personal computers to their central Internet server. This provides them to get backup copies of files in case their first versions are disappeared.

What’s more, users can also download their files from the cloud to other gadgets. Sometimes, they can enable to control the files for other people for sharing.

There are many providers give online file hosting services. File transfers have over standard Internet protocols like FTP and HTTP. These services include:
  • Storage volume and network bandwidth quotas 
  • Network transfer speeds supported 
  • Price (both free-of-charge package and extra fees of data usage)
  • The software interface (some packages are browser-based package, and some are dedicated applications)
These services are an alternative to home network storage systems such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices, email archives.

Enterprise storage

Businesses can use cloud storage systems as a commercial remote backup solution. Software agents running inside the firm network can transfer copies of files and databases to the third party cloud servers.

Unlike personal file storage, enterprise database quickly develops obsolete and backup systems as well, including retention policies which remove useless database after passing time limits.

Large enterprises can use these systems to reproduce large amounts of the database between branch offices. Employees working at one website or one local region ought to new files and have them shared with colleagues in other websites or countries.

Company cloud storage systems include flexible policies for pushing or caching database effectively through websites.

Build cloud storage systems

Cloud networks which support several customers are expensive to make due to the requirements for handling large amounts of a database.

The reducing cost of physical digital media storage has supported counterbalance these prices per gigabyte.

Database transfer rates and server hosting get the price from the Internet database center provider that can also be considerable.

Furthermore, cloud storage networks are more difficult technology because of their dispersed nature.

Disks should be arranged for error recovery, and diverse servers have to be controlled to deal the high bandwidth requirements.

Network security aspects need to consider the expertise of professional who consider comparatively high salaries.

How to choose a cloud storage provider 

When using a cloud storage system gets many good points, it also has some downsides and involves risk behind. Therefore, it is important to choose the right provider for your situation.

Before you begin with a service, you should think of how you will use the service. If you want to see your files on your smartphones or through the website, be sure the service you are considering offers this. Collaboration is another factor that the provider can give you from different packages.

Also, if you want your friends, family or your colleagues can access the files once they are connecting to the cloud storage, you should check this point carefully before you begin your process.
Here are some factors you should consider before making your final decision.


Vendors charge fees for their service offerings. Service plans could be divided into levels due to usage with penalty costs if you require the specified quotas.

Free services ought to have serious quotas on the amount of database which could be stored or accessed from the cloud storage.

You should buy enough capacity and capability to help you, and your company prevents possible troubles.

Also, you need to avoid long-term contracts with a provider which can cause serious problems later when your needs increase.


Cloud storage systems should make controlling with a remote database as easy as the database on your local hard drives.

Carefully check the user interface which is the browser or separate application screens and responsiveness that is network latency of a provider’s system. By doing this, you can find out main time-wasting usability limits that affect your productivity.

Well-served reputation

A free cloud storage service could be costly if it gets regular downtimes, loses or corrupts database.
It also has had past security accidents. Find out the service providers you are interested in for reliable brand and how they serve their clients before deciding to one.

Also, you should consider a provider’s trial subscription before signing a long-term investment with them.

Please note that you should not load any particularly important database onto a service during a trial period of time.


In a nutshell, using the cloud storage system will save you lots of things like your time, your bucks, etc. Even if you use the cloud storage as a personal usage or enterprise requirement, this new trend ought to meet all your needs. Use the cloud storage right away!
Cloud Storage – A Good Solution for Modern Businesses Cloud Storage – A Good Solution for Modern Businesses Reviewed by thanhcongabc on January 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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