AWS, Azure, and Google – Which one is the Best for You?

When it comes to the cloud storage, you should consider one of three service providers – AWS, Azure, and Google. Which one should you use?

AWS, Azure, and Google are the software giants on the cloud computing market; especially when you want to use public IaaS cloud computing. Each vendor has several selections for all clients to choose from the cloud storage. Therefore, this is the reason you should discover more information about these enterprises. Keep on reading!

AWS, Azure, and Google – What should you prefer? 

One of the most popular use cases for public IaaScloud computing is the storage, and this is a good reason to take into account.

You can use uploading database to the cloud and pay for how much they put there. It is not difficult to recognize. However, in fact, the world of cloud storage has many aspects to take into account.
Each of the three main public IaaScloud storage vendors that are Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform have various storage options and in some situations complicated schemes for how much it costs.

In fact, there is not any vendor which is better than the others. Each service provider has their good points and the drawbacks as well. These will depend on the specific usage situation. Here are three popular cloud storage use cases and how vendors kick off.

Block storage

Block storage is tenacious disk storage used with cloud-based machines. Each service vendor breaks their block storage into two types which are conventional magnetic spinning hard-drive disks and newer strong state disks (SSD). These are much more expensive, but they play a good performance.

Additionally, clients can also choose a premium to receive the main amount of guaranteed input or output per second (IOPs) that is a sign of how quick the storage will save new information, read, and store in it.

For instance, Elastic Block Store (EBS) is the product of Amazon which has a great handful of flavor.

Through Cold HDD and Optimized that are conventional magnetic and spinning-disk offerings, the General Purpose SSD is the next generation of drives and Provisioned IOPS SSD which are made for transactional workloads.

Furthermore, Azure has the block storage offering is called Managed Disks with standard or premium quality based on SSDs. Persistent Disks (PDs), on the one hand, is the version of Google which has the SSD or the standard option.

Object storage

Do you want to save a file in the cloud storage? Object storage is the right choice for you. The cloud service providers have different kinds of storage, arranged by how often the client expects to gain it.
Hot storage is a database which needs to be instantly reachable. Cool storage is connected more infrequently while cold storage is a classical material which is rarely accessed. In other words, the cold storage is less expensive than other storages.

The basic storage of AWS is Simple Storage Service (S3). It gives the Standard Infrequent Access for cool storage and Glacier for cold storage as well. With Google, they have Google Cloud Storage and GSC Nearline for cool storage and GCS Coldline for classical.

Azure, on the flip side, also has two main options with Cool Storage Blobs and Azure Hot. Clients can use the cool storage for accessing the database. AWS and Google have 5TB object size limit whereas Azure has more than Google and AWS (with 500TB per account limit).

Determine the price of object storage is more difficult because patrons probably select to host their database in a single region or more that they can run their backup plan in many regions. This is the best practice to make sure you ought to access to your database if there is a sudden incident in an area.

File storage

A new use case is the usage of a cloud-based file storage system. File storage looks like a traditional version of the Network File System (NFS).

Clients ought to put the files to the system from any device or VM connected to it. Then, they can read and retrieve files easily. This cloud storage is quite new, and it still does not have enough features compared to object storage and block one.

AWS offers the file storage is called Elastic File System which launched from beta version since June 2016. This supports users to get files from AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) virtual machines through a virtual private cloud or from AWS Direct Connect and VPC.

With the file storage, there is not any size limitation. Thus, it automatically scales based on requirement, and it also gives a 50MB per second via per TB of storage. Clients ought to pay for up to 100MBps at $0.30 per GB each month.

Azure also gives Azure File Storage which is similar to the nature platform, but it has a great capacity up to 5TB per file and 500TB per account. Moreover, it requires manual scaling and provides a 60MBps via reading files.


In fact, there have been lots of discussions on which cloud service provider is best. Our article does a great mission of comparing the aspects of the big 3 cloud storage provider – AWS, Azure, and Google.

We prefer using Azure, and we have found that it works well for our customers and us. However, you can choose two other providers. In fact, the world of cloud storage has many factors that you should consider. Each has several storage choices with a different price point in the specific schemes.
AWS, Azure, and Google – Which one is the Best for You? AWS, Azure, and Google – Which one is the Best for You? Reviewed by thanhcongabc on October 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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